FORGIVE the absence of party poppers, streamers and balloons. NSW’s so-called “freedom day” is a croc and an insult.
It is nothing short of Orwellian newspeak. It is a lie, repeatedly told and somehow believed, celebrated, gloated over. There are alternate names for Freedom Day among the indie media and the unvaccinated web. Discrimination Day is one. Then there is Segregation Day. Others are not printable.
- Jim Crow central? No, what is occurring here is worse.
- Jews could at least leave their country if they wished to! They were encouraged to do so.
- NSW comfortably beats Jim Crow, PW Botha and the Nazis in terms of restrictions.
What can I do on Freedom Day? I cannot go to church. I cannot even attend a rosary for the month of October in the local park next week.
My son and his family cannot go to church. I cannot catch a train from my home in the Northern Rivers region of NSW to my other home on the Central Coast.
If I try, I will be greeted by police at the railway station, demanding my “papers, please”. (And not all police are like the saintly and courageous Krystle Mitchell who has recently departed VicPol with fanfare and in style).
I cannot visit my doctor for essential prescriptions. My wife cannot go to the hairdresser. We cannot see our family.
You can just smell the freedom!
(None of us are remotely sick, by the way. None of us will give any of the fearful, quaking 70 per cent even the vaguest of sore throats, let alone kill them. What are the masks and the social distancing and all the silly, technobabble rules and restrictions for, anyway? Don’t vaccines protect the vaccinated from infection, after all? That is how they were sold to the public.)
It is not only me segregated, though. In my city, around 60 per cent of the population, eminently sensibly, have not lined up for the experimental, ineffective, dangerous, unnecessary, placebo, politicised jab.
All of us, probably around 20,000 people, are similarly denied our fundamental rights. Many other places in regional NSW are similarly “hesitant”. (A peculiar word for many of us, who are far from “hesitant” in our views about the mandated clot shot. It is actually the vaccinated who are hesitant about life, as it happens).
Were I minded to turn on a television and see the proud face of the NSW premier spouting on about freedom, I would likely throw something very heavy at the set.
The same with the beaming smile of Tanya Davies MP, who has, it is claimed, single-handedly “saved” Western Sydney from further segregation.
The typically head-up-one’s-fundament Sydney argument about segregation is all about – Sydney!
The difference between the loud-voiced, concentrated Western Sydney cohort led by Ms Davies and the dispersed, unvaccinated cohort across the State, who have no voice in the Liberal or National Parties, is that we are spread out and voiceless (at least for the moment) across 90-odd electorates whereas the folks in the West are clustered in a few must-hold seats now being stroked by the major Parties.
If only all the un-jabbed were in a couple of electorates! The goodies would rain down upon us.
What now of Tanya Davies’ private member’s bill about vaccine passports now she has made the local troops happy and her buddy has the top job? Surely a ministry must follow. And resuming her place in the bosom of the NSW Liberal Party.
Back in the day, the Nationals might have been expected to stand up for around half (at least) of their regional electorates.
We should not expect such representation today. Only further exhortation, propaganda and abuse of the unvaccinated.
Country Labor is just as bad, and perhaps even less interested, if that is possible, in the well-being of its constituents. Its own leader abuses Tanya Davies as, you guessed it, an anti-vaxxer.
What does Labor’s Chris Minns think of half the people of regional NSW? I assume, the same. Or just blame the government for the slow roll-out. Yet another opposition leader who is scared to oppose. Opposition hesitant, you might say.
A number of observers have noted the similarities between the vaccine apartheid now imposed in “liberal” NSW and the original version in South Africa, or in (say) 1950s Alabama. Jim Crow central. No, what is occurring here is worse than these.
Layla Eplett at Scientific American notes: During Jim Crow, black people could pick up food at establishments that served white people, but they often could not eat in them. When custom demanded that black people be served separately from whites, they were often required to have their own utensils, serving dishes, and condiments. So it was customary for black families who were traveling to carry everything they might possibly need so that (with the help of the Green Book, the guide that helped Black travellers eat, sleep and move as safely as possible) they could navigate America in relative comfort.
The southern blacks at least could work in restaurants, even though they often couldn’t eat there.
It took Hitler till 1935 to ban Jews from restaurants. It was 1938 before the Jews were made to carry identification. And Jews could leave the country if they wished to! They were encouraged to do so.
To take three prominent post war Americans, the ubiquitous Henry Kissinger, the peerless international relations scholar Hans Morgenthau and the widely published scholar of revolution and totalitarianism, Hanna Arendt, all made their departures from Nazi Germany, along with many others just as famous, like Herbert Marcuse.
Of course, during the 1930s, Hitler, like our own dictator-premiers, was massively popular in Germany. His numbers would make an Australian premier green with envy.
No such luxuries as working, visiting friends and family, or leaving the place, for the unclean of NSW. As Grace Hale points out in Making Whiteness: the Culture of Segregation in the South: “…blacks and whites were never really separated – they interacted in a variety of places including homes, neighborhood stores and sidewalks.”
No, we in NSW comfortably beat Jim Crow, PW Botha and the Nazis in terms of restrictions on freedom.
No lepers-only masses in Catholic Churches allowed (or demanded). No shifts or designated nights for unvaccinated customers in cafes and restaurants. Not even a yellow star badge of the type worn by Jews in Nazi Germany would get us in now.
As for the workers, the government will look the other way if private companies enforce vaccine mandates. Hell, the vaccine mandate for workers was the government’s own idea!
Again, the rights of the Alabama negro of the fifties and the Jews of early 1930s Germany were greater than those of the locked-up, and now the unvaccinated, in twenty-first century NSW.
We can’t even leave the country and in some cases, the State. On Scott Morrison’s watch. And as of last week, on Dominic Perrottet’s watch. No excuses now, Mr Premier.
The buck stops with you. We know your views on vaccine segregation and the two-tier society it creates.
Perhaps the NSW government might consider putting out a green book for us, just as the 1950s discriminated African American used.
Get Victor Dominello to create an App for it. According to one report, “NSW police are on standby ready to help small business enforce vaccine requirements as ‘Freedom Day’ [yes, caps and all] dawns.”
Does anyone else find aspects of this sentence odd?
Happy Freedom Day. Enjoy.PC
“93.7 per cent of the eligible population of NSW has had one vaccine dose of their own volition”. That is a complete lie. The majority of the people of NSW and indeed Australia have been extorted by their governments into taking these experimental drugs. My wife grew up in South Africa and lived right through the apartheid era. She tells me that what is happening in Australia is actually worse and that unpoisoned people in parts of Australia have less rights than the blacks in S.A did.
I don’t think I have read a more racially insensitive, ideologically putrid piece of commentary on modern Australian politics. To strike a moral and experiential equivalence between NSW Health policy and apartheid in Africa and the treatment of Jews under the Nazis is as absurd as it is offensive. You liken elected Premiers to Adolf Hitler, are you trying to be offensive? Here’s is one of the many problems with your argument: when you argue a nuisance is the equivalent of pure evil you lessen the crimes of the worst of humankind. Crying wolf will mean you are less likely to truly identify evil when confronted by it. I wish this was just rhetorical overreach on your part, but sadly it is so much more, the text is hysterical, meandering, racially charged and desperate. I’m pretty sure the ‘southern blacks’ and the “Jews in Nazi Germany” of whom you write don’t need to be fodder for your rant. Shame on your for standing on their misery to make your terrible, poorly constructed case. #fail
You do know Adolf Hitler was elected don’t you? The article for me highlights what can happen when ‘democracy’ is usurped. For you to inject ‘racism’ into the argument is typical of identity politics and shows a shallow ability to discuss rationally.
No, it’s the author, Paul Collits, who injected racism into the argument. It’s he who decided to use the false equivalence of racial segregation and discrimination in justifying his own decision to be an anti-vaxxer.
Now that 93.7 per cent of the eligible population of NSW has had one vaccine dose of their own volition, the anti-vaxxers should remember the consequence of democracy, namely the tyranny of the majority. If you willingly chose to be a recalcitrant minority and put yourself in a position where your liberties are curtailed by doing so, you only have yourself to blame. The overwhelming majority will have it no other way. Dallas is to be congratulated for an entirely accurate commentary.
93.7%? Really, I very much doubt the figure is half of that and ‘of their own volition’ is a complete lie unless you are trying to infer that threats and coercion is suddenly some new Marxian definition of ‘own volition’.
+ I think the equivalence of racial segregation and discrimination is very real and will lead to the same division and hatred in the community. And your idea of why my liberties are being ‘curtailed’ is laughable.
If you’ve got the NSW Covid app on your smart phone (got one?) you can look up the numbers yourself, anytime. Where’s the coercion? Name the Acts of parliament, state and federal. You’re free to remain unvaccinated, which increase your chances of illness and death. Understandably, the community regards you as a risk factor they’d prefer to avoid. You won’t buy a ticket from Qantas any time soon either. If you think that equates to racial discrimination, go and look up ‘category error’.
I respectfully disagree with you. The article raises some interesting points on the idea of practicable ‘freedoms’. I confess to being untrained in ‘wokespeak’ and thus I am unafraid to read that which might appear culturally ‘insensitive’ to those souls who are. In this context I read the article as a robust expression of someone’s view. Such articles were standard fare in university student papers fifty years ago. That was when there was real freedom of debate and expression on campus. How we have regressed.
Hazzard and Chant should be eased out by the new Premier. I suggest early retirement. Tanya Davies who is a genuine practitioner be the replacement minister for health. Alternatively, opposition awaits you. FYI: look at the size of the WA parliamentary L/NP. Your evil will be reciprocated peacefully at the ballot box. Hazzard just retire so that your by-election can be held concurrently with Willoughby.
I said last week in a comment that if we were relying on Perrottet to save us then we were doomed. I am depressingly reassured by my accuracy. The only thing which is going to save us is a complete change in the political landscape. A complete break from the current fetid four posted duopoly. I support and am a member of a minor party, I have nominated myself as a candidate. This is what we all must do if we truly want change, or at least support, maybe join and nominate. In the end though there is a responsibly for the minors as well to support a common good (much as I hate that term). There will be points of dissent between them but in the end we all want the same thing; change. The minors must work together in any way they can.
Report personal experiences or of those you love who have been needlessly damaged?
All reports confidential
Shame on the one party coalition of ALP, L/NP, Greens. Segregation of healthy people is not freedom. And c a n never be. One food retailer pretended to be for the people and not fully re-open until 1 December BUT his franchises are doing something different. Shame for fakes.