OPPOSITION leader Anthony Albanese has been called “too dumb” to lead Australia, as he continues to struggle with his own policy details.
The latest criticism comes off the back of a press conference this week, where he was unable to recall his six-point NDIS policy.

- A PM must have a certain level of intelligence, of capacity, of recall.
- He’s too dumb. This is not a game of on-the-job learning
- It’s now cringeworthy for people to admit they support Labor.
This latest incident follows a stumbling campaign when the Labor leader admitted on day one that he didn’t know the national unemployment rate nor the Reserve Bank cash rate.
Former Victorian Liberal Party President Michael Kroger said Australian prime ministers required a certain level of intelligence – “but he’s never done the work”.
“I hate to say this, and to be personal, but to be honest he’s too dumb to be prime minister,” Mr Kroger said.
“You’ve got to have a certain level of intelligence, of capacity, of recall.
“I just think he’s too dumb. This is not a game of on-the-job learning.”
Mr Kroger said it was now cringeworthy for people to admit they supported Labor.
“He’s made so many stuff ups, it’s embarrassing to say you’re voting for Anthony Albanese.”
Mr Kroger said the ALP had been demoralised.
“When you get to that disastrous point in a campaign and your leader is that terrible, it affects the morale of candidates.
“This guy is a dud, he doesn’t know anything about his policies.”
Former Parliamentary Speaker Bronwyn Bishop said Mr Albanese had never been on top of his game.
“I sat in that chamber with Mr Albanese from 1996 to 2016 and he was never a star performer, ever,” Ms Bishop said.
“He was never ever contemplated for leadership,” she said.
“The significant thing about his disastrous train wreck of a press conference – concerning the NDIS – is that there are very few policy initiatives on the table.
“And the Labor Party has been touting the NDIS as an important policy issue.
“As the leader, he was asked a relevant question by a journalist … he couldn’t answer it.
“It wasn’t a ‘gotcha’ question, it was a legitimate question to ask.
“The important thing is that Mr Albanese is not fit for government.” PC
Chris Kenny, The Australian
A survey this week by Compass Polling tested what percentage of global emissions people thought could be directly attributed to Australia. Astonishingly, the average answer was 10 per cent – 10 times higher than the reality. Half of all respondents put the figure at 10 per cent or higher. More than 10 per cent of respondents said Australia contributed 20 per cent or more of global emissions. And a slightly lower proportion got it right at around 1 per cent.
This level of ignorance is reprehensible when you consider the media, political and educational fixation with climate change over the past two decades.
Yet few people call it out; the major parties, most of the media, and academe, all constrain the debate within absurd boundaries of make believe – they all pretend our climate policies matter.
Wait til Chris Kenny finds out that we make 1% of human emissions which are only 4% of total emissions, so that’s 0.04% or 4 parts in ten thousand of all the CO2 emissions on Earth. And that’s assuming CO2 emissions matter in the first place, which they probably don’t given how the effect of CO2 is dwarfed by the effect of water, and the tiny warming (such as it is) is beneficial in any case.
Attention: Zali
The Australian
Marketing company employees campaigning on behalf of the Simon Holmes a Court-linked Smart Energy Council in Liberal seats are told to conceal they are being paid.
The above reminds me of the media reports during the 2019 Federal Election about the GetUp activist support for the Steggall campaign hiring Western Suburbs of Sydney school for aspiring actors and models to travel to Warringah Electorate to perform as concerned climate children, they were given orange shirts and teal shirts to wear depending on the venue and objectives.
Political Theatre to fool the people.
Bolt Report, two Climate200 candidates masquerading as Independents have supported China’s position by criticising the Coalition Government for their handling of the China (Chinese Communist Party) situation. They ignored the refusal of Chinese officials to accept phone calls from our Government, the illegal trade restrictions ignoring the Free Trade Agreement between the two nations, the threats from China (including threats directed towards many other nations that have not performed to the satisfaction of the CCP), refusal to cooperate in an inquiry into the source of COVID-19 and directing anger at PM Morrison for daring to propose an inquiry he conducted.
Do those fools realise that their Climate200 climate change objectives for renewable energy to replace power stations and other demands would be an exercise in futility considering that China increases emissions every year by more than the total emissions produced in Australia? That Australia’s emissions are tiny as a fraction of global emissions and the several major source nations?
The Union controlled Labor candidate for Bennelong electorate has also been caught out criticising the Morrison Government on China affairs, and even Minister for Defence Dutton for being outspoken on national security and defence as priority issues. He said that the Chinese Australian community are angry with the Morrison Government for not dealing with China to their satisfaction.
Fasten your seatbelts and hang on people, if these left leaning candidates become influential after the Federal Election.
On the other hand regarding Independents, think about former North Sydney Mayor ted Mack who was elected as MP for North Sydney as an Independent (a real one with no Climate200 or similar backing).
Ted Mack served for two terms and refused to stand for election again, he explained that as an Independent he had no easy contact with Cabinet Ministers or the support of colleagues in a party meeting room. And therefore his ability to achieve things for his constituents were extremely limited.
He retired from Parliament and refused to accept a parliamentary pension and benefits explaining that he had not earned them.
“Childhood and education
Albanese grew up with his mother and maternal grandparents in a Sydney City Council home in the Inner West suburb of Camperdown, opposite the Camperdown Children’s Hospital.
His grandfather died in 1970, and the following year his mother married James Williamson. He was given his step-father’s surname, but the marriage lasted only 10 weeks as Williamson proved to be an abusive alcoholic. Albanese’s mother worked part-time as a cleaner but suffered from chronic rheumatoid arthritis, with the family surviving on her disability pension and his grandmother’s old-age pension.”
I thought the story was single mother and son alone?
Yes, Albanese is obviously unintelligent, a real doofus! But shockingly, he was the best of a bad lot when it came to picking Labor’s Leader.
Therefore, there would be a further step down to his Front Bench; they will be a very inferior bunch. I despair at the thought of our Country, our ship of State being under their command.
We will surely end up on the rocks!
It is rather sad that he claimed to be economics adviser to Labor PM Hawke, but was not, he was however an electorate office staffer for Labor junior Cabinet Minister Tom Uren, but was not even based in Canberra.
I agree with the comments. Albo is too silly to be PM. Just wait til voters have their say!
It would be interesting to read a psychological appraisal on Albo, the falsely claimed to be economics adviser to Labor Prime Minister Hawke when Albo was employed in the Electorate Office as a junior gofor staffer for Cabinet Minister and far left faction MP Tom Uren, a junior minister at the time.
Albo’s stated mission in life was to fight Tories from his left wing warrior fantasy world, there are no Tories in Australia. He constantly claims that growing up in a single parent household, Housing Commission tenant and welfare recipient is his badge of honour and somehow a reason why voters should vote for Union controlled Labor with Albo to become Prime Minister.
During the campaign so far he has got far more wrong than he managed to get right, an economics degree Labor PM claimed to have been economic adviser cannot remember current statistics despite being in Parliament while they were presented and discussed, most recently when the Budget for 2022/23 was tabled.
Too dumb to be Prime Minister?
He doesn’t present as prime ministerial.
A song to Our Don Bradman-
Each way Albo
He will tell you what you want to hear
Each way Albo
Always talking through his rear.
What sort of leader doesn’t even know any details of his own policies? Why would anyone sane vote for someone who is going to make it up as they go? The stuff made up on the go will not have been run by the People via the Democratic process.
A vote for Albo is a vote for the future of our nation to be made up on the go.
“Made up on the go” reminds me of the Rudd Union controlled Labor Federal Government and his Deputy Julia Gillard, described often as chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent Federal Government November 2007 to September 2013.
Zero debt, $22 billion budget surplus and over $60 billion Futures Fund investment inherited, Future Fund earnings used to pay public service pensions removing that expense from the need to make provision to pay every financial year. Rudd Union Labor were the first to benefit from that Budget saving.
An independent review of the 2013/14 Labor Budget commissioned by the Abbott Coalition Government Treasurer Joe Hockey revealed major budget expenditure items not funded, budget deficit (cumulative) under-stated and real debt exceeding $400 billion after the Abbott Government raised the debt ceiling to fund the unfunded Labor Budget items including NDIS and Gonski State Education Grants.
But now Albo has a plan, apparently, if he can remember what it is.
It’s a travesty that the ALP continues to throw up such duds. Keating, Rudd, Gillard, Shorten and now Albanese. An inept LNP has much to be grateful for.
In The Bulletin Magazine during 2006 around the time Union controlled Labor handed the leadership to Kevin Rudd and deputy leadership to Julia Gillard journalist Max Walsh warned that the Union Movement, noting that the ALP was always representing unionists and unions, had carried out “a corporate-style takeover” of Labor, union trained executives handed safe Labor seats in Parliament, we later learnt that via the AWU Bill Shorten before he became an MP established the GetUp activist organisation in Australia funded by the Union Movement. Shorten became a Director on the GetUp Board.
Walsh’s article contained many warnings about the future Union plans including to take control of all of Australia’s governments. Right now in 2022 they effectively control: WA, SA, VIC, ACT, QLD & NT. Controlling the Federal Government would be a major victory for the Union Movement.
It would also be well received by their Chinese Communist Party comrades based on the increasing amount of evidence we have been shown to date.
The Teal coloured candidates backed by Climate200 masquerading as Independent candidates (and with GetUp again support), friends of the Greens and the far left Labor majority, are very clearly recruits for a master plan to get rid of real Liberals and Nationals, meaning centre and centre right, preparing for an alliance of far left MPs as many as are elected. The Teal Party is not campaigning against even one Liberal MP.
Interestingly, at the website stopturnbull.com part of the Timeline History covers a desire to get rid of the Liberal Party working from within, and supporting globalism based on natural climate change (weather is different) politics, a hoax and including a tipping point for warming that has been predicted a few times in past years but did not eventuate, so the hoaxers move their goal posts accordingly to indicate a new tipping point climate emergency.
It’s all about international politics and a grab for influence and control, crony capitalism wealth creation from economic vandalism projects investment.
Don’t be fooled, Albo is a lightweight union puppet, isn’t it obvious?
And consider the Greens unhinged objectives that their Union Labor comrades mostly support.
And finally those Teal Party candidates, do they really have what it takes to influence government, and why if any of them do are they recruits for a very narrow minded and focused group of backers?
With regard to Zali Steggall – Teal Party candidate masquerading as an Independent.
Are you aware of her proposed legislation that includes appointment of an independent Commissioner, independent of our elected Federal Government, Prime Minister and other Cabinet Ministers, for climate change?
Tim Flannery who predicted that the Sydney Opera House would be swamped by water by 2000, that dams would never fill again because of a lack of sufficient rainfall and other predictions that never happened was head of the NGO Climate Office that the Abbott Coalition Government stopped funding with taxpayer’s monies. So now the proposed legislation that has been obtained and read by journalist Andrew Bolt who has reported his concerns about the content of the legislation on Bolt Report Sky News and elsewhere. A Commissioner with absolute power to force, for example, closure of coal mines, shut down coal fired power stations sooner than being planned and with no replacements, banning the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles in favour of electric vehicles, and much more.
It appears that all of the Climate200 (GetUp support activist organisation) candidates masquerading as Independents support the Steggall proposed legislation.
Has anybody sighted a list of Teal Party policies and costings? As far as I have seen and heard they focus on climate change and related wealth creation business opportunities for crony capitalists, hardly a nation building platform.
As Professor Ian Plimer and many other scientists have pointed out many times, climate change is natural (Earth Cycles) and the contributions from human activity pale into insignificance when compared to natural sources of emissions like volcanic activity and many other natural events.
Climate change politics is really a climate based hoax, for example, the emissions from Australia are very low compared to the several major source countries, and emissions from China every year increase by more than the total of emissions from Australia. To demand that Australia does more to blindly follow the slogan “save the planet” and beware of a “tipping point” as temperature rises (but actually not by much and noting that it is natural after very cold periods of Ice Age and the last Little Ice Age that Earth’s temperature increases and the ice melts away. And that takes centuries, is absolute nonsense. And worse, crony capitalists seeking to increase their wealth at the expense of we the people.
In conclusion, if you missed the Bolt Report this week segment about the abuse of our public education system by teachers using propaganda material, videos and teaching aids, to indoctrinate children at schools, taking up many hours of teaching time rather than teaching the subjects they are supposed to teach, I recommend that you go to Sky News website and check it out.
What is happening to the global warming?