Left’s brutal betrayal of proud soldiers

Left’s brutal betrayal of proud soldiers

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THE drums of war are indeed beating. And it may well be that Australia will again be sending her warriors overseas. These are “brutal truths”, notwithstanding Canberra’s denigration of our soldiers’ ancient “warrior culture”. After all, is it still not the aim of the army to kill the enemy, and to accept for themselves, as Pericles said “joyfully”, the risk of death?

Families thrown to wolves by queer agenda

Families thrown to wolves by queer agenda

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A FAILURE by politicians to quickly dismantle the radical Left’s social re-engineering agenda has resulted in “quiet” Australian families suffering relentless attacks from obsessed activists. Well-intentioned businesses, community associations and sporting organisers have stood alone while being shamed and set-upon by hardened political militants pushing an aggressive identity agenda.

Morrison delivers hope to browbeaten nation

Morrison delivers hope to browbeaten nation

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PRIME Minister Scott Morrison has come out swinging against the Left’s divisive cultural agenda in a speech that has renewed hope among centre-right conservatives. Mr Morrison’s powerful speech last week – coupled with his Defence Minister Peter Dutton’s earlier warning that a PC-obsessed military needed to “get back to business” – has buoyed a heavily browbeaten nation.

Queen Elizabeth’s surprise gift to kids – & gays

Queen Elizabeth’s surprise gift to kids – & gays

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AS A teenager growing up in England I was an active Trotskyist. My pal and fellow Trotskyist PJ and I devised a petition to have Queen Elizabeth – or Mrs Elizabeth Windsor as we preferred to called her – her husband, the late Duke of Edinburgh, and her children, evicted from Buckingham Palace and re-housed in a modest semi-detached home in the outer London dormitory suburb of Croydon.