EXTREMIST Liberal MPs have told federal Attorney-General Michaelia Cash that religious freedom comes a distant second to the distinct rights of homosexuals.
While the once socially conservative Liberal Party continues its hard lurch to the Left, its Greens-influenced social agenda is being force-fed to all Australians – without so much as a political argument.
- Attorney-General is told freedom should never impinge on distinct LGBTQ rights.
- Continuing attacks on Australia’s faithful have been well documented.
- Christianity has become a punching bag for people on the extreme of politics.
With the Attorney-General attempting to deliver the Morrison government’s promised religious freedom laws by Christmas, the Liberal’s dominant “moderate” faction has kicked into action.
Queensland’s Warren Entsch, Victoria’s Tim Wilson and WA’s Dean Smith have warned Senator Cash that religious freedoms should never impinge on the rights of LGBTQ minorities.
“I will be looking very closely at this,” Mr Entsch said. “I have a very strong view.
“I would warn against compromising the gains made by achieving marriage equality.”
Mr Smith – who penned then PM Malcolm Turnbull’s 2017 same-sex marriage laws – said any religious freedom proposals needed to be examined [and ultimately killed off? – ed] by a joint parliamentary committee.
“A baseline for many Australians will be a commitment to not rolling back Australia’s very-effective anti-discrimination laws,” Mr Smith said.
Mr Wilson, who formerly served as a human rights commissioner, said Senator Cash should avoid a “religious bill of rights”.
“I suspect developing a religious discrimination bill consistent with other anti-discrimination laws – and treats all Australians equally – should be relatively straight forward,” Mr Wilson said.
Another Liberal ‘moderate’ accused Senator Cash of triggering a war.
“She has just opened up a can of worms that creates a fight we don’t need,” the unnamed MP told The Australian newspaper today.
This is the third attempt by centre-right Liberals to rectify Malcolm Turnbull’s broken promise guaranteeing that religious freedoms would be enacted along with same-sex marriage laws.
Despite the promise, conservative MPs were betrayed when Mr Turnbull and his Left-wing Liberal allies voted down religious freedom amendments to the same-sex bill in 2017.
Despite having overwhelming support from a majority of Liberal Party senators, the amendments were shot down when six Liberals – including now Foreign Minister Marise Payne – sided with Labor and The Greens to scuttle them.
Attacks on Australia’s faithful have been well documented ever since.
Faith leaders have complained of unfair restrictions specifically targeting religious people during COVID lockdowns.
While shopping, protests and sporting events have proceeded, church services, funerals and weddings were severely restricted by heavy handed State officials.
The Presbyterian Church has also argued that Victoria’s ban on homosexual conversion therapy is another attack on religion.
“The Victorian conversion therapy law criminalises Christianity – it affects our prayer and counselling,” Moderator-General Peter Barnes said.
As well, many practicing Christians have lost their jobs – Israel Folau and wife Maria being the highest profile – for making religious statements in a private capacity.
One of Australia’s most outspoken supporters of religious freedom has been NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham.
“Like many people, I’ve been horrified and never thought I’d see the day in Australia where Christianity is sneered at, where Christians like Israel Folau are under attack,” Mr Latham told a 2020 Christian on-line conference.
“It’s almost like Christianity is dispensable and has become a punching bag for people on the extreme of politics to rip in and try to denigrate – it’s part of their broader campaign to undermine our Western civilisation.”PC
The extremist overt and covert homosexuals of all political parties and society in general should accept that we do live in an alleged free speech democracy. Firstly, they purport to speak for all their 2% or so of the population, notwithstanding their quieter fellow practitioners having little time for them, and secondly they try to tell us how to live our lives.
It really is quite normal for a man to love and desire a woman, and vice versa, otherwise we would all disappear from the planet quite quickly, and they are all here consequent to the procreation of a male with a female. Permit us to worship in our churches, to love not hate, and to live as we wish. Above all else accept the vulnerability of our young and allow them to be children, free from being forced to learn about whatever sexual practice and gender considerations.
Our tolerance has best been exhibited by our majority heterosexual vote to allow homosexuals of both sexes and their various variants to marry, so just as we have long since tolerated them, perhaps they could become both less dictatorial, and less judgemental about us.
Timmy Wilson et al…sorry folks, God will have His way in the end!
In 2017 we were told it was only about love, now they want a stop on free speech, free choice on religion, acknowledged their are numerous genders, why weren’t we told all this before the postal vote?
No doubt they believed they could not win the day.
I had a couple of phone calls with Wilson while he was at the IPA, about the scam of man made global warming. I didn’t think much of him then and I think less of him now.
I am nearly done on this bunch of self centered idiots who call themselves Liberals or in Enchs case goodness knows what. They speak for a very noisy bunch of people who would be far better off keeping a little less boisterous and earn respect rather than ride on the back of the gay marriage laws that passed here a few years back, and incidentally I am positive there would be a big percentage of Australians who would love to have the vote over again (me included. What a mistake I made) There is little doubt that those laws, seen in the eyes of reasonable people at the time were the conciecious and respectful way to go, not realizing what waited around a very dark corner. One Nation here I (and I believe I speak for my wife) come.
From Wikipedia: ‘In September 2004, Entsch publicly spoke against his party’s anti-gay-marriage stance, describing laws to prevent gay marriage as “offensive” and “unnecessary”‘
Entsch is 71 years old, so, given that the average lifespan in Australia is 83.5 years, he’s got around 12 years or so left to spend on this mortal coil – after which time he will face judgement, and he can explain to God why laws to prevent so-called gay marriage are “offensive” and “unnecessary”.
I’d love to be fly on the wall when that happens; I imagine that it will be an affair both short and sharp. (I hope that Entsch packs his flame-retardant underwear when he leaves this world; he’s certainly going to need it).
The Howard Coalition Government supported by the Labor Opposition and others amended the Marriage Act to add: marriage is between a man and a women.
That was a sensible approach.
It matters not what people decide for themselves as long as it is legal to do so, and same sex partnerships, de facto marriage, was lawful long before the change following the postal survey that resulted in major changes to the Marriage Act. And I fully supported the right of people to choose the own way of life.
And then consider that a large number of voters failed to participate in the postal survey and of the voters that did the margin for yes was slim.