ABC driven by malice

ABC driven by malice

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IF YOU listen to two of the ABC’s Sydney radio stations, national and local, they regularly report a 1°C difference in the city’s temperature. But at noon on Saturday June 19, one station declared it was 15°C, immediately followed by the other saying it was 12°C, without any of those qualifications about this being how it felt.

Gladys: Slightly Left but dominated by radicals

Gladys: Slightly Left but dominated by radicals

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THE mild mannered and oddly admired Premier of NSW leads a dangerously radical government, driven by Leftist factional players and behind-the-scenes power brokers who most voters have never heard of. Indeed, many Party members may well have never heard of them. And, apparently, very few NSW citizens either recognise the radical agenda of the government nor care about it. What these people are up to and how they have gotten away with it is a story for the ages.

Hard-Left Libs pause vicious purge

Hard-Left Libs pause vicious purge

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EFFORTS to expel up to 550 conservative Liberal members have been shelved after the sneaky plot by Left-wing Party elites was publicly exposed. Centre-right Liberals have been discreetly routed by the Party hierarchy for years and have been pushed out, if not from the Party itself then from almost every senior political position. Tony Abbott being among the most high-profile to be viciously shafted.