“The Emperor has no clothes”. This expresses, in literary terms, the overwhelming view of the nation. Australians have been outraged to see the elites — prime minister, premiers and police chiefs — support a right to protest about an event far away and beyond our control as an exception from their recession-making lockdown.
The result was an authorised communist-led demonstration through peak-hour Sydney followed by a second one a few days later.
This disgrace has made inevitable a multi-billion-dollar class action by Australians betrayed by the very people entrusted to lead the nation, an action likely to succeed.
When the elites heard the universal outrage to this expressed by rank and file callers to Alan Jones’ successor on Sydney radio station 2GB, Ben Fordham, they attempted a tactical PR retreat.
This did not save them then nor should it save them from being found guilty of the greatest betrayal in the history of this nation.
The horse had bolted with demonstrations breaching the lockdown held across Australia.
The reaction against the politicians and the police bosses has been so strong and so unqualified that had the Coalition delivered what they had once promised, the right to recall elections, the New South Wales government would soon be answering at the ballot box.
What our morally corrupt political elites have done is to deliver even more evidence that they had, with reckless indifference, not properly examined whether they had the power to impose this totally unnecessary lockdown nor considered whether the resulting damage to millions of Australians would be justified. In brief, they had not properly considered whether their cure would be far worse than the disease.
The decrees to impose this adopted in that opaque politburo, the pompously self-styled “National Cabinet”, were given legal effect by subservient ministers, federal and State, including NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard, made famous by the MV Ruby Princess imbroglio. This, as we have been at pains to point out, is but one example of the politicians’ reckless indifference to the maintenance of proper entry standards for at least seven weeks after they were made aware of the Wuhan coronavirus.
The lockdown resulted in completely unnecessary limitations on the common-law rights of millions to carry on a lawful business, the unlawful home detention of the population and suffering and even death from the unnecessary suspension of elective surgery, the inaccessibility of medical services and other burdens.
Together these constitute, on any fair assessment, the greatest act of political misfeasance in public office in the history of this Commonwealth.
Until now the record for this legally actionable civil wrong was held by Julia Gillard’s agriculture minister, Joe Ludwig, who issued an ABC-inspired ban unnecessarily prohibiting the export of all livestock to Indonesia for six months. According to the recent assessment by that superb Federal Court justice, Stephen Rares, Ludwig was recklessly indifferent not only as to his power to issue such a total ban but also as to the injury it was calculated to produce. He had before him a viable alternative.
In the present outrage, the ministers were equally recklessly indifferent both as to their powers and as to the massive damage they would do with the lockdown. Moreover, they chose this course of action while having before them alternatives more consistent with the people’s rights.
Their indifference has been demonstrated not only by the granting of exemptions to demonstrators. Their recklessness is shown by the last minute introduction of the JobKeeper program, so rushed it involved a mathematical mistake to an unbelievable extent — $60billion — and so poorly designed that it now encourages casuals not to return to work.
Their reckless indifference is also demonstrated by their disregard for world’s best practice developed by Taiwan, as well as Sweden’s example. There, expert Professor “Lockdown” Ferguson had claimed that without a draconian lockdown, 90,000 people would die. Unlike Australia, where we have the natural advantage of being a remote island nation, whatever the Swedes did, their death rate would never be small. Ignoring Ferguson, their death rate is under 1/20th of his prediction, mainly the elderly, especially in nursing homes.
But as with Ludwig, the guilty will escape personal retribution and the taxpayer will pay.
The law should be changed to empower a court to require some reasonable contribution from the guilty sufficient to give all politicians some incentive not to hurt the innocent unnecessarily. There should also obviously be a separate criminal offence for serious misfeasance.
What this scandal demonstrates is that politicians are rarely experts in good government. Their expertise more often than not seems to be in avoiding and manipulating the truth, plotting worthy of Machiavelli and self-interest.
There is too often a complete absence of common sense. That is why Australia must take back their country so that institutionally — through, for example, the threat of recall elections — their common sense can prevail.
Meanwhile, it is important to understand that the US lockdowns, more severe in the Democrat-run states, serve as the fourth stage of the uninterrupted campaign against Donald Trump. The first was to block his election through illegal wiretaps, the second to impeach him over Russian collusion for which the perpetrators knew there was no evidence, the third to impeach him over a proper phone call to the Ukrainian president and the fourth to use the lockdowns to argue against his re-election.
That election is crucial; as Labor grandee Graham Richardson admits, when it comes to controlling Communist China, Donald Trump is the only game in town.
This campaign is not only by a Democratic party captured by the far Left, but also through its propaganda arm, the US mainstream media. It is from this corrupt media that most Australian and Western media unfortunately take their cue.PC
I will join the funding against VIC. It is the state that has recently facilitated class-actions in their State! How do we proceed?
Some of what Steve has written may be true of the Labor and Green Parties’ Politicians but those of the Liberal Party are cut from a very superior cloth!
Just take the top four Liberal Politicians: STATE – Gladys Berejiklian and Dominic Perrottet and FEDERAL – Scott Morrison and Joshua Frydenberg. All four are educated to the hilt, have earned entirely solid and appropriate University Degrees and then worked their way up through the worlds of Commerce, Law and Business, gaining invaluable work and life experience before joining the venerable Liberal Parties.
They’ve set about working exceptionally hard. They’ve been mentored, learnt and gained invaluable experience, holding many important positions before finally reaching a peak in their careers, while always serving NSW and Australia to the very best of their abilities.
Take the time to peruse the sections on their Early Lives and Careers in Wikipedia. Great reading that will inspire anyone to wholly support these shining lights.
All four work exceptionally hard, assiduously, while responding ceaselessly to the enormous responsibilities their jobs entail. Their work cannot be expressed in dollar terms; it goes so far beyond this.
I would venture to add that every Liberal Cabinet Minister is also exceptionally qualified, with multiple degrees and work experiences, their worth and input also being far above any quantifiable tally.
Even the thriving, garden-variety Liberal Senators and M.P.s bring to the table great credentials and most are wholly dedicated to running a great Government while conscientiously caring for all their constituents.
Of course some human mistakes are made! Of course there is sometimes internal friction, a need of criticism, of valid censure, a realignment of direction. However, through it all, the deep quality of the NSW and Federal Liberal Parties and excellent ethics upheld by this brand of Parliamentarian, shines brightly.
Great article and as usual nails the truth. Like most politicians they leave Parliament generally leaving the Country worse off but with their own pockets full. Surely it is time to set up a course at either a Technical College or University that any one must complete to enable them to stand for election. In addition there must be rules that they must be an Australian citizen for at least 20 years and must be born here or have lived here for at least 20 years. After all tradespeople and professionals all must do a course and politicians run the Country without any qualifications whatsoever.
Mostly and unfortunately so true!
However, I will defend P.M. Morrison’s action in assembling the National ‘War’ Cabinet whose overblown, knee-jerk reactions have resulted in our terrible plunge into economic recession.
THAT IS:- The ‘modelling’ by ‘experts’, accepted worldwide, was direly grim and -from Italy and Spain, where mortality rates were extremely high, medicos were broadcasting the grim findings of autopsies of victim’s lungs, where the ravages of Covid-19 were found to be so much worse than the ravages of the lungs in those succumbing to ordinary pneumonia.
With such a shocking pandemic forecast, Morrison thought it prudent to assemble this ‘War Cabinet’ for consensual decisions on the battle plan. This was widely accepted as an expedient move.
Now of course, it’s obvious we were largely spared and so there must now be a widespread resolution to reverse at least some of the economic damage by shutting down the over-generous handouts as quickly as possible, opening up Australia completely and containing new outbreaks efficiently.
Labor MUST NOT try to benefit from this debacle, in which they were fully compliant, by disguising themselves as the ‘good fairy’, trying to force more economic damage by calling for our Government to extend the time for any handouts!
We must be brave and crack on regardless because this virus is here to stay. We must hope for a treatment, as was discovered for the HIV virus; we cannot hold back international contact or travel indefinitely.