SHE’s the ABC’s very own fembot. A professional ideologue and a conspiracy theorist extraordinaire.
In late 2019, when George Pell was still in prison and his ultimate exoneration still far from certain, the ABC’s intrepid reporter, Louise Milligan, called me a “conspiracy theorist”.
I had published an article about the embedded radical (#MeToo) feminism in the Victorian justice system and the “fembots” involved in the Get Pell campaign.
- What has been achieved by #MeToo is an astonishing reversal of the onus of proof.
- This was achieved through radical legislation change and ideologue judges.
- These changes – championed by Leftist media – are designed to be irreversible.
I argued, in outline, that successive Victorian governments, at the behest of a range of interest groups over a period of nearly two decades, had effected a revolution in the State’s system of law enforcement and justice.
Call it woke, if you will. But, essentially, what has been achieved is an astonishing reversal of the onus of proof, the death for certain classes of the presumption of innocence, making false accusations far easier to make and to have stick, institutionalising the automatic belief in the truth of every complaint of sexual abuse or sexual assault.
All this was achieved through radical legislation change, and populating the justice system with those who would be bound by their own backgrounds and ideology to implement thoroughly the intent of the revolutionaries and to ensure that the revolution cannot be reversed. To embed the revolution culturally and organisationally, including in the Victorian courts, from top to bottom.
My article also argued that there was, and is, an abundance of certain types of women in and around the system, appointed by Left-wing governments south of the Murray over twenty years with one specific legal purpose in mind.
Demonstrably, this was critical to the endeavours of the “We-Believe-You” State.
How better to complete the embedding process? By then VicPol was more than on-board. And those proximate to, but formally remaining outside, the legal system have been willing recruits in the process – priest-chasing lawyers, survivor groups, the media, publishing houses and specific journalist-authors.
And that arch Left-wing feminist, Julia Eileen Gillard, donated a half-billion dollar gift to the Victorian #MeToo-ist justice system, in the form of a Royal Commission born of a moral panic over child sex abuse by a few within the Catholic Church.
This argument is conspiracy fact, as the late Rosa Koire termed it, not conspiracy theory. Well, it takes one to know one, as they say.
For there is abundant evidence that Milligan is, herself, a conspiracy theorist. We already know that she is a professional ideologue propped up by the Aussie taxpayer but with the billing of a movie star.
She has had a publicist, she has appeared in fashion photo shoots for Harper’s Bazaar. She has written a book – her second – about herself. (Her first book, now inaccurately subtitled The Rise and Fall of George Pell, was once cruelly described as a collection of “semi-literate police talking points”).
When she failed in the end to see Pell rot and, perhaps (as a bonus) die in prison, Milligan set out – without ever apologising for her activist pursuit of him – to bring down a prominent politician (Christian Porter) accused of historical rape by someone who is now, sadly, dead and who had expressly withdrawn her own complaint against Porter.
Just as Pell’s deceased second “victim” had done. Now she is using taxpayer funds to go after the Prime Minister and his relatives over an alleged connection to – you guessed it – a set of conspiracy theorists (QAnon).
To just about everyone who uses the phrase “conspiracy theorist”, including Milligan, it is an insult.
Not for me, and I do not label Milligan as such to be insulting. It is, rather, to point out that she, like so many other journalists and historians, sets out to uncover “truths” as she sees them.
To get beyond the story to ascertain the real story. To unearth things that are hidden. To make connections that most people don’t know exist.
Sometimes this endeavour is referred to as the Five Ws of journalism – the who, what, when, where and why. To which is often added a H – the how.
It is also the basic activity of the historian. As Niall Ferguson has pointed out in his book, The Square and the Tower, often history is about horizontal connections (networks) as well as vertical connections (hierarchies), and the ways in which these move events.
And sometimes, these are hidden, purposive and organised. In other words, conspiracies. On this view, conspiracy theorists might be thought of people who simply do their research, and their theories not as crazy but rather as merely being more or less plausible.
Well Louise, why don’t you try to uncover some of these conspiracies – why Bill Shorten’s rape case simply went away; how Julia Gillard managed to stay out of jail over her 1990s activities with Bruce Wilson; whether the recent death of Chris Sign, the journalist who uncovered the tarmac meeting in 2016 between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch is right to be “treated as suicide”; the ties between China and the World Economic Forum; who the real winners are from climate change policy; whether Daniel Andrews really did just fall down the steps, how Michael Photios runs NSW, and whether the COVID virus was deliberately leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or merely escaped on its own.
I am guessing that these stories will remain forever untold by Milligan’s employer. No, Louise sticks to the safe ABC ground of investigating only things that conform to her and her employer’s world view and to their careful selection of goodies and baddies.
This is why I call her a professional ideologue.
She also doesn’t mind if her conspiracy theories are utterly unbelievable, as her pursuit of Pell showed.
Who in his (or, in this case, her) right mind would take with the remotest seriousness the idea that a freshly appointed Archbishop, mere months after implementing Australia’s first rigorous pursuit of justice for child abuse victims, celebrating his very first Solemn Mass in a crowded Cathedral brimming with media as well as congregants, fifteen minutes after receiving the Body and Blood of his Saviour, would leave his regular post at the Cathedral’s entrance greeting Mass goers and dart off to a, by now, equally crowded Sacristy and orally rape a chorister or two who just happened to have dropped in, unannounced.
Well, Louise believed this to be true – because of the sad eyes of the complainant, Witness JJ, it would seem credible– as did many others, on the face of it.
Which just goes to show that if you are as much of a professional ideologue as she and the other true believers are, then you are capable of believing anything.
Well, I suppose the Metropolitan Police in Britain as well as senior politicians and others believed the bizarre fantasist Carl Beech, who alleged the existence of high-level paedophile rings, and the Philadelphia authorities and assorted journalists believed the drug addled lies of “Billy Doe” (aka Danny Gallagher), who accused various priests and teachers of unspeakable and degraded acts.
Both Carl and Billy were eventually outed as liars who caused indescribable harm to their accused. Those who chose to believe them had massive egg on their faces. Deservedly so.
But we do expect more of our journalists, whether paid for by the taxpayer or not.
We know, of course, that in the age of moral panics, rabid climate alarmism and COVID hysteria that people will, indeed, believe anything. And that even outlandish things gain popular traction. Just google Charles Mackay (Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds) or James Thurber (The Day the Dam Broke) to have this confirmed.
Sadly, now, we have a legal system that rewards outlandish accusations against those who, for political, financial or ideological reasons, make great targets and even better copy.
The bigger the target, the better. Just ask Craig McLachlan, Geoffrey Rush, John Jarratt and Father John Fleming of Adelaide. Or Ben Roberts-Smith. Or Christian Porter. Or the celebrated lawyer in the USA, Alan Dershowitz.
Any accusation which involves a cover-up, looking the other way, keeping it secret, hiding things, is, by definition, a conspiracy theory.
At least my own conspiracy theory is highly plausible. Unlike Milligan’s bogus efforts. Or those of many of the accuser brigade who are either on the make, out for revenge of some kind, seeking their time in the spotlight or just sadly deluded.PC
Again the Classical Liberal values are trashed by Government-funded employees of the ABC. Enough instances have been aired in the public forums for reform to be an urgent necessity.
However, what steps exactly does the Sensible Centre take to reform, sell, abolish or discipline the errant smear-journalism of the ABC?
How does the Liberal Party (or any other Party) have any conviction or spine to craft this narrative and take real action and fend off the inevitable cries of “political interference” in “our (??)” ABC?
Anyone with a practical Action Plan?
I am a self funded retiree so I do not contribute to the ABC however I am sorry for those taxpayers that are forced to! I suspect the ABC has lost their way but I also expect they never found it anyway.
I’m also a self-funded retiree but must, unfortunately, contribute to the funding of that group of incessantly hostile reporters – (containing one female who behaves like an out-of-control, very nasty canine) – who dominate ABC television’s news and current affairs commentary.
Now, while a few of the ABC DOCUMENTARY & LIFESTYLE PROGRAMMES are of interest, in this field, for the better part, most credit must go to big sister BBC. Over there, thankfully, it seems the British Government is lethargically rousing itself to rein in this particular octopus somewhat!
Very rarely will THE LABOR/GREEN’S ABC throw us Conservative Liberals an engrossing morsel of TRUTHFUL COMMENTARY. Mostly, I find I cannot stomach their unopposed load of often untrue, horribly skewed, rabidly left-wing, Liberal-Government-demonising opinions! I must turn them off!
SO MUCH FOR THEIR CHARTER to provide fair, well-considered, balanced content; A CHARTER OPENLY FLOUTED, – DELIBERATELY, – BLATANTLY IGNORED!
If the Government won’t insist on, – nay – ensure REAL REFORM, the only solution must be:-
Whilst Louise Milligan on her ABC monday night’s 4 Corners program might have fallen some distance short when trying to draw a nexus between the purported evils of QAnon and our P.M. Scott Morrison and his wife Jenny, what we were shown was a lovely photo of the Morrison’s on their wedding day.
M/s Milligan may struggle to inveigle this seemingly normal family into her alleged QAnon connection, as what family (apparently including her own in this given instance) doesn’t have a crackpot friend or relative who espouses peculiar ideas! 4 Corners was once a sensible show, but under M/s Miligan’s guiding hand has morphed into a ‘Punch and Judy’ type program, appropo the team who brought you Cardinal Pell and Christian Porter.
Having lost the Pell High Court decision 7-0 and avoided being decimated in a Porter trial (probably due to his lack of funds), M/s Milligan’s reported results so far this season resemble those of the Waratahs, albeit we all live in perennial hope. Quality control wise the taxpayer just got done yet again.
I just wish Pell or Porter had really sued the abc and Milligan.
LOUISE MILLIGAN — has been honed and moulded by Labor/Green’s ABC to become their bitter, vicious, roving attack-weapon of choice when in budget-devouring pursuit of their most urgent, goal, — TO DESTROY OUR LIBERAL GOVERNMENT, CHRISTIANITY AND ALL CONSERVATIVE VALUES, — PARTICULARLY TARGETING WISE, CONSERVATIVE GENDER OR ETHNIC TENETS AND RATIONAL ENERGY POLICIES.
PAUL BARRY — is the ABC’s heat-seeking missile, on an undeviating, one-track, one-eyed mission to demolish every opinion or endeavour that espouses or supports all that these Socialists & Marxists hate : – see above – as for Milligan!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
Attributed to Edmund Burke however, traced back to John Stuart Mill in 1867.
Louise Milligan and the rest of the HATERS, spew their poison and must be taken to account.
It’s about time someone (besides a couple of Sky News commentators) bought Milligan to heel. Along with Paul Barry, they together form a type of hatred that borders on something that belongs to the BLM movement or Antifa. They are a very unpleasant pair of individuals who are completely devoid of any sense of fair play, and both receive a motza from the public purse for the tripe they put up. I write this as someone who used to be a long time labor supporter, but in recent years, thanks to these two bottom of the harbor “journalists ??” (that’s very unfair on good decent factual journalists,) I am very much locked into conservative values, which seems to me to be a much fairer outlook on life.
Natalie Ward? Elaborate please.
Oh Photios; I get it.
What ABC 4 Corners did to Christian Porter is a disgrace and must not be forgotten.
Does the Federal Coalition now understand that the ABC is their enemy?
What happened to professional pride?
And the ABC Charter enforcement?
Great article. The writer has succinctly explained how the socialists converted the Victorian legal process from a traditional evidence based system back to the dark ages when the bias of whichever presiding pre-greenie nut job faction reigned supreme, and where fact and reality were discarded, thence innocents being burnt at the stake as witches. Stalin adopted and then refined this purported justice model even further.
Little wonder that the Victorian populace is exiting up north in droves, as they now live in a very frightening environment, aside from becoming economic victims of the state’s current socialist magic.
What we would all like to know is from what address the Ambulance picked up socialist supremo Daniel Andrews from when he hurt his back. Who was present at that address during that previous weekend prior to his accident? Was he spoken to either formally or informally by police during the course of that weekend? Is there or is there to be any litigation or mediation between Andrews and any other party arising from any events that may/may not have taken place that previous weekend? Simple ‘yes’s and no’s will suffice.
We can all then rest easily, knowing that Andrews is really a good type after all.
Time for their ABC to become a subscription service.
I saw a great t-shirt the other day…
Where can I get one of those T-shirts ?
Buy a blank white t-shirt and go to a printer; there’s usually one in every shopping centre. I had one done which said:
CO2 is life
Greens hate CO2
Greens hate life
I had many interesting conversations with snowflakes when wearing it.
Absolutely hilarious