Kean’s hostility to nuclear verges on insane

IN A world of political irrelevancy, there are few people climbing higher, harder and faster than NSW Shadow Health Minister Matt Kean. 

The guy who grinned while dangling off the end of a tax-payer funded EV charging cable during his ministerial years, has publicly turned his back on the only technology – nuclear – that can achieve his stated climate goals. 

Why would anyone listen to Matt Kean on energy policy? He was a complete failure as NSW’s Energy Minister. In truth, Kean is irrelevant.

Mr Kean recently announced his resignation from the Coalition for Conservation because he was “increasingly concerned with the direction” of his group after it started taking nuclear energy seriously.

He is now deep in the pocket of his factional climate profiteers.


In his post to X (Twitter), he appears to be scratching around for a bit of relevancy in the desert of Opposition.

The Shadow Minister deserves his two minutes of fame, if only because his response to the Coalition for Conservation was so mind-numbingly cringeworthy.

Nuclear energy, Mr Kean might be interested to learn, is by far the cleaner technology. The habitats of threatened species are currently being put at risk, not from the climate, but from climate change technology which arrives wielding an axe.

There are many examples of destructive rare earth open-cut mining practices substantiated in an interview with Spectator Australia writer Michael de Percy.

Are electric vehicles actually “green”?, Mr de Percy was asked.

“Destroying the environment to save the environment is ‘kind of okay’ (in the world of net-zero). Killing koalas is okay if it’s for wind turbines but not for a coal mines,” Mr de Percy confirmed.

For those who truly wish to conserve the environment, nuclear is the superior technology.

In defiance of the rest of the world, including our Pacific partners and Western allies, Mr Kean claims there’s “no feasible pathway” for nuclear energy to “play any material role in helping Australia replace coal-fired power stations in line with climate science”.

Well, no… not with an outdated Cold War-era attitude like that.

Conservatives and true environmentalists refuse to be shut-down on nuclear. The more the crazies whisper, the more they talk, the more they look to other nations, the more obvious it becomes that science is being censored by un-thinkers like Mr Kean.

Australians hate living in the shadow of renewable energy and, the harder ideologues push, the greener nuclear looks.


Nuclear promises an Australian-owned and operated source of eternal base load power with a tiny footprint and next to zero emissions. It can be installed straight on top of old coal-fired power stations.

Mr Kean’s ramblings make for nauseating side effects.

“I have had concerns about the direction Coalition for Conservation for some time, but in recent months it’s become very clear the group’s values are not conservative and it has little interest in conservation,” Mr Kean wrote.

“Here is my resignation letter from the organisation.”

How can someone talk about protecting the environment, and argue in favour of technology which cuts down forests and farmland?

How can someone make a statement about protecting the whales, while endorsing offshore wind farms which have been linked to whale deaths and the destruction of the seabed?

How can someone lament damage to marine parks and ignore deep-sea rare-earth mining that is feared to collapse ocean ecosystems?

How can someone make statements about responsible economics and affordable transition when renewable energy is costing US$110 trillion for the global 2050 transition – almost all of which will have to be replaced at a similar cost within 20 years?

“It has become clear in recent times that the Coalition for Conservation has increasingly focused on nuclear power in the electricity system. In particular, I was concerned to read an article in The Canberra Times advocating nuclear power stations as an alternative to building new large-scale transmission lines,” Mr Kean continued.

Yes, Mr Kean, because no one wants large-scale transmission lines running through their farms or draped over previously pristine country areas. The spiderwebs of virtue are ugly. If your home was in the path of these monstrosities, you’d understand.


An audience member of 2GB’s Ben Fordham referred to Mr Kean as a “backstabber” for challenging Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton on nuclear.

In truth, Matt Kean is irrelevant. He’s the bloke poking holes in the renewable life raft while the Teals tear off bits of duct tape and the Greens desperately try to bucket out the rising tide.

When Mr Dutton takes nuclear to the next election, he will win.

When he wins an election on nuclear power, renewable energy will collapse taking plenty of political careers and bank balances along with it.

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan said it best.

“Why would anyone listen to Matt Kean on energy policy? He was a complete failure as Energy Minister.” PC

The Gateway Pundit.
MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Matt Kean. (courtesy The Sydney Morning Herald)

26 thoughts on “Kean’s hostility to nuclear verges on insane

  1. We don’t know why Matt Kean remains as a liberal party member, only that the liberals have a lot to answer for in that regard. It’s one thing to be idiotic, as Chris Bowen is, but quite another matter to seemingly know that what you espouse is both wrong, and extremely harmful to your country.

  2. Sadly, the Liberal Party is just toooo stupid these days to understand that while that LEFT of the Communist Party, factional imbecile is still an elected sitting member, there is very little chance of them winning an election.

    He was the reason that for the first time in 59 years of voting; I deliberately did not vote Liberal in the Lower House in the recent State Election. I am over 40 KMs distant from his seat, but it is essential for the population of NSW; to be rid of such a useless MP

  3. Of all the options available for energy creation, nuclear is a good option. There are probably better options but unfortunately there are about 5000 inventions in the US Patent office that are suppressed for reasons of national security and whatever, probably to protect the profits of big business who don’t want the public to have access to anything they can’t put a meter on. Yes, Matt Keane is irrelevant and should be voted out if the electorate he serves were a bit more savvy.

    1. Saying the words his Puppet Master has written for him – the person who HATES Peter Dutton and needs to destroy the Liberal Party for perceived wrongs against him.

  4. Kean, blackout bowen and the others who support the grotesque idea of man-made global warming, AGW, and renewables, do so out of pure ego. Kean and blackout bowen would have to be 2 of the most arrogant pollies going around. Their egos will simply not allow them to admit they are wrong and it doesn’t matter if they ruin Australia they will push ahead with their ego driven scheme.

    AGW is disproven, there is NO evidence to support it at all. Durkin’s new movie Climate the Movie simply and brilliantly outlines why AGW is complete garbage. The best climate scientists in the world are interviewed in this movie and elegantly explain why AGW is garbage:

    Another great climate scientist, Ed Berry, has just prepared an amicus brief for the Montana SC. This is a bit more technical but also worth reading. In it Berry presents many reasons why AGW is junk. One of the better and simpler reasons is that human CO2 emissions, ACO2, are miniscule compared with natural CO2 emissions and there is no way human emissions can be responsible for the increase in CO2 which has occurred over the last 150 years.

    Berry also looks at how CO2 contributes to the Greenhouse effect and global temperature and notes that the main Greenhouse gas, water vapor, dwarves any impact CO2 has:

    The problem is Kean and blackout are not only driven by their arrogance and ego but are advised by green bureaucrats and business interests. Both are also courted by the MSM, especially the abc, which is alarmist central. All of this spells disaster for Australia.

  5. If there is a good reason to not be part of the Liberal Party it would be:
    1. Matt Kean
    2. Malcolm Turnbull
    are both members, supposedly having conservative values (as a requirement to be a member?)

    Both of these irrelevant has-been’s should be removed from the Liberal Party and handed over to Labor/Green Teal and given their past, both undoubtedly seem to be financially conflicted on energy policy.

    The question should be of the Hornsby electorate, do they agree with Kean? After all he is supposed to represent them.

  6. “The spiderwebs of virtue are ugly” – nailed it.
    On Matt Kean’s energy policy direction, there’s nothing quite so compelling as a cuddle from Lisa Wilkinson and Peter FitzSimons. He just needs an ill-fitting suit and a bandana to complete the look.

  7. Minns laughing all the way to the next election, no way are LP a threat with this Labor lite drifting around

  8. Peter Dutton, please, please, please don’t allow the lefties to bring Kean to Canberra. Most Liberal voters can’t stand him. It’s bad enough that Andrew Constance has been allowed to have a shot, please not Kean too.

  9. Matt Keane brought down the the perrotot liberal govt and is now trying to destroy the Dutton opposition !

  10. “Nuclear energy, Mr Kean might be interested to learn, is by far the cleaner technology.”

    You may wish to check what the residents of Chernobyl and Fukushima have to say about that…

    1. Good idea for you Morrie.

      By the way, many years ago I used to purchase radio isotopes from the then Australian Atomic Energy Commission (now ANSTO) Nuclear Reactor at Lucas Heights, Sydney suburb, for export customers. Since then a new Nuclear Reactor has been built on site to replace the 1950s built original. Operational safety record excellent for both.

      When I was given a guided tour of the UK Sellafield Nuclear Power Station in the UK during the 1980s the two engineers who guided me and a colleague joked about us needing to set an alarm for 2 am and check our hands to see if they glowed. Still not glowing!

      1. “Operational safety record excellent for both.”

        That’s wonderful to hear. How many people live in the area around Chernobyl these days?

      1. And very early nuclear reactor – power station design.

        For example the Rolls Royce UK Small Modular Reactor is based on SMR design from 75 plus years of development, Generation IV Rolls Royce latest.

        And a very important point is that existing power station locations and the existing electricity grid would continue to be utilised.

      2. “Chernobyl was a product of communism not nuclear reactors.”

        LOL – could you please enlighten me as to which political ideology was responsible the Boeing 737 MAX crashes?

        There’s simply no blindness like wilful blindness…

  11. Why would a Green environmentalist (and Koala fan) be hostile towards emissions free technology that could be located on existing power station sites and use the existing main high voltage transmission network (world’s largest interconnected electricity grid) and advocate for the not cost effective wind solar hybrid transition that must have “firming” back up generators and a lot of other back up, and huge areas of land?

    Land areas necessary for wind farms, ignoring the feeder transmission line from every location to the main grid and a new wind solar hybrid only new main grid.

    Capital Hill Wind Farm NSW has 67 turbines of Installed Capacity 140MW. Of course AEMO Capacity Factor rating based on average achievable is maximum 35 per cent of Installed.

    However, one Small Modular Reactor based steam powered generator unit of 500MW is the equivalent of 3.6 Capital Hill Wind Farms.

    Capital Hill covers 15,000 acres of land (6,000 hectares) so 3.6 would require 54,000 acres of land.

    This explains the recently leaked and published Victoria Government information indicating that to complete a transition to wind solar hybrid in that State would require 70 per cent of the land.


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