by PAUL COLLITS – POLITICAL leaders are attempting to escape blame for their excessively aggressive response to a largely “confected” COVID crisis.
While the Wuhan virus had proven harmful to a small and identifiable demographic, politicians are accused acting beyond their powers to impact the masses and leave the national economy in ruins.
- We now know the “crisis” was confected.
- Then Prime Minister Morrison refused to seek alternate advice or even listen to other voices.
- Dutton was up to his neck in every one of the COVID State’s sins.
Given their individual complicity in creating the “crisis” – and then weaponising it to persecute everyday Australians – don’t expect to see a real nor independent enquiry.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton clearly has ground to protect, and so did what any average Australian “leader” normally does.
Cover up your own side’s “failings”, make excuses and bag the other side. “Daniel Andrews was worse.”
Well, yes and no. Andrews was enabled by Morrison and by the vile National Cabinet that Dutton’s then government established.
It’s impossible to recall Dutton saying anything about COVID tyranny for two and a half years.
Here is one summary of Dutton’s response on Sky News: “Mr Dutton – who was the Minister for Home Affairs and Defence at the height of the pandemic – said the decisions made at the time suited the information it received.
“ ‘Firstly, I understand the point about 20:20 vision, I agree with that,’ he said.
“ ‘If you remember back in 2020 we and the world were describing at the time the situation with COVID, before there was a vaccine and what we saw in Italy and elsewhere, as it being like a war-like time and war-like response.’
“The Opposition Leader agreed in hindsight not every decision made was right but pointed to the grim outlook that was playing out in front of his eyes.
“ ‘I remember sitting at the national security committee being pretty confronted by the thought we were going to have to set up morgues adjacent to public hospitals,’ Mr Dutton said.
“ ‘We had shortage of all sorts of supplies, we ran out of ventilators in our country and there was a prospect of intensive care units being overwhelmed.’ ”
In other words, he (and all of his peers) believed the self-serving rubbish – lies – being fed to them by self-important chief health officers like Sutton, Young and Chant (and their peers).
The little lamented then Prime Minister refused to seek alternate advice and to listen to other voices.
Dutton and his boss at the time were happy that their Government abandoned half a century of settled science on the futility (and the dangers) of lockdowns and masks.
And he and his colleagues set up the get-out-of-jail-free card that they thought the “vaccines” would provide.
They bought and on-sold the Bill Gates false binary. It is lockdowns or vaccine mandates.
Dutton was up to his neck in every one of the COVID State’s sins of commission and of omission.
What of the new Prime Minister? Any comments on the greatest policy failure in Australia’s history?
Very few, of substance: “Anthony Albanese said the review was a ‘serious’ piece of work which would inform any inquiry into the pandemic response undertaken by the federal government.
“ ‘I have said clearly that my government will undertake at some future time a proper inquiry into the impact of the pandemic, the actions of governments,’ ” the Prime Minister told reporters on Thursday.
“ ‘We need to learn the lessons from the pandemic.
“ ‘I have not had the opportunity to read all of the report, but I certainly intend to.’ ”
Anthony Albanese simply has, for him, more important things on his mind. Like helping Daniel Andrews to win the Victorian election. And the ludicrous “Voice”. And the even more ludicrous republic. And woke policies. And net zero.
All are non-solutions to non-problems. Albanese just isn’t interested in going after the previous Government over COVID. He would have to go after Andrews and McGowan and the unspellable Premier of Queensland and the nut job in the Northern Territory. All Labor colleagues.
And, in any case, Albanese, to the extent that he was engaged in COVID policy at all, simply wanted even harsher laws to be obeyed by the supine masses.
Then we have Daniel Andrews’ response. Of course, he hasn’t bothered to read the review: “The Premiers of Victoria and Queensland have pushed back against an independent review of Australia’s response to COVID-19 which found ‘significant mistakes were made’.
“Daniel Andrews and Annastacia Palaszczuk both defended the decisions made by their governments during the pandemic after the 97-page Fault Lines review was released on Thursday.
“The review found State and federal governments ‘overreached’ with politically driven health orders and excessive lockdowns which failed to protect the elderly, disregarded the young and abandoned disadvantaged communities.
“Mr Andrews said he was yet to read the report, which he dismissed as ‘academic views’.
“ ‘There was nothing academic about the fact that we had to have lockdowns because we didn’t have any vaccine,’ he said.”
Academic views? In a sense Andrews is spot-on. But his response is a complete red herring, of course. But these two Labor Premiers are laws unto themselves. Daniel Andrews should be in jail.
And the Unspellable One? She of the now-emerging DNA scandal: “I stand by our world-leading result when it comes to the number of lives lost compared to other jurisdictions and what happened around the world.”
World leading result? On what grounds? Annastacia is speaking self-serving gibberish.
Comparing COVID outcomes across jurisdictions on the basis of comparative death rates has been shown to have proven nothing.
Policy has not made any difference. Hence to speak of “world-leading” anything to do with COVID is inane.
No, COVID simply doesn’t like hot climates. And “Queensland winter” is oxymoronic.
Speaking of hot climates, the Indian outbreak turned out to be a fizzer as well.PC
Here here Paul. Good to see the truth coming out on Peter Dutton’s role in the covid19 scandal. I expected more from Peter Dutton he was a weak lame duck. It was only a very select few who stood firm on this catastrophe I.e. Craig Kelly, Malcolm Roberts, Pauline Hanson, Anthony Antic, Gerard Rennick, George Christensen. Currently Australia is in the midst of a weak people and weak leader crisis.