FORMER Prime Minister John Howard has provided a ringing endorsement of Philip Argy to take the NSW Liberal presidency, just days out from the controversial vote.
With former Parramatta “captain’s pick” Maria Kovacic also running for the top job, Australia’s greatest living Liberal said Mr Argy had “the qualities much in need at present”.

- Ms Kovacic’s nomination has divided Liberal MPs.
- Many believe she’s being used as a factional pawn.
- Kean’s allies respond: “We don’t need someone who is pale, male and stale.”
“For close to 30 years, Philip Argy was an active and helpful Liberal member in my old electorate of Bennelong,” Mr Howard wrote.
“He brought energy and high intelligence to what he did,” he said.
“Philip was always keen to strengthen the Party organisation. As well, he constantly argued for good policies, which were consistent with our basic values.
“These are two qualities much in need at present.”
Meanwhile, according to The Australian newspaper, Ms Kovacic’s appointment has divided Liberal MPs.
The Party’s Left faction, run by NSW Treasurer Matt Kean, has backed her “temperament and credentials” saying she represented the Party’s future, while others believe she is being used as a factional pawn.
The newspaper reports that several women were approached to run, including former NSW politicians Robyn Parker and Patricia Forsythe, the Australian high commissioner to New Zealand, before Ms Kovacic was eventually approached.
Leftist Liberals, according to The Australian, disagreed with Mr Howard saying Mr Argy was not what the Party needed.
“He’s definitely the wrong look for the Party at this point in time,” one of Mr Kean’s allies said.
“We don’t need someone who is pale, male and stale.” PC
This is all we’ll ever get under national cabinet and our perpetual state of global emergency governance. Yet more naked oppression!
Connect the dots. We have endured controlled opposition at best as a result of corrupt international top-down communist gradualism for decades.
As usual, its handsomely bankrolled subversion and abuse of trust over time has won — thus far.
But blurred vision, however belated, is rapidly wearing off for around 40 percent of the silenced and cheated majority. They don’t stomach the divisive political discourse and propaganda of this neo-Marxist/corporate fascist takeover via the UN/WEF and billionaire banking/cororate stakeholders.
All participants, here and throughout developed nations engaged in this orchestrated mutually assured self-destruction, are compromised to a greater or lesser degree by rubber stamping its suicidal raft of criminal cartel agreements and regulations then using steamroller tactics to translate them into immutable domestic laws.
We need to understand that our own aspiring globalist elites (our politicians, bureaucrats and mainstream media) are simply handsomely paid and protected middle managers — mercenaries all in the Armageddon that is the Great Reset.
If Kean remains in the LP my vote goes to another democratic party such as National or One Nation (not Labor, Greens or Teals)
seems like the real way forward is with a coalition of One Nation and United Australia Parties, especially after hearing UAP’s New senator in Victoria and that scene will be a perfect place for it to take over and play out for the people of Australia’s future and ability to rid this country of the socialist Parties in our Governments and also NSW and turn these two States back into the power house wealth states they once were 🙂
I’d have to agree, at least partially. There are more displaced conservative voters than there are votes in any of the conservative parties and I don’t think any of them are on a stand-alone path to success.
The major parties no longer represent anything other than the fortunes of their inner circles, the minor parties are more intent on fighting with each other and debating ideology than they are in inspiring those of us with a clue.
You’re dead right the solution is in uniting towards a common goal, the goal of redressing the balance and putting Australians values back in place. It’s a huge task, and a task for all of us. There is no waiting for some political hero figure come to save us, even the best of those will be defeated quickly if all of us don’t get behind them. Just look at recent history to validate that suggestion.
The recent federal election was one massive missed opportunity and worse it has left many of us feeling defeated despite frustrated conservatives being a huge majority of the voter base.
We all need to back the Alex Antics, the Malcolm Roberts and Mark Latham types and many more, and we need to implore the minor parties to work together, whether that be by merger, or coalition.
Minor parties will remain just that if they focus on their differences rather than on their common goals.
I’ve given up on the Liberal Party, it has become so riddled with self serving, over ambitious careerists that it no longer represents anything, certainly it no longer represents the values of hard working Australians.
Do we all sit around feeling powerless as the country is ruined and impoverished beneath us, or do we all do our tiny bit to set it right? I wish I had all the answers, I don’t! but for mine the way forward is to speak up, refuse to be cancelled, encourage and support those brave enough to speak out and implore all conservative voices to unite and work together.
Any better suggestion are welcome, I’ll be only too glad to consider them. Who’s in? Who’s prepared to have a go?
If the Party doesn’t get rid of the lamentable lefty Kean; it will become another Communist Party. If his choice for Party President wins, the party is stuffed totally. It is time to get rid of this left wing rubbish abnd get back to an honest decent center of the spectrum party again. I certainly support John Howards views on Philip Argy; he would be a superb guiding light to restore decency to the once great Liberal Party. Many of us old time Liberal voters will vote elsewhere; in the coming state election, in the hope we get rid of these ghastly interlopers.
Time to bring this country back to basics as John Howard says! Philip Argy sounds a much wiser choice for truth and honesty. Kean’s left promises to rip this countries heart out 🙁
Team Kean says “We don’t need someone who is pale, male and stale.”
PALE: Team Kean foisting racism into the once proud Broad Church!
MALE: Not content with racial divides, Team Kean imposes a healthy dose of sexism!
STALE: Team Kean has no time for stale concepts like representation, membership votes or foundation Liberal Party values.
How many times do we have to tell the Liberal Party of NSW, that Kean and his Climate Cabal goes or the votes do? If you won’t take my word for that, take the word of the Australian voters. They have made this abundantly clear to the coalition in every single state and federal contest since the factional grubs rolled Tony Abbott in defiance of a then much larger party membership.
Having voted Liberal for 60 years except for 2016 & 2022 will us true conservatives ever have a Conservative party to vote for again, little choice with two socialist parties the now so called majors?