Berejiklian teeters on cliff edge

Berejiklian teeters on cliff edge

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THE Berejiklian government remains teetering despite Nationals leader John Barilaro walking back plans to withdraw his parliamentary support. The Deputy Premier last week announced – then withdrew – plans to lead his entire Nationals team to the cross benches in response to the government’s latest Greens-inspired environmental planning policy – the so-called koala habitat protection plan.

Renewables to crash NSW recovery

Renewables to crash NSW recovery

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NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean is on a collision course with the State’s powerful Parliamentary Development Committee which has warned renewable energy is incapable of meeting growth demands. Mr Kean, who hopes to reduce State carbon emissions by 35 per cent by 2030 and 100 per cent by 2050, is under pressure to back away from his pet project by the cross-Party committee findings.