by JOHN MIKKELSEN – I’VE seen the light, the truth about “carbon pollution” in simple terms as explained by some Green dream believers and disciples of the new climate change religion.
So why am I still in the dark? I’ve always wondered how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen, Greens leader Adam Bandt, the nowhere-near-independent Teals and a host of other climate change advocates keep banging on about “carbon pollution” and how we must eliminate it to save the planet. All while “creating” thousands of new Green renewables jobs.

- Today’s climate computer models always tend to churn out the Left’s desired predictions.
- There never was climate consensus.
- More than 1800 scientists and academics have recently stated “there is no climate emergency”.
I thought they were talking about carbon dioxide or CO2, an essential trace gas which now measures a minuscule 0.4 per cent of the atmosphere.
Science confirms it has been present at much higher levels due to natural influences in the past, when trees thrived and coral reefs proliferated.
How can they call it “carbon pollution” when we know it is essential to all life on Earth?
How can they call it “carbon pollution” when all living organisms breathe it out as part of the respiration process and then plants absorb it and return oxygen to the atmosphere as part of nature’s perfect master plan?
Well, just as decades ago in TV ads we were told “oils ain’t necessarily oils”, carbon pollution ain’t necessarily carbon pollution.
My re-education on how all this is really supposed to work began years ago, courtesy of a newspaper column I wrote where I suggested people who lie awake at night worrying about breathing and adding to “carbon pollution” need worry no more as there were a couple of ingenious devices developed which could sequester their own personal greenhouse contributions (at least from their lungs).
With a global population now approaching eight billion and each human exhaling an average of about 1kg of CO2 daily, that’s nothing to sneeze at.
In fact, it inspired the developers of the amazing “Living Green Screen Mask”, hailed as “a living, carbon-capturing face mask which also filters bacteria, and the “Binchotan” (Japanese for “White Coal”) bracelet.
If you combined these colourful accessories back then, you would not only be noticed in a crowd (any crowd), more importantly you would capture and store CO2, filter out microbes, generate feel-good negative ions and ward off electromagnetic waves from your cell phone.
At the same time, you would be helping to save the planet. Or so I thought when I passed this information on to readers, with just a hint of sarcasm.
According to the angry nest of Green hornets and climate worriers I stirred with my helpful information, the CO2 which humans breathe out is not pollution.
Some also said the CO2 spewed out by volcanoes was not pollution since it was natural.
They were adamant that we were not contributing to “carbon pollution” through breathing. Some mistakenly thought the carbon dioxide we exhaled was the same volume breathed in when, in reality, we breathe out about four times as much.
Others said the CO2 we exhale today is the carbon we ate yesterday and this was “good carbon”, seeing it was perfectly in balance with nature.
Apparently, it doesn’t matter whether you are a vegetarian or a meat eater, the principle remains the same.
Garbage in, garbage out, I guess (just like today’s climate computer models which churn out the desired predictions).
Now to their explanation of why we really need a carbon tax in the form of carbon offsets or whatever other form our leaders dictate
The same CO2 suddenly becomes “carbon pollution” when it is produced by power stations, cars, trains, planes or anything else burning fossil fuels and releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere.
Here, apparently, it upsets the balance of nature and drives “climate change” – even though it’s only about three per cent of total CO2 emissions.
Water vapour is acknowledged by NASA as a much more efficient greenhouse gas and on average makes up about 10 times as much of the atmosphere – but there is no need to tax that because it wouldn’t be possible.
Vapour, the alarmists say, is good because it eventually condenses into rain and helps cool things down until the CO2 warms them up again.
Trees are also considered good as they help restore the balance – except, of course, when they were part of former PM Tony Abbott’s direct-action plan, which apparently couldn’t work as well as a carbon tax or a “carbon price”.
We have been told for many years there is a scientific consensus that anthropogenic CO2 is responsible for “climate change” and this is accepted by “every reputable climate scientist in the world”.
Julia Gillard said all that before she destroyed her stint as PM by pledging “there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead” – then changing her mind. Oops!
Albo and his side-kick Bowen still sing from the same old climate change song sheet and are determined to send Australia down a destructive road to “net-zero” emissions regardless of the cost to the economy and the cheap, reliable source of energy we once enjoyed.
And don’t mention the naughty “N” word which still remains on the banned list here, while other nations are increasingly turning to modern nuclear reactors as a better alternative which won’t have to be scrapped and added to landfill within a couple of decades.
Meanwhile there never was climate consensus, with many eminent international scientists such as Profs Richard Lindzen, Henrik Svensmark, John Christy, Judith Curry, Dr Ferenc Miskolczi, Dr Miklos Zagoni, as well as our own Prof Ian Plimer, Dr David Evans and the late Prof Bob Carter at odds with the unproven CO2 hypothesis.
More than 1800 scientists, academics and professionals have also recently signed a petition refuting man-made global warming and stating “there is no climate emergency”.
It highlights the fact we really do need a proper scientific debate to sort out the claims made by the Green dream believers.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the Living Green Screen Mask and the White Coal bracelet never set the world on fire, in fact they quietly disappeared without a trace and failed to re-appear even during the height of the COVID pandemic … funny that! PC
Here’s another take on CO2 from all respiration:From Prof Daniel Nebert in American Thinker – “Each human exhales about 2.3 pounds of CO2 per day, which means Earth’s 8 billion people produce daily 18.4 billion pounds of CO2. But humans represent only 1/40 of all CO2-excreting life on Earth. Multiplying 18.4 billion pounds by 40 gives us 736 billion pounds of CO2 per day. This approximates the overall CO2 excreted by the total animal and fungal biomass on the planet.Daily emissions from worldwide industry in 2020 were estimated to be 16 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents. If one metric ton is 2,200 pounds, then “total industrial emissions” amount to 35,200,000,000 (35.2 billion) pounds of CO2 per day. This means that the entire animal and fungal biomass (736 billion pounds) puts out more than 20 times as much CO2 as all industrial emissions (35.2 billion pounds)!Can any clear-thinking person comprehend the facts above and still create a company with idiotic plans to “sequester CO2” or “sequester carbon”? Scientifically, “net zero” and “carbon footprint” are meaningless terms. There is no “climate crisis.”https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/01/todays_climate_crisis_is_a_fairy_tale.html
This site verifies water vapour averages 0.4% of the atmosphere, compared to 0.04% of CO2 –
(in the tropics the vapour can be as high as 4.0%) http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/students/courselinks/fall16/atmo336/lectures/sec1/composition.html#:~:text=Water%20vapor%20is%20literally%20individual,0%25%20in%20cold%20polar%20regions
And this from NASA – “Because warmer air holds more moisture, its concentration of water vapor increases. Specifically, this happens because water vapor does not condense and precipitate out of the atmosphere as easily at higher temperatures. The water vapor then absorbs heat radiated from Earth and prevents it from escaping out to space. This further warms the atmosphere, resulting in even more water vapor in the atmosphere. This is what scientists call a “positive feedback loop.” Scientists estimate this effect more than doubles the warming that would happen due to increasing carbon dioxide alone….”