THE following speech was given by former PM Malcolm Turnbull in 2015 shortly after his NSW Left faction undermined and knifed elected PM Tony Abbott in a Liberal partyroom coup.
The speech pretty much set the tone for his short stint as PM. He was mercifully removed from office by his colleagues in 2018.
PM TURNBULL: We’re not run by factions, we’re not run by …
AUDIENCE: [falls off chairs laughing]
TURNBULL: Well, you may, you may uh, you may, you may uh dispute that but I have to tell you from experience that we are not run by factions.
AUDIENCE: [rolling on floor, tears streaming down cheeks]
TURNBULL: Nor, nor, nor are we run – nor are we run by big business or by deals in backrooms (rubs nose extra vigorously).
AUDIENCE: [laughter turns to groans of embarrassment at the sheer…].
TURNBULL: We, we rely upon the ideas, and the energy… [continues endlessly waffling at an audience – and a nation – which had permanently tuned out].PC