by PAUL COLLITS – I ONCE wrote a case study on activist journalists, and no prizes for guessing who the subject of the case study was.
Louise Milligan is simply indefatigable. Like a dog with a bone. Or like one of those old plastic blow-up toys (that readers of a certain age will remember) that you keep whacking but it always bounces back upright.
- The broadcaster sees Catholic teachings on sex as the way to take on and defeat Louise Milligan’s biggest enemy.
- The ABC wants children to be taught just about every sexual practice under the sun, and encouraged to affirm them all.
- Above all, Milligan is fundamentally a sucker for lies.
As ever, without shame or contrition for past errors, and without the remotest sense of balance, proportion or fair play. We know she is an ideologue. The other relevant question here is – is she demented or simply stupid?
There is no phenomenon quite like the ex-Catholic feminist scorned. If you ever meet one, you will instantly know what I mean. I have never known such anger. And the never-quite-sated lust for revenge is palpable.
Not content with having attempted to destroy the life of a recently deceased, white martyr Cardinal and the career of a Liberal leadership contender (Christian Porter), the ABC’s hit-girl has struck again.
This time, she has set her sights on Catholic schools. In particular, the Pared schools Redfield College, Wollemi College, Tangara School and Montgrove College. All of these schools are in western and north western Sydney.
Louise Milligan sniffs a story that might destroy the political career of the NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet, ludicrously portrayed as a far-Right politician.
As if the NSW Liberal Party itself isn’t already doing a sterling job of guaranteeing it loses the upcoming – 25 March 2023 – election; it doesn’t need any left from the ABC.
The Leftist Sydney Morning Herald has been well-briefed, of course: “NSW’s powerful education authority is investigating Sydney schools linked to Opus Dei amid a war of words between the ultra-conservative Catholic group and the public broadcaster.
“The ABC’s Four Corners is planning to air a program on Monday night titled Purity: An Education in Opus Dei, alleging ‘disturbing practices’ by the controversial organisation in several schools and exploring its influence in the NSW Liberal Party.
The strategic phrasing is very ABC. “Disturbing practices”. Gosh. They might even be … Catholic!
Hence, a natural target for Four Corners and the clearly disturbed Milligan. For whom “Opus Dei” is clearly a trigger phrase.
She probably has Dan Brown as her bedside reading. The only surprise is that it has taken Milligan this long to get around to Opus Dei. Another item crossed off her Catholic target bucket list.
“Controversial”? They forgot to include “divisive”. “Ultra conservative”?
This is where the bungling incompetence of the Left press gets comical. If decades of close exposure to Opus Dei members have taught me anything, it is that they are not ultra-conservative.
By positioning themselves at the political centre, the likes of SMH or ABC journalists can easily locate and profitably label anyone to their right as “ultra-conservative”. If Dominic Perrottet is to be touted as an example of someone ultra-conservative, we are in Blind Freddie territory.
Opus Dei has three core principles – rigorous Catholic orthodoxy belief; outsized support for the Pope (including the current one, who no one on God’s Earth thinks is ultra-conservative) and the importance of living the Christian faith through everyday work. This is about it, top to bottom.
“Influence in the NSW Liberal Party”? If only it did. We might then get some decent conservative policies.
If you want to know about shadowy, behind-the-scenes influences in the NSW Liberal Party, you need look no further than its Leftist lobbyists. Investigate that, Louise!
It is they who pull the strings and get the personnel and the policies they want. Perrottet’s Opus Dei string pulling, such that it can be said to exist, is singularly hopeless.
What is Pared? It is an organisation of Catholic parents that sets out to provide an orthodox Catholic education to young people of faith.
Quite correctly, these parents have little faith in either the State system or the excessively woke and supine Catholic systemic schools set-up.
Scary stuff! As State schools teach infants about transgenderism and homosexuality, and clearly not much in the way of reading or maths, and Catholic systemic schools progressively discard the Faith of our Fathers as they educate mostly non-Catholic students and provide apparently valued “pastoral care”, is it any surprise that some Catholic parents might have chosen another path? One more aligned with their own faith.
But wait a minute. The current NSW Premier is a graduate of the Pared system, (though he also attended a non-Pared school for a time). The plot suddenly thickens.
The SMH reports: “In a letter sent to parents this week co-signed by the principals of the four schools, the Pared Foundation claimed Monday’s episode “seems to be an attack on the Catholic faith” and an “attempt at damaging the political career” of Perrottet ahead of the March 25 state election.”
I have seen the letter. It actually focuses on the attack by the ABC on Catholic teachings on homosexuality. Now we are getting warm.
The ABC is one of the prime agitators for the replacement of the traditional family with the rainbow version. Pared is seen as a threat to the homosexualist agenda. Let alone the whole trans agenda. It must be crushed.
The ABC sees Catholic teachings on sex as the way to take on and defeat Louise Milligan’s biggest enemy. Remember that it was George Pell’s refusal to serve Holy Communion to rainbow-sashers in 1996 that started the whole WoP (War on Pell).
Homosexual activists are like elephants. They never forget. They are also the elephants in this Four Corners room.
The highly topical trans debate is indicative of the war on parents and family life being waged by education bureaucrats, progressives and public broadcasting media outlets.
And the latest Milligan hit job is simply another data point along the revolutionary journey.
As Joanna Williams at Spiked notes: “These activists hate it when loving parents question the idea that their beautiful child was somehow born in the wrong body and now needs a new name, pronouns and clothes. They get irate when a mum and a dad ask why their perfectly healthy daughter should sign up to lifelong medication and surgery. Having created the myth of the transgender child, activists are now waging a war in its name on parents and families.”
But it isn’t just transgenderism. This is only one front in the war. The immediate aim is the destruction of parents’ rights and the bigger aim is the crushing of the family itself. And Pared is all about families. Hence, an enemy.
The ABC naturally demurs: “That claim has been rejected by the ABC, which said the episode by reporter Louise Milligan ‘investigates serious allegations that are clearly in the public’s interest to be informed about…” a spokesperson said.
“There is nothing in the program that is an attack on the Catholic faith.”
How stupid do they think we are? To ask the question is to answer it.
What is this “consent education, by the way”? And why would Pared oppose it?
Mark Latham MLC, NSW’s leader of One Nation and one of the few NSW politicians earning his salary, has been a vigorous opponent of so-called “consent education”, which is creeping further and further down the age scale in State schools.
He has been a warrior. His Facebook Outsiders page spells out One Nation’s priorities: “We will declare under the NSW Education Act that parents are the primary educators of their children. Not teachers, not bureaucrats, and not politicians.
“It’s part of our 10-point plan to end the nonsense in our classrooms and lift the standards on education.”
A Democratic Labor Party commenter suggests: “Parents should have the first and last say on raising their kids and the education they receive. It’s time for the Government bureaucrats to back out and let the adults handle this.”
Amen to that. This is the long and the short of what Pared schools are seeking to do. Allowing parents a say in their children’s education is anathema to the ABC’s deep antipathy towards traditional families. You know, mum, dad and the kids. They prefer dad, dad and the kids.
The NSW Government that is now run by Perrottet refused to support Latham’s private member’s bill on these matters and in particular on parental rights.
Let me repeat. The NSW Liberal Government refused to support Mark Latham. Instead, they would rather be seen as tacitly supporting the creepy consent education agenda that is sexualising primary school age children as we speak.
This would be on Perrottet’s watch, from the NSW Liberal Government’s own bureaucrats. Not much Pared-style governing going on here.
The ABC reports thus on its own story: “An ABC Four Corners program to be broadcast on Monday will investigate instances of students at Pared schools in the Sydney’s Hills district being taught misinformation about sexual health, including that pornography causes holes in the brain, that girls were being discouraged from getting the HPV cervical cancer vaccine, and that students are subjected to persistent attempts to recruit them to Opus Dei, a small-but-powerful Catholic organisation.”
This is a classic ABC play. Cross-promote your own hit job. Conflate arcane charges about trumped up accusations about subjects that no one has ever heard of with utterly spurious Opus Dei recruitment claims and just put it out there.
Some of the mud will surely stick. Throw in a little anti-vaxxer auto-suggestion. And definitely use the word “misinformation”. Bingo!
Any suggestion of links to anti-vaccine ideas is a sure winner for the ABC. Create the murky. Rinse. Repeat.
Then we throw in the connection between the Catholic Education Office and the NSW election. The agenda is exposed.
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) board member Dallas McInerney – who is also a member of the NSW Liberal Party – was quoted in The Sydney Morning Herald about the forthcoming story, saying that the ABC has a “wider agenda”.
Shocking. A member of the Liberal Party. A conspiracy! And better still, is there a smoking gun?
The ABC cites “dozens” of disgruntled former students. It should be of little surprise that there are angry ex-Catholics out there. Milligan herself is one.
I have met ex-Catholic adults who think that teaching children about hell is a form of child abuse. What the ABC cannot stand is the thought that any young person is still taught traditional sexual ethics. It is 2023 after all!
The ABC wants children to be taught just about every sexual practice under the sun, and encouraged to affirm them all. The ABC should be putting a disclaimer on every episode of Four Corners ever led by Louise Milligan. “We are not disinterested parties in this story”.
Here is classic Milligan: “Isabella, who graduated from school in 2020 but left Tangara earlier because of her experiences there, purses her lips and looks at the ceiling.”
Really. Isabella is crushed because she is told that masturbation and sex outside marriage are Catholic sins. Well, they are.
The reference to pursed lips and looking at the ceiling reminds me of Milligan’s description of Witness J’s doe-like brown eyes which so captivated gullible, conspiracy theorist Louise and caused her to write a defamatory book that helped to destroy the life – but not the spirit – of a certain late Cardinal.
As part of the Pared smear, the ABC has referred to cervical cancer vaccines, alleged to be discouraged by Pared teachers on the grounds that monogamous women of the kind that Pared schools unashamedly seek to produce will not need them. This needs a little unpacking.
HPV is a sexually transmitted disease contracted mainly by young women in their late teens and early twenties. In fact, it is the most common STD. Not the sort of product for which one would expect Montgrove or Tangara girls to be lining up.
HPV can sometimes lead to cervical cancer later. The ABC suggests (wrongly) that the HPV vaccine is a “cancer” vaccine, implying that Pared schools are relaxed about their students risking getting cancer.
Will taking the vaccine lead to an increase in promiscuous behaviour, as allegedly stated at Pared schools? Well, it is an empirical question and an entirely plausible hypothesis.
Remember how a similar argument made about the pill in the sixties was dismissed as alarmism? Of course, it won’t increase promiscuity!
Freely available, cheap, easy to administer birth control gave us the entire sexual revolution and all of its disbenefits, depravity, widespread abortion and the crushing of the family. All things cheered on as part of the modern libertine utopia by the ABC.
Oh, and the supposed benefits of the HPV vaccines have been lauded by Big Pharma. Well, they would, wouldn’t they? The recent record of vaccine makers telling industrial-scale lies is (or, at least, should be) well-known.
There is one obvious answer to parents who don’t want their children to be taught Catholic sexual values and traditional Catholic virtue passed on down the generations since the time of St Peter.
Louise Milligan is a repressed, anti-Catholic dog-whistler and a one-woman cheerleader for the sexual revolution that has almost single-handedly silenced and sidelined the Church in our times. Nothing more, nothing less.
Above all, Milligan is fundamentally a sucker for lies. (She believed the absurd stories of Witness J, as noted. Quod erat demonstrandum). And we pay her salary. And her legal bills, regularly incurred.
Once upon a time, Four Corners was a serious program. It was compered by Robert Moore, a respected journalist and outstanding presenter. They were the days.
They explored real issues, not the fantasies of disturbed activists. Louise Milligan’s persistence as an employee of the ABC demonstrates like nothing else the massive decline of the public broadcaster. She and her Squad mates have turned the ABC into a sheltered workshop for distressed feminists.
And the saddest thing of all?
That the Voice advocating, greenie-supporting, profligate spending, Aboriginal flag-waving, Gladys-idolising NSW Premier went scurrying off to have Pared schools investigated following the ABC’s attack should not come as any surprise.
That is his way. Despite his Pared education. Truly pathetic. That he has rolled over in the face of a clever but blatant attempt by our taxpayer funded broadcaster to bully and further marginalise traditional Christians just shows how little we can trust our politicians to demonstrate leadership.
Despite all the cross-promotion by the ABC, Milligan’s latest hit-piece will have gathered its usual tiny audience, one hopes.PC