PANICKED members of WA’s extreme Left Liberal Party have blamed faith-based candidates for their expected wipe-out on Saturday.
After defying the prime minister and committing to net zero carbon emissions a full 20 years earlier than the Greens – and promising to close half the State’s coal power stations while at it – the WA Liberals face an unprecedented routing at the March 13 election.

- Five former Christian Democrat candidates are standing as Liberal Party reps.
- They oppose gay marriage, abortion and euthanasia.
- WA Liberal leader is a 'strong supporter' of homosexual marriage and euthanasia.
Despite the Party’s radical shift to harsh environmentalism, it remains blind to its blunder.
The Australian newspaper reported yesterday that many within the Liberal Party were blame-shifting and had raised concerns that “the growing influence of the religious right inside the Party was damaging its standing in the broader community”.
A number of candidates and commentators are upset that at least five former Christian Democrat candidates are standing as Liberal Party representatives.
The Christian Democratic Party, called the Australian Christians in WA, opposes gay marriage, abortion and euthanasia and describes the bible as “the final authority in all matters, above human laws and government”.
Recent polling shows the State Liberals on course to lose all but two of WA’s 59 parliamentary seats, which would see the Party replaced by the Nationals as the official opposition.
WA Liberal leader Zak Kirkup announced his radical climate policies last month shortly before his polling numbers collapsed. He is not expected to retain his seat.
In an extraordinary show of weakness Mr Kirkup, a self-described progressive, conceded the election two weeks prior to polling day and begged voters not to give Labor “total control”.
A Labor campaign spokeswoman Rita Saffioti said the Liberal Party had been overtaken by “extreme right-wing zealots”.
“I talk to many Liberal Party voters, even people handing out how to vote cards at polling booths, and they tell me the Liberal Party of today is not the Liberal Party of old, it’s not the Liberal Party they joined up to,” Ms Saffioti said.
“It would take a strong leader to stand up to that, and that is not Zak Kirkup.”
Mr Kirkup is a strong supporter of homosexual marriage and euthanasia, however, has frequently had to defend conservative candidates who have expressed opposing views.
“Commentators will write or talk about it and that’s up to them, but I’m very proud of each and every one of my candidates,” Mr Kirkup recently said.PC
What a lovely photo it is of Zak: a wan smile, a hint of limpness in the wrists, and the appearance of his hands being wrung (but only very softly, because Zak is a gentle little man of very slight build, and he has quite a sensitive soul).
Yes, there’s no denying that Zak is the very apotheosis of Australian manhood, and there’s no doubt that he is delivering everything for the W.A. “Liberals” that one would expect of him.
“The Liberal party taken over by religious zealots” – couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s been hijacked by the progressive wokes to the point where there is little room left in it for people who still hold certain moral values as being non-negotiable. The valuing of the traditional biological family for one & our other freedoms (speech, movement, right to worship…..) which we hold dear in a democracy.
I think the ALP should worry about its own internal takeover, from the Greens.
Happening all across Australia.
Kirkup should immediately stand down, after his inevitable monumentous loss on the weekend.
Dawsville turf him out!!
His agenda IS NOT a Liberal agenda it’s an activist Green agenda.
He would do well joining the Greens.
He is an absolute embarrassment to everything that conservative liberals stand for.
A Turnball protege!!!!