AUSTRALIA’s elites are now engaged in a travesty of public policy, so-called net-zero emissions. Yet once Australians realise what it will cost, they are next to unanimous in their opposition.
Meanwhile, the media have finally realised that most of the elites, especially the assorted shysters at Glasgow, enjoy CO2 footprints many times that of the rank-and-file.
- A constant fiction used by politicians is that Australians are demanding action on climate.
- Yet only eight per cent say they are prepared to accept the cost of doing so.
- So the elites brazenly hide the true cost of their net-zero policies.
To justify this, they hide behind “offsets”, the global warming equivalent of tax avoidance or even evasion.
Worse than their hypocrisy, the elites also know that despite the formidable cost of net-zero on the people, this will have zero effect on the temperature, while ensuring Beijing’s genocidal multi-billionaires make a killing which the shysters hope to share.
The elites brazenly hide these truths. Although taxpayers must fund the $20b Scott Morrison intends to waste on pie-in-the-sky schemes, he conceals the modelling he relies on as if it were a State secret.
One of the constant fictions used by politicians is that Australians are demanding action on climate change.
In a poll by Resolve Strategic for The Sydney Morning Herald/Age, Australians were asked a rare question: “To what extent are you prepared to accept a personal cost in order to support action to reduce Australia’s emissions?”
Only eight per cent (11 per cent Labor, three per cent Coalition) ticked “I am prepared to accept a significant personal cost”.
That cost will be enormous; Morrison’s enemies on the Left are now accusing him of hiding this.
While 15 per cent were undecided, eight per cent said they were not prepared to accept a significant personal cost, but think others should.
They clearly have the shysters firmly in mind. The 27 per cent who are not prepared to accept any significant personal cost, and think others shouldn’t, are already obviously aware net-zero is a fraud.
This poll confirms that when the majority wake up to this, they will be unforgiving.
With widespread Clive Palmer-funded advertising for Craig Kelly and the UAP, and with Alan Jones freeing himself from media managers, don’t be surprised if this is sooner rather than later.
Neither Adolph Hitler in 1933, nor Indira Gandhi in 1975, had the power to impose a state of emergency.
They had at least to persuade an admittedly hopeless president, one senile and one a political rubber stamp, to do their bidding to make them dictators.
The Public Health and Wellbeing (Pandemic Management) Bill, being rammed through the Victorian parliament, will allow Daniel Andrews to do what neither Hitler nor Gandhi could, to impose his own state of emergency.
Apart from his government having by far the worst record in Australia in managing the Wuhan virus, and the largest number of unnecessary deaths, the premier will be able, through his health minister, to exercise what the Victorian Bar warns will be an effectively unlimited power to rule by decree, for an effectively indefinite period, and without effective judicial or parliamentary oversight.
The bill even enables the minister to make orders targeting people on the basis of their political beliefs.
The bill offends the very basis of the Westminster system which is that the prime minister or premier is merely primus inter pares, first among equals, in a government politically responsible to parliament, appointed and dismissible by the Crown and ruling through advice to the constitutional guardian, the sovereign or her viceroy.
When we imported much of our constitutional structure from the United States, it was the overwhelming decision of our founders, endorsed by the people, to reject the hallmark of the American system, the single person executive, president or governor.
This was despite the fact that this office is limited in the United States by specially designed checks and balances.
Members of the Victorian parliament and, in particular, those in the house of review (the Legislative Council) should be swayed neither by government pressure nor persuasion.
This bill needs careful consideration particularly with the obvious need to restore constitutional governance in Australia even during emergencies.
With the country returning to normal, it is surely time to reflect on how the nation handled the pandemic.
It is unacceptable that decisions of such magnitude as closing down the NSW construction industry at a cost of $1.4b, without any supporting health advice, could be effected by a minister alone signing an order in his office.
Such matters would once go to the Executive Council where the Governor would need to be assured that what was proposed was within his lawful power to approve.
The order would have to be tabled in parliament where either house could disallow it.
These checks and balances applied in colonial times and even when we were at war. This is a significant part of the accumulated experience and wisdom which made Australia one of the handful of countries which constitute the world’s oldest continuing democracies.
Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (ACM) fought the 1999 referendum for several reasons.
But what was common to us and our allies was that what was being proposed was not a republic.
Many of us believe, including John Howard and Tony Abbott, that we are already a republic, a crowned republic.
What was on offer in 1999 was a politicians’ republic, in which the normal checks and balances would be significantly diminished.
It would have been the only republic in history in which the president would be dismissible by the PM without notice, without grounds and without any right of appeal.
ACM is, as Tony Abbott has declared, “one of the constitution’s fiercest defenders”.
With that in mind, and without taking any position on the various pandemic measures, ACM is now calling for a re-examination of the processes of constitutional governance during emergencies.
An opinion from an eminent former judge, the Hon Kenneth Handley QC, has been posted to the ACM website. This will be a principal theme of the ACM’s National Conference, the 22nd since the referendum, to be held on December 6, 2021.PC
Yes! Finaⅼly something about creⅾulity.
As the only climate change that has registeredin all of my 77 years has been natural, phenomonal or not! The real change has been the overpopulation of this planet! With more and more people prepared to breed like rabbits and not be responsible for their breed! Expecting Islamic controlled UN and charity to pick up the tab! Well it seems to me those taking up the Challenge are the ruthless ones with Viruses and unhealthy eating habits reducing life expectancy by millions the world over except China and Islam 🙁 From one of the Vulnerable People 🙁
Left leaning LINO alert.
Kean’s not a ‘shyster’. He actually believes the crap he’s regurgitating. It’s the people who own him – Turnbull and Photios – who are playing him into a life of political oblivion.
One of the younger generation woke, like the people a Sydney builder told me about last weekend who in very high value real estate suburbs are prepared to pay thousands of dollars to offset their “carbon footprint” when having a home built, extended and/or renovated so that they can brag about their climate awareness.
If those people were serious they would not be involved in what they apparently acknowledge to be, in their minds only, damaging to the environment activities.
Natural climate change very long term and shorter term weather conditions, warmer periods in the past than in the present time, colder periods in the past and a new cooling cycle beginning NASA satellite data and from other indicators. Natural Earth Cycles since time began.
ps: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not Carbon (C), and is odourless and invisible but essential for life, if the present 410 ppm (0.041%) in the atmosphere increased to 1,000 ppm or higher plants would thrive, food crop yields would increase.
At the Copenhagen Conference (like Glasgow also a FLOP) the delegation from China explained that during 3,600 years of their civilisation and records there were three warmer periods than the present and each warmer period brought increased prosperity from higher crop yields. But the climate hoaxers apparently did not want that information.
Anyway, climate hoax and creatively accounted warming trend is all about politics and money, redistribution of developed nation’s wealth and controlling developed nations via the UN and the unelected officials there. President Donald Trump addressed the UN in New York and part of his speech advised them to downsize and return to their original charter, and to stop interfering in the sovereignty of member nations.
Then consider the fellow travellers of the globalist left including the wealth seekers prepared to invest in unreliable energy sources as long as governments provide their businesses with subsidies for profit and handicap their reliable opposition power station generators. And much more.