AUSTRALIA’s Bureau of Meteorology has quietly altered historical temperatures in an effort to ensure official records align with its “global warming” narrative.
The unannounced changes were posted on the bureau’s website last month, effectively cooling the past and warming the present.

- Without scientific justification historical temperatures are dropped down, cooling the past.
- December’s adjustments were the third set of alterations undertaken by the bureau since 2013.
- The impact of the adjustments was to cool the past and so, therefore, warm the present.
According to scientist Jennifer Marohasy the bureau’s actions are an attempt to “generate more global warming for the same weather”.
“I have shown repeatedly, including in peer-reviewed publications, that without scientific justification historical temperatures are dropped down, cooling the past,” Dr Marohasy told The Australian newspaper this weekend.
“This has the effect of making the present appear hotter – it is a way of generating more global warming for the same weather.”
Dr Marohasy, a critic of the bureau’s “homogenisation” process, said the daily maximum and minimum values in the national temperature dataset were different from the actual recorded historical value, often by several degrees, and usually cooler.
December’s adjustments were the third set of temperature alterations undertaken by the Bureau of Meteorology since 2013.
Then prime minister Tony Abbott launched an enquiry into the bureau’s questionable activities, however, this was quickly dropped after he was rolled by Malcolm Turnbull.
Independent analysis of the 2021 adjustments show 0.06C was added to maximum warming temperatures and 0.11C to the minimum from 1910-19 compared to 2010-19
Climate researcher Chris Gillham said while the changes were not large, they were changes nevertheless.
“The impact of the adjustments was to cool the past and warm the present,” he said.
The bureau declined to comment on Mr Gillham’s research, instead citing international reviews regarding its homogenisation practices.
“These external reviews expressed overall confidence in the bureau’s practices and found its data and analysis methods to be among the best in the world,” a BoM spokesman said.
The bureau said adjustments were necessary to reflect the relocation of weather recording equipment.
It claims that, based on its records, 2021 was the 19th warmest year since national records began in 1910, but also the coolest year since 2012.PC
The lies put up by Teals, Labor, Greens and some Libs ae treasonable to say the least! Bringing this country and medical system to its knees! To appease the also lying UN and European council
Proven by the fact we need more fuel for industry and commerce across the world and the Crooked Governments cannot hide anymore! Time to replace them all as they are now in the minority!
Is the Bureau of Meteorology putting a BoM through statistics in order to scatter the facts so they can metamorphise them towards their overlord’s profitablility with regard into crazy inventions like – building windmills in Europe, when arks might have been more sensible during the recent flooding?
Does PM Morrison even know this deception is happening? Or are his eyes closed wide open. Or maybe it’s his factional overlords advising him to ignore the obvious.
“Does PM Morrison even know this deception is happening?”
Morrison is nothing more than a stooge – the truly breathtaking extent of the breadth and depth of his idiocy make him particularly useful as far as his socialist puppet-masters are concerned.
The climate hoax is just like the Covid hoax and other leftist attacks on innocent hard working people. Kicking us whilst we are down. The fact is that here in Australia our hottest year was five years ago and 2021 was our coldest year. Go figure (Greens??). Al Gore scammed the world out of millions on this hoax and bought a huge water front mansion and his mate Obama moved in along side him.
No, COVID-19 (2019 discovered) is real, and so are the mutations or new strains discovered since 2019.
There has been an attempt to hijack the pandemic for leftist purposes (reset/build back better – from covid) but unfortunately the virus is most definitely real.
Ian Plimer is coming to Sydney soon to speak at a Liberal Party Special interest night. So far no global warming enthusiasts have been found who are prepared to debate him. Those from Tim Flannery’s Climate Council refuse to debate him, based on their stated premise that their science is irrefutable, despite his hopeless history of dud predictions. We are hoping to find a global warmist to front, who has the courage of his convictions.
Craig Kelly called out the greenies warming scam at the Bureau of Meteorology with great specificity, a long time ago, but none of them ever tried to defend their position, knowing that they couldn’t.
What a group of fraudulent scammers they all are!
This story spans back to when Doctor Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues went public about their investigations into Bureau of Meteorology climate and warming based media releases which they claim were not in line with historical record data, for example, the very hot drought period and heatwave conditions earlier than 1910 were not taken into account. Another report claimed that BoM automatic weather stations were located in “heat sinks” because of building and construction that had taken place long after a weather station was installed, others near airport runways and similar locations where temperature readings were inaccurate.
The unofficial investigators wrote the the Minister responsible for the BoM in 2013/14 after the Abbott Coalition Government defeated Rudd Labor (Rudd, Gillard & Rudd Labor 2007-2013) in a landslide victory. The Minister apparently tabled the letter in Cabinet for discussion and Prime Minister Abbott apparently proposed that an independent audit, that due diligence be conducted at the BoM but his proposal was defeated in Cabinet. The Minister asked BoM management for an explanation regarding the Marohasy and colleagues allegations and I read that the response claimed “errors and omissions” as the reasons for the discrepancy. And in reply assured the Minister that these would be dealt with to ensure there were no repeats.
Readers will remember that Prime Minister Abbott was replaced by Prime Minister Turnbull during 2015 after being subjected to undermining for years beginning in 2009 through to 2015 both as Opposition Leader and then when he was Prime Minister. You might also recall that during his last months as PM he and his Cabinet supporters managed to negotiate for a realistic emissions target to be taken to the UN IPCC Paris Conference late November into December 2015, Agreement signed later in New York early in 2016 by the “Turnbull Government” and later ratified, without needing to do so, later in 2016.
Much earlier the UK mathematician and hereditary Lord Christopher Monckton warned Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders in a video that their Prime Ministers were being targeted by the globalists because the three of them were not cooperating with UN IPCC climate hoax and warming agenda. You might also recall our media and others falsely claiming that PM Abbott was in denial about climate change after he actually acknowledged natural climate change and described the climate hoax modelling as “crap”. Earlier Christopher Monckton had audited that modelling and his report was not well received by the IPCC who dismissed his report claiming that he is not a climate scientist, but he never claimed to be a scientist, he is a mathematician and therefore auditing modelling rubbery figures is one of his strengths. His report was reviewed by scientists who agreed with his findings.
During October 2015 UN Official Christiana Figureres admitted to an audience that climate change was not the real objective of climate change politics, the real objective is to get rid of the free market (the left call capitalism) that has been so successful especially in developed nations creating prosperity and all of the benefits that has delivered, like advanced medical care and much more. I will post a link to this later.
There can be no doubt whatsoever that climate change is natural Earth Cycles since time began, there have been hotter periods in the past than we have experienced in recent times, and since the BoM decided to just about ignore weather records prior to 1910 in Australia. It was shortly before that year that Dorothea Mackellar wrote her wonderful poem including: “a land of droughts and flooding rains” describing Australia and her memories staying on family pastoral properties.
At the UN IPCC Copenhagen Conference to which PM Rudd took a huge delegation with him from Australia, that conference was a failure similar to the most recent COP26 in Glasgow, the delegation from China reported that during 3,600 years of civilisation records there were three warmer periods than the present and each brought greater prosperity as crop yields increased …… that CO2 – Carbon Dioxide plant food helped too, that the climate hoaxers refer to now as “carbon pollution”, Carbon is C not CO2 yet the Paris Agreement emissions reduction and many other references highlight CO2 as the primary target for reduction.
Some here might be aware of the hacked emails made public shortly before the Copenhagen Conference, named “Climate Gate 1 & 2” because the emails were released in two batches. They were emails between the “scientists” that created the computer modelling that the IPCC claims to prove that there is “global warming” and a tipping point that is changed as each end date gets closer. And so many misleading predictions, Sydney Opera House would be underwater by 2000, the dams will never fill again, etc. The “science is settled” we have been told, but science is never settled and is open to debate and change. Also claimed that most scientists agree that the science is settled, but those scientists are actually a small number dwarfed by the total number of scientists worldwide.
Yet slowly but surely the climate political agenda has been implemented by governments and private sector businesses. Some call them “crony capitalists” who are globalists and who seek to increase their wealth via climate based ventures, unreliable so called renewable energy supply businesses, electric vehicles and infrastructure, carbon credits sold by bankers to virtue signalling citizens and to businesses that want to avoid problems based on emissions from their business activities, for example. Emissions Trading Schemes for profit. The cooperative of politicians and investors seeking subsidies for profits paid by taxpayers-consumers.
One of the most dangerous developments is the World Economic Forum “reset, build back better and new green deal” agendas now gaining support from the climate hoax based participants. I was relieved to discover that Prime Minister Morrison recently addressed the WEF by video link and explained that the government he leads believes in the free market (capitalist system) and will continue to support businesses here and related economic prosperity for all Australians. I was concerned about his address until I researched and discovered that he did not support the WEF theory that we the people should have no assets and be happier. In fact he also rejected demands at COP26 for an end to coal mining and use, and to change the Paris Agreement emissions target already committed since 2016, and he said that Australia will have “an aspirational goal” for net zero emissions by 2050 subject to research and development of new technology if it can be done. Again he emphasised that the Australian economy is first and foremost in mind.
Oh what a wicked web they (UN IPCC and globalism) have woven since they first practised to deceive us with support from compliant governments that seem to conveniently ignore the Constitution and referendums to seek the permission of we the people.
It does appear that peak stupidity has now passed, from the Abbott Government opposition to economic vandalism of climate hoax politics to the Morrison Government treading carefully through the minefield that was laid long before 2018 when Prime Minister Morrison replaced Prime Minister Turnbull.
I sincerely hope.
U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare
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06:43 PM ET 02/10/2015
Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this.
At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.
Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.
Figueres is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming “the economic development model” because she’s really never seen it work. “If you look at Ms. Figueres’ Wikipedia page,” notes Cato economist Dan Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left.
Investors Business Daily
Do yourself a favour and research now deceased Canadian billionaire Maurice Strong, a former senior UN Official and said to have been the chief architect of using natural climate change for leftist political purposes.
And that he was wanted by the Environmental Protection Agency of Canada for drilling into an aquifer under a property he owned to access fresh water to bottle and sell. He was granted asylum in China by the CCP and later died there. His cousin was a girlfriend of Chairman Mao Zedong.
The Spectator Magazine and other sources have published Maurice Strong’s history.
At 77 years of age, and having spent a large percentage of my working life out in the elements! I fully concur with what the Good Dr is stating regards our climate alterations of facts! She is correct with her deductions and assertions regards The altering of historical facts even comparing my life with what they are saying doesn’t fit
As a builder relative likes to point out, if people worked outdoors and away from air conditioned premises and travelling in air conditioned transport to and from air conditioned homes they might better understand that weather is weather and in Australia we experience heatwaves, droughts, bushfires and flooding rains regularly in any one person’s lifetime.
And when the BoM media releases are read out by television news weather presenters who claim the latest hottest day, week, month, year and other deceptive descriptions of natural weather events change to another channel. Paul Sheehan journalist wrote a book “The Electronic Whorehouse” and describes our left leaning media perfectly.
They were called out on this a few years by Marohasy. Came up with some half arsed excuse which was more about CYA than science. This just shows another Australian government organization which cannot be trusted. Are there any that can?
The political situation extends far beyond individual politicians and even politicians in any one nation, the Fabian Society of England (Marxist organisation) founded in the late 1800s were I believe first to decide on a new world order, one world government agenda, and one of their mottos was “the inevitability of gradualness”, it might not happen straight away but over time it will happen.
The rot set in after the United Nations was established after Work War Two and it was infiltrated by the left side of politics, Australian Labor Attorney General Evatt was one and he developed the plan for the UN to get member nations to sign as many treaties and agreements as possible that could be used to get around the constitutional laws of member nations, if governments needed those excuses. In other words in Australia no referendums for 1975 Lima Protocol (Whitlam Labor Government) agreeing to effectively hand over most manufacturing industry over time, Agenda 21 (Keating Labor Government) – Sustainability and responsible for many changes here that readers need to know about so look up Agenda 21 (2021) which is now Agenda 30. There are many others implemented by Federal, State and local government Councils.
And not all bad but not well publicised quite a lot of handbrakes on economic development and national prosperity, so aren’t we fortunate to live in “The Lucky Country”?
Truth no longer matters in this God-awful nation. It has all come down to trickery and political deception. Revolutions have been started for much less. Beware.
I believe that this is one of the best nations of all to live in, and one indicator is the migrants who have chosen this nation, even the illegal immigrants who seek asylum obviously know that here they can have a lifestyle that most people of the world can only dream about.
However, I agree with you about “trickery and political deception” being a major problem here, and made worse by “globalist” politicians cooperating with their fellow travellers at the UN and its octopus arms of organisations created to behave like a world government, or as former Greens Leader Bob Brown told the audience at his last National Press Club luncheon address, a world with no borders and a world parliament. Labor MP Tanya Plibersek said at that time that she does not support international borders. But that is no surprise considering that Rudd Labor abandoned the Howard Coalition Government’s Pacific Solution that for all intents and purposes stopped the people smuggler boats that Keating Labor could not or would not stop.
It also explains why Labor and their Greens comrades are soft on defence, for example, the Howard Government’s 2006/07 Budget committed to a 3% increase in real terms for defence over the following ten years and that was abandoned by Rudd Labor. The Howard Government has increased defence spending by 37% or $19.6 billion since Keating Labor 1995/96 Budget.
I also believe that Union controlled Labor (see article written by journalist Max Walsh in The Bulletin Magazine during 2006) is our worst choice for government, and worse when you understand their objective to form a single all powerful governing party alliance to control our nation. Like minded LINO left who want to wreck the Liberal Party of Australia would probably be alliance partners if they could be.
Thankfully it now appears that the LINO left are losing ground and control but be alert and avoid the election candidates masquerading as Independent candidates who are part of a collective of candidates backed by the left side including the crony capitalists who seek to exploit climate hoax and warming deception politics through subsidised by taxpayers so called renewable energy supply businesses and other ventures. And to gain influence via the collective of Independent MPs if they are elected who only target Liberal and National sitting MPs in those electorates.
This is not a time to change the Federal Government, we must vote against the trickery and deception globalist left and their objectives that are far from being in the best interests of all Australians.