THE mood among Liberal Party supporters is darkening as the Party continues its hard lurch to the Left, haemorrhaging millions of votes as it does so.
This month’s Western Australia debacle – where a radical Liberal opposition was all but wiped out – is the most recent in a string of losses including Queensland, the Northern Territory and minority government in Tasmania.

- Coalition sheds over two million supporters as it competes for green votes.
- The Party's shuffle down the extremist route places it on a minor Party trajectory.
- Liberal members say they are in disbelief at what's happened to their Party.
Even the Party’s strongest performing divisions, NSW and federal, are both clinging to government by a single seat as they continue to confound supporters by implementing Greens’ policies.
The Liberal Party’s shuffle down the extremist route has placed it on a trajectory to minor Party status.
The last Party leader bold enough to reject Green ideology and, instead, promote pro-economy and pro-family policies won government by a landslide – winning 90 of 150 federal seats.
That was in 2013 and the leader was now former Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
Since then, the Liberal Party has literally snubbed millions of voters with its embrace of all things woke and green.
According to a report in The Australian newspaper this week the Coalition has become anathema to more than two million primary voters in 19 federal and State elections conducted since Mr Abbott returned the conservative Parties to government.
At a federal level, the Coalition has dropped a massive 560,665 votes.
This loss was primarily the work of dumped PM Malcolm Turnbull who shifted Liberal policy Left, believing he wouldn’t lose voters.
He was advised at the time that centre-right voters had nowhere else to go – yet 474,000 of them disagreed at the 2016 election.
Turnbull’s disregard for the Liberal Party base almost lost him government – and ultimately cost him his job in 2018.
In 2019, Prime Minister Scott Morrison lost a further 86,000 voters – and current polling suggests they’re not rushing back.
Western Australia’s “fake” conservatives have shed 377,047 votes and now hold just six of the State’s 59 parliamentary seats.
The WA Liberals, holding just two seats, have been dropped as the State’s official opposition – being replaced by its “junior” Coalition partner, The Nationals, with four seats.
WA Liberal leader Zac Kirkup, who resigned as leader after losing his own seat, was a strong supporter of homosexual marriage, euthanasia and extreme climate action.
His climate promises were so extreme (net zero emissions 20 years earlier than the Greens!) that even Labor leaders were shaking their heads in disbelief.
Mr Kirkup announced his resignation from politics immediately after his March 13 election defeat.
In NSW, the Coalition has shed 427,216 voters.
This can arguably be attributed to the unhealthy influence of that State’s Energy & Environment Minister Matt Kean, nicknamed Captain Planet.
As a result of its mass voter exodus, the Coalition now holds just 40 per cent of all federal and State seats.
And long-suffering Liberal Party supporters are angry.
“I’ve lived through dark days in our Party before, but it’s very different this time,” a distressed Sydney-based member said.
“The Liberal Left has captured the so-called ‘moral’ ground and crafted a believable – albeit untrue – narrative,” he said.
“Whether that be around renewables, global warming, China, LGBTQ, the great reset, male hating or speech control, they’ve managed to trick a lot of people.
“The difference is that, nowadays, so-called conservatives just lay down for them and try to out-woke them.”
He said conservatives had lost their courage.
“In past days we were proud to stand up and publicly speak as conservatives.
“Just a few years ago we would openly say ‘stop the boats’ – without fear of being called racist.
“But look at us now! We sit in a coalition with a group of openly anti-conservatives who call themselves moderates.
“We are a conservative Party, we always have been, and they don’t belong in our Party. Full stop!”
An elderly member from Sydney has also revealed his anguish.
“I’m an 80-year-old conservative and it’s painful to watch the Left take over and steer the Party away from true conservative values,” he said.
“We are being controlled by minorities and it is about time we stood up and called a spade a spade.
“I feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to pay back the debt and live through all the rubbish which is being presented to them.
“I’ll be glad to be out of here!”
A newer Liberal Party member said he was shocked by what he had discovered since joining.
“The Liberal Party is becoming more and more like the Green/Labor Marxists brigade,” he said.
“The self-appointed ‘moderates’ are anything but moderate.
“Meanwhile, fake conservatives are cutting deals with the hard Left for self-interest.
“These fake conservatives are the real problem and are causing most damage. They should be named and shamed.” PC
Dont abandon the Libs… instead fix it… just remember the only party that can beat Labor/Greens/Teals is the Liberals…
So unless you want permanent Left wing Govts in Australia, join the Liberals and drag it away from the Left…
To all the people happy to desert the Libs now… I will leave you with a comment….
The Only party that will ever kick out the Left (Labor, Greens and Teals) out of power is the Liberal party.
My advice…. dont desert the Libs… fix it…. root out the Lefties and the Bed wetters.
Otherwise we are going to spend a long time with the Left running Australia. And please dont kid yourself that any of these baby right wing parties will somehow grow into another Liberal party…. good luck with that…
The overarching picture is this: whether you are left or right or Calathumpian, the last year should have been spent highlighting the weaknesses of our political foes – not tearing ourselves apart.
I fear that we might have a lng time in opposition to do all that.
Thanks from us who just want to be in Government to be able to make a better society.
Can’t do it without power.
I hope I am wrong but the “house divided” might have a 3 year breather to lick our wounds from the real battle – which many have overlooked – while indulging in the dog (or cat)-fights.
I’ve been a life long liberal voter but not anymore. I will never vote for this party again. I’m AUP or ON from now on maybe even liberal Democrats but my electorate is a strong Labor electorate unfortunately.
There is no doubt Morrison is a clone of the lying, backstabbing, hypocrite Turnbull and this was verified by him preferencing the Labor party in front of One Nation at the last election. He has his own agenda and obviously supports the corrupt U.N. who is hell bent on destroying our Sovereignty.
Forget Morrison… hes leaving politics soon, forget him. Focus on Turnbull if you want to, hes far more destructive
We are a nation adrift with very few principles apart from self interest. Genuine self interest would mean putting our own short term interests aside for the greater good; of recognizing we are part of a community. I don’t see any sign of that happening. Those old enough will remember the values and policies promoted by the leaders in the fifties and sixties. If there are any such individuals today, and I believe there surely are, they are very much in the minority. The party is a reflection of what’s been happening in society, as obnoxious secularism and pragmatism has taken over. Anybody who has read Marx, Engels and their acolytes will recognize what’s going on. Old communism has gone, but its aggressive secularist influence has been in the universities and many organizations for decades.
I think the problem is we are deserting our calmer, more conservative UK roots and the Commonwealth in favour of US values – a country largely in turmoil – so we can’t expect any different to what is happening here if we follow their lead. By all means be an ally, but don’t follow their culture.
There is little doubt now that Morrison is a clone of the lying, backstabbing, Turnbull and is losing conservatives by the minute. The only hope for the LNP is to bring Tony Abbott back and the sooner the better .
Members didn’t abandon the NSW Liberal Party, The NSW Liberal party abandoned its members.
Our emails were ignored by William St – few if any received as much as a delivery acknowledgement.
Our collective wishes were scoffed at and over-ridden, at every level, an overwhelming result at Rosehill ignored with state executive reneging on its direction.
Our branches were skewed in factional takeovers where they were made to become little more than a fan club for an over ambitious and now banished in disgrace state MP.
State presidents and party executive abandoned us when it ignored our calls for support.
State government abandoned us when it put the interests of mates and peers ahead of what’s best for the state. (We’re looking at you Matt Kean)
Our prime minister abandoned our electorate when he played favourites ahead of the wishes of the electorate, the party membership and its many volunteers.
Our state member abandoned those who’d given them his trust. Driven more by spite and self interest he’d set about to destroy anything Liberal he could not control and manipulate. Those stacked branches won’t be leaping to his defence as the next tier of factional interests manoeuvre towards impending vacancies.
No we didn’t abandon Liberal NSW, NSW Liberal abandoned us. Abandoned it’s own soul.
Can it be fixed?
Or should the legion of abandoned Liberals look at forming a new, democratic alternative?
I think it can be fixed – but not for a while. They are asking for review contributions, but they are still in denial that their mismanagement to date has brought them into opposition. Appropriate contributions to the review requests are largely a waste of time at this point in my view. They need their nose rubbed in 1 or 2 more election defeats when desperation has a chance of making them see the error of their ways in recent times. We haven’t had a decent state Premier since Barry O’Farrel was ‘set up’ with that bottle of Grange he never saw, and Mike Baird was tapped on the shoulder. Those that are keen can contribute to the review process, but I suggest they don’t hold their breath for a short term acceptance of anything sensible. I think the contributor that does would end up VERY blue in the face.
“The heart of the wise inclineth to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left
Ecclesiastes 10:2
Also….Mathew 25:33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Thus sayeth the Lord. Amen.
Can’t get any simpler than that!
I told my local member who is a Liberal party member that she has lost my vote after Kean’s disastrous decision! While they should set Kean adrift but as he is a supporter of Gladys I can’t see that happening! Not certain what the next State govt will be but OneNation here I come!
Please bear with me, a silenced conservative oldie who believes in God, not the Big Bang, to share these essential but largely ignored facts:
The tragedy for ALL Australians confounded by our purposeful lurch to Green Left madness is ignorance that the nation is locked into hostile foreign agreements now culminating in the globalist Great Reset for which COVID-19 and ultimately Climate lockdowns and restrictions are key enablers.
ALL three tiers of Australian government have the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals’ (including radical climate action) embedded in their DNA. Scott Morrison early reminded us “we honour” these international agreements and he wasn’t lying.
For decades our economy, lives, freedoms and thinking have been incrementally subverted by their iron-clad “non-binding” strictures: by the Lima Agreement (Whitlam Government, 1975), Agenda 21 (Keating Government, 1992) and Agenda 2030 (updating Agenda 21 as 17 Agreed Principles, Turnbull Government, 2015) … all deceitful recipes for surrendering Australia lock, stock and barrel to to globalist governance in their prescribed manner and timelines.
Just visit any Commonwealth Department website to see these top down marching orders. Follow them through to local government. Begin to grasp how these wash through all areas of our lives … all outside the purview of public disclosure and parliamentary debate.
Bit-player greeny footsoldiers may have prepared the path by invading shareholder meetings and the corporate sector. But players at the top got seious in 2015 with the UN-affiliated Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures putting the squeeze on big corporates around the globe to decarbonise-or-else.
Now they do it like the Play Book says… in the same way this past year our health bureaucrats do, using instructions in the UN/Resolve to Save Lives Play Books to put us squarely into unelected Covid-Safe dictatorship.
The pay off for all compliant corporates (we are now Australia Inc. after extensive surgery on our Constitution in the 1970s – 80s) is decision-making status at the joint World Economic Forum-United Nations Great Reset. Today corporate stakeholders have equal say with national governments when it comes to global governance thanks to a joint WEF-UN 2019 Memorandum of Understanding.
Trusting Australians need to do their due diligence to see how doing Sustainability (with its COVID-19 accelerant) is our passport to the Great Reset’s magic world where “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. The non-accountable-to-you Global elites and corporates are about to bag it all.
We get the consolation prize of being either “essential” or “non-essential” persons or businesses … serfs in the new corporate fascist world order with Chinese communist social credit-style characteristics … all on the strength of the sugar-coated lies of saving the planet — and now, protecting vulnerable lives.
Who saw this coming? Quite a few of us over the years but institutional capture by the Left has ensured the sound of silence. Mass consumption of their Coolade works to erase all memory history, truth, empirical science and reason for public policy purposes.
For those who haven’t noticed, Australia and the free world is experiencing a socialist revolution. Until this is acknowledged, we can’t even begin the long, slow, painful haul of recovering our liberty.
Spot on Barbara. The Libs have lost the plot. Trouble is there is not one strong but many splinter groups to replace them.
Maybe under Barnaby, the Nats. may be the best choice.
Thanks Alan, but there is scarcely an Australian politician of any stripe who focuses on root causes for Australia’s ills rather than wasting $trillions proliferating the symptoms.
The causes of our ills are hidden in plain sight. They are our costly globalist, communist/corporate fascist-driven UN/WEF alignments. They are the political instruments which for decades have been doing their job killing off what the now emboldened One World Government crowd disparages as our Old Normal. Millions of locked down Australians are now suffering their New Normal as brainwashed, soon to be mass-vaccinated slaves.
The only politician with whom I’ve discussed our corrupt and hostile UN climate commitments, and who both sees and has assembled documentary proof of this, is Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts. However a string of others over the years like independent SA “Truther MP” Ann Bressington (2006-14) have also tried. Outside politics there are excellent think tanks and networks of other tryers like the Saltbush Club, Carbon Sense and Climate Realists/Clintel through which truth tellers can access reliable data to counteract today’s saturation propaganda.
Supremo of all tryers, President Donald Trump, for a time spectacularly raised the bar by attacking this same globalist, anti-nation-state war machine by taking a string of decisive actions. He extricated the US from the Paris Agreement, restored America to energy independence and turned it into a net energy exporter. He launched Nicky Haley as a defensive weapon at the UN. And he began pulling the plug on funding the WHO, helmed by China’s man Tedros Ghebreyesus, an ex-Health Minister (2005-12) in the government run by the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front.
Unless Australians wise up to who our real enemies are and start reading their Playbooks for answers (try Resolve to Save Lives, part of the UN stable, and their COVID-19 playbooks for leaders and decision makers) we’ll never know World War III is well underway. It’s the global “elites” versus nation states and their deemed superfluous masses.
I will only support politicians who are prepared to resist and fight their killer Climate and Covid narratives because, shamefully, that is all they are — the fiction of off the leash dictators enacting history’s two greatest crimes against humanity.
The best choice are the minor parties who even acknowledge the problem of marxist invasion of our institutions, politics and schools. Who acknowledge that the UN is having too much influence in Australia and that we need to be more self-determining rather than succumbing to all these international agreements. What have the Nationals done to fight back from all the woke garbage and reinstate national and personal sovereignty. I say cut them lose.
Left- right – this is not the talk of a Liberal Party.
Our party should be about what’s good for the community and our country as a whole, not who is frothing at the mouth the hardest. So let’s go back to looking at cold, hard facts through unbiased eyes and let go of the hyperbole.
Coal is not good or bad – it is essential, as China and others are still purportedly building coal-fired power stations.
Global warming and rising ocean levels are happening. So let’s analyse why, and calmly roll out the solutions – for ours and the world’s sake. e.g. on our own shores, residents are being driven off certain islands in Torres Strait where land area has almost halved in recent years, rising ocean levels in the shallow strait being in the region of 6-8 mm p.a (200mm or more since 1990) https://coastadapt.com.au/sites/default/files/case_studies/CS011_Adaptation_in_the_Torres_Strait.pdf
Supporting findings are being measured at the botanic gardens and by NASA where the global ocean level is rising by 3.3 mm pa on average (95 mm since 1995). This is a report by NASA of all people! https://www.nasa.gov/specials/sea-level-rise-2020/
So, as a Liberal party, let’s look at the solutions – AND the opportunities. Please!
Trees absorb carbon. Tree growing is now part of the Paris accord. We have a massive land area available to re-plant trees. Many farmers are now bordering their holdings with trees for soil retention and as a bonus actually experiencing good rain in drought years – and running creeks! AND finishing up with deeper, richer soil beds. And not having to use toxic nicotinoid pesticide that can cause illness to humans – that means at least some of us haha!
Some South American countries are now re-planting trees at a rapid rate. Queensland is now logging trees faster than Brazil.
Technology is right now being designed to burn coal with nett carbon emissions of close to zero. These can be implemented in the next decade – some of them sooner. But it works best with clean coal.
Bowen coking coal is the cleanest coal in the world.
Steel can be made with nett zero technology that is on the drawing boards as we write.
We can lead the world in steel-making – the strongest, highest-quality steel ever – all with designs now on the drawing boards for nett zero emissions.
For an insight, check the Iron Boomerang project.
People, there are many other Aussie inventions that will lead an energy-starved world in years to come that do not place us or our neighbours in peril and that will make a cleaner and happier world.
Inventions around Lithium solar, hydrogen, new building designs featuring many better-comfort designs with such cooling innovations as versions of the Coolgardie water safe!!! I could go on.
We invented ice-making, the heart pace-maker, the cochlear implant – and dozens of others.
We can do this!
Bottom Line
Let’s get off the case of people with the good ideas and work as a team. And let’s be respectful in our criticisms. Nobody is going to vote for a team that is tearing itself apart.
So, let’s talk up the positives and play down the negatives (Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer 1944). https://www.metrolyrics.com/accenttchuate-the-positive-lyrics-bing-crosby.html
Let’s show the electors that we have a life, a resurgence, a renewal, and a refreshing attitude to govern wisely and treat the voters with respect.
And politically, come out roaring in support for the current leaders because “a house divided within itself cannot stand”. (Paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln quoting The Great Teacher).
Enough is enough as conservatives are being treated with disdain by the likes of Kean, Berejiklian and the rest of the left wing so called Liberal Party . The Liberal party is no longer Liberal and are now Labor and Green like. They need a lesson and that is to vote them out and One Nation in.
After more than 40 years as a Liberal Party member and holding many official roles and even standing as an endorsed LP candidate at the 1980 Federal Election, I am very close to cancelling my membership after this latest Matt Kean insult of appointing Turnbull to such an important role to which he is totally unsuited. What was our Premier thinking – is she really that much under the control of Matt Kean as many have suggested? I can hardly believe how ridiculous the Liberal Party has become in recent years.
You can’t appease the Marxist left, the more you pander, the more they scream for…Turnbull, Kean, et al have betrayed the liberal party and their country. Someone should make them declare their financial interests in the renewables scam. Scomo has been sucked in hook, line and sinker. What happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’? Scomo ditched that in a couple of weeks throwing Porter and common sense under the bus. Put simply, quotas for women is code for women are too clueless to make it on merit. That is flat out discrimination of the worst kind. MLK fought for exactly the opposite principles. Wake up Scomo – show some ticker against identity politics before it eats you up and spits you out – the silent majority will support you!
I disagree with Chris Turnbull’s point that women will not be elected on merit because they are considered clueless. What they want is women who will let themselves be charmed and sell their soul to the Leftie puppet masters like most of the men in Parliament have done in return for being ‘looked after’ in their political careers, with slogans like ‘disunity is death’ so they perform with antics like the recent electing of Turnbull in charge of the Green Renewables organisation – well for a few days anyway till the public outcry became too strong.
I think quotas for women is a call for those that are prepared to prostitute themselves for personal gain and let the puppet masters pull their strings. Small wonder that such a large drug addict epidemic has grown in Sydney since Gladys was installed, and then business was sent down the gurgler and GST is consequently disappearing like the sand thru the hourglass and such are the days of our lives till the next election and we turf our this so-called govt. The women – they will be treated like crooked real estate agents treat their sales people – take them on, burn them out then throw them away!
The party just doesn’t get it…this week resurrecting failed former PM Malcolm Turnbull who was voted out by his party twice (2008 & 2018), took his party to within 1 seat of electoral oblivion in 2016, and criticises our PM Scott Morrison…and yet Premier Berijiklian and Minister Kean can’t see how this move will alienate the Liberal Party base. Its as if true, loyal supporters are being poked in the eyes daily.
My values, my conscience and my common sense have, for quite some several years, precluded me from even contemplating supporting the Liberal Party. I was saddened at the demise of the short lived Australian Conservatives party but I live in hope that a credible alternative will rise from its ashes.
The Liberal Party is betraying its Conservative base and the appointment of Turnbull to a sinecure renewables Board in NSW by Matt Keane is deplorable. Conservatives now need to express their anger to these fake Liberal members, get active in their Branches write to their local Members and Newspapers and call them. You cant stand by and watch any more – Rome is burning.
Did you know that Branches in NSW have 2 delegates to the State Council, the most important Policy Body in NSW – one of which MUST be a woman.
Tokenism and Discrimination is alive and well in the NSW Liberal Party
This is the last straw! We are on the road to a whacking at the next State & Federal elections. How does Matt Kean keep his place in the NSW Liberal Party. What is he holding over Gladys? Do these politicians think their members are stupid? Well I am one of them & I have had enough of the way we are being treated. Welcome back Malcolm!! One Nation is looking pretty good at the moment!!!!
Matt Kean is Gladys’s factional boss. He tells her what to do – not the other way round. If she arcs up, he simply replaces her. People keep asking why she doesn’t get rid of Kean. It’s because she can’t – he owns her.
Writing to the media etc will probably secure you a letter like I got from the illustrious NSW President, Philip Ruddock, suggesting you might get sued for doing so and showing lack of respect. Nicknames for the worst Leftie culprits are also banned it seems. We are exhorted to respect and advocate for the current version of the Party and its Members.
We can’t start a new party and vacate the field for Labor, so our only option is to expel Liberal’s Green’s and socialists from our party, if we wish to remain viable. Our ideologies are too diametrically opposed to be accommodated under one broad church, and they’d be much happier joining the Greens. We can only ever win an election despite them, yet they really believe that they are contributors, which is surreal, considering Turnbull’s terminal polls and the recent WA result. How any times must we learn the same lesson? They will never accept the proven fact that they are dead weight in our saddlebags.
Every time that we take conservative policies to the people we win well, but every time that liberals greens are given their head, we go to hell in a hand basket. The 2 factions can no longer co-exist together, and should party members wish to keep carrying them and adopt wilful blindness as their policy, then they must be prepared to leave Treasury’s benches, as the public will vote Green Labor before contemplating its imitation, or else vote for minor conservative parties, in the absence of any other presenting option.
“We can’t start a new party […]”
You don’t need to.
One Nation is a perfectly viable alternative, and they are growing rapidly because their ranks are already being swelled by those abandoning the “Liberal” party, whose demise is looming ever more clearly.
Dead right Morrie. And if not One Nation, then The Shooters & Fishers Party are a potential option, provided they (& ON) field a candidates in each electorate; offer the right (sensible) policies, especially those related to our energy future (ie reliable base load power 100% of the time, no subsidies & legislate serious financial penalties for ANY failure to deliver/meet guaranteed QOS performance standards!
Well said Nick. But how do you stop the Leftie branch stacking at FEC,SEC,LGC and office bearer preselections, so that the best you can offer is a protest vote so they don’t get a complete runover. Not attending fundraisers, and handouts on election day, might get the message through but it’s still destructive.
Morrison’s lurch to the left by adopting their renewables and emissions reduction policies will backfire badly come the next election.
Doesn’t he realise that the green-tinged elites to whom he is pandering will give him very few votes?
It is the millions of intelligent conservatives who want Australia to continue to prosper with predominantly cheap, coal-fired power, (with some modular nuclear being gradually built into the mix), who will give him the votes he badly needs. He should have brought that sensible Senator Matt Canavan back into the Cabinet to wheel the Energy Portfolio along the path to sanity!
Angus Taylor is making a lot of sense, Jennifer, and Scott has to watch his step so he doesn’t end up the same way as Tony Abbott. Could you imagine a Matt Kean replacing Scott?? How would we get on then?
If Mr Morrison had a spine & led his team back to the right where the NLP comes from, the Liberals will find they are setting the pace, not following a “woke” socialist ALP, & support will return, from voters that left the Liberals for the smaller right parties. These smaller parties have a message that true conservatives believe in, but sadly, they will never be in power, only take votes from the NLP. They will need every vote they can get come next election
“If Mr Morrison had a spine […]”
It’s surprising that many Liberal supporters don’t seem to understand how an ill-educated bogan like Morrison ended up in the top job: it is precisely *because* he has no spine. He is a shallow individual who is entirely devoid of convictions; anyone who has seen him being interviewed (when he is at his mealy-mouthed best) should be able to understand that. Morrison’s only interest is in self-advancement, and he is thus a suitably pliable individual for the “moderates” to manipulate and control. At the same time, he can front up to cameras wearing a vacuous grin and mouthing empty platitudes to ensure that the voters don’t get spooked – unfortunately for him and the “Liberal” party, it’s clear that many conservative voters are not fooled by his deceptively avuncular manner; this is because the toxic agenda of his puppet masters simply cannot be hidden.
An extremely apposite and well articulated observation.
Scotty has too often acted in defense of anti-Australian retards.
His appointment of Dutton to defense and his slap down of extreme left nation haters were sublime.
Seems like a great time for electoral reform by scrapping compulsory voting and making preferences optional, thereby forcing political parties of all types to actually engage with voters. I wonder how many would vote for any of the current crop ?
Preferences have their place if you know how to use them intelligently. For instance, for every primary Liberal vote the Party gets paid a few dollars per vote. A second place vote means they miss out, but it still has an effect on outcomes.
“Preferences have their place if you know how to use them intelligently.”
Mandatory preferential voting means that one’s vote usually ends up going to the either the Labor party or the Liberal party. The socialists controlling those two parties are well aware of this, and so they have gamed the system so that our “democracy” is a rotating duopoly in which which we can opt for either socialist party A (Labor) or socialist party B (Liberal, for those who fancy a political “bait and switch”).
Ergo, the most intelligent way to use a preferential vote is to vote informally in the lower house, which has the effect of voicing one’s disapproval of the charade that politics has become in this country. It is also a rebuke to the slimy individuals who control the major parties, and an act that rightly serves to undermine the legitimacy of whoever is elected – in effect, it is a soft revolution.
Expel Turnbull for a start. That will send a message. But alas the Liberals are losing their conservative values hence their loss of votes.
Stop the disastrous leftie/Green policy agenda and govern for hard working Australians who are the backbone of the country.
Hint for ScoMo:
Stop preferencing the Greens and start preferencing One Nation. The Greens are more extreme than Pauline Hansen will ever be.
Why would anyone be surprised that a once conservative party now turning left and trying to appeal to the mania of leftism loses it’s support? They are not going to win the votes of the woke they are pursuing, but they are certainly alienating the traditional conservative vote they had. It isn’t that hard to understand, unless of course you are the ambitious ex Uni staffer who believes you get the job by working out where all the votes are.
It is time we saw the return of experienced competent members who have a declared agenda that they WILL persue if they get the job.