by DANIEL Y TENG –INDIGENOUS Minister Linda Burney has accused campaigners against changing Australia’s Constitution of engaging in “Trump politics” and distributing misinformation.
Burney directed the withering comments against “No” campaigners who oppose Labor’s Indigenous Voice to Parliament proposal.

- PM warns ‘to avoid an incident like the January 6 US Capitol riots’, Australians need to support constitutional change.
- Labor’s comments come as Australian migrants complain its rhetoric is becoming vitriolic.
- If you don’t vote yes, the PM ‘marks you as a racist or not caring – which is not true’.
The proposal will change the preamble of the Australian Constitution to include recognition of Indigenous people and will also embed a near-permanent advisory body into the Parliament that will have the power to make “representations” on matters deemed relevant to Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.
“I fear that the No campaign is importing American-style Trump politics to Australia,” Ms Burney said.
“At the heart is a post-truth approach to politics,” she told the Committee for Economic Development of Australia’s State of the Nation conference on June 14.
“Its aim is to polarise people, and its weapon of choice is misinformation,” she said.
“The No campaign outfit, Fair Australia, regularly posts things on social media that are clearly false and taken out of context. For instance, it uses an image and quotes from Bob Hawke, as if to suggest the former prime minister did not support the recognition of Indigenous Australians.”
Her comments follow those of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who said to avoid an incident like the January 6 US Capitol riots, Australians needed to support constitutional change.
“We can condemn those events – but we must also heed the warning they carry,” he told the Chifley Research Centre at the National Press Clun on Februar 5.
“Democracy can never be taken for granted. It needs to be nourished, protected, cared for, treated with respect,” he said.
The Prime Minister has also accused opponents of the Voice of “misinformation on social media”.
In recent months, multiple polls have revealed declining support for The Voice across the nation, which is scheduled to go to a referendum vote later this year.
A majority of voters nationwide and a majority of States (four out of six) must vote in favour of a change before the Constitution can be altered.
While Yes campaigners argue the Voice is a necessary part of helping Indigenous communities, the No campaign has pointed to multiple problems with the proposal.
Indigenous leader Warren Mundine says multiple Indigenous “advisory bodies” have been set up before and were later dismantled when they were found to have either served their purpose or were ineffective.
“We have tried Indigenous representative bodies, Indigenous advisory bodies, and Indigenous consulting bodies multiple times over the decades,” he said.
“None have lifted Indigenous people out of poverty. None have ‘Closed the Gap’,” he wrote in The Epoch Times.
While fellow No campaigner Gary Johns, a former Labor minister, said Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were already assimilating into wider society and that the Voice would serve as an extra layer of bureaucracy that will only benefit Indigenous lobby groups.
Meanwhile, Burney and Albanese’s comments come as some Australian migrants complain that the rhetoric towards opponents of the Voice is becoming vitriolic.
“The government is not explaining anything about the Voice, just saying, ‘Oh, we’ll explain later; you’ll have to just vote yes’,” said Tina Palushi, who lived under a communist regime in Albania
“If you don’t vote yes, you’re marked as a racist or not caring – which is completely wrong.”
“So that’s the same thing the Communist Party of Albania did, ‘I’m telling you to do this, you just have to say yes and vote for it’.”
Her views were shared by former High Court Justice Ian Callinan.
“There’s a nasty feel about this,” he told attendees of a Samuel Griffith Society symposium on May 17.
“But in addition to the nastiness, there’s a kind of presumptuousness, condescension – a paternalism.”
“All of you and I have been told by the Yes side that we must vote yes,” he added.PC
All of the YES campaigners try to trick us with false facts: indigenous means born in OZ – ‘Aboriginal’ I think they are indicating. No such thing as a first nation – there were/are hundreds of aboriginal tribes roaming independently! The trio of Pearson Langdon and Burney took a document from South Africa and called it the ‘Uluru Statement’ – there are about 750,000 aboriginals in Oz and 250 actually signed it – now many of them now say they did not sign. Skullduggery all along the line. Well, Burney is now using a typical divide and conquer tactic – she must stick to the message! In a trip to Uluru, Aboriginal Senator Liddle was told by numerous central Australian Indigenous leaders that the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and the Voice to parliament that it called for, were causing nothing but ‘trouble’.. Senator Liddle said the Prime Minister needed to reflect very carefully on the concerns raised by the senior Aboriginal law men.’ ‘There has been nowhere near enough consultation and such little detail about how it will work,’ she said.
Ask Burney, because she knows all about it : Why would we want to introduce a divisive, less than 3% over-ruling the other 97%?? The past record is appalling: NIAA – 1500 ‘indigenous’ advisors and its 35 offices, costs over $3.5 BILLION each year – untouchable money. No accountability whatsoever. Got to stop the rorts and greed. There must be no more ATSICs!
What benefits do I get if I’m Aboriginal? It includes:
• Parenting Payment.
• JobSeeker Payment.
• Carer Allowance.
• Age Pension.
• Crisis and special help.
• Family and domestic violence and more…
• Aboriginal Australians
• Aboriginal Australians have lived in the Northern Territory for more than 65,000 years. It is the oldest continuous culture on earth and yet never invented the wheel which is usually a bench mark for human progress.
What percentage of Australians are Australian?
25,809,973 (July 2021 est.) English 25.9%, Australian 25.4%, Irish 7.5%, Scottish 6.4%, Italian 3.3%, German 3.2%, Chinese 3.1%, Indian 1.4%, Greek 1.4%, Dutch 1.2%, other 15.8% (includes Australian Aboriginal (less than 3%). equals 881,600
Burney and her trio cannot hide behind the nearest bit of scrub bush. Let the truth come out!
Over fifty per cent of Australia now controlled by over thirty Aboriginal Land Councils (tax-free status) under Native Title legislation, some land or “country” still awaiting a decision on traditional ownership.
The Video
As doonas you read (TRUMP & Misinformation) that should alarm all rational people about how this (rich woman) and the Party she is part of are about Governing van Chaos and Lies .NO such word as Misinformation and its other variances. There is only information and whether you decide it is correct or incorrect. Add to this Burney has been photographed for Vogue magazine wearing very expensive clothes and sites Prada, Gucci and others in her collection of clothes and how does she afford all these clothes??? White Man Dollars for White Mans Clothes and that exposes the nation raping Voice and its proponents. What kind of political party wants to tear a nation apart when it should be uniting and healing said nation after it has been black mailed via Flu by the WEF.UN.WHO – and has many losing so much whilst all these (politicians) have not lost one cent of their taxpayer income??!!!
Union Labor Party of Australia, now again dominated by the far left factions, as when the Labor Democrats formed their own party during the 1950s to escape from the Communists, jokingly referred to, hoping to fool voters, as “Reds Under Beds”.
The Voice is all about power and money. Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the Constitution is fine – of course they should be recognised as the first immigrants to this continent – but that’s as far as it should go. Anything beyond that in terms of special rights and privileges based on race is clearly racist.
The irony is, the ‘Yes’ activists call ‘No’ voters racist when in fact they are the ones who are supporting a racist and divisive proposal.
Albanese should be ashamed of himself proposing such a ridiculous concept without any pre-discussion with elected representatives of 96.2% of the affected community choosing instead to follow the whims of a small carefully selected but wholly unelected bunch of activists who supposedly represented the 3.8% minority. It’s a clear sign of his incompetence as a leader and he will pay for it dearly in the very near future. He’s Whitlam #2 – and we all know what happened to him!”
I read not long ago that the activist Aboriginal Marcia Langton is a follower of Leon Trotsky, the late Russian Revolutionary Marxist, and Anthony Albanese is also a follower, a Trotskyite.
In the video of Thomas Mayo he mentions the Communist Elders and thanks them.
If the Liberal and Nationals cannot expose and demolish Union Labor now before they change our nation forever there is no hope.
“Reds under beds”, well they are back.
$75 million of tax dollars on a divisive vote and just like the rigged Gay Marriage Vote ($123 million) when we are facing long cold winters and many will not survive it. Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money.
Divisive Voice In The Words Of Indigenous Australian Thomas Mayo, read this and you will have no option but to Vote No to Voice + Treaty + Truth telling;
The SEARCH Foundation is a left-wing, membership-based Australian not-for-profit organisation, with a number of high-profile members linked to the left of the Australian labour movement. SEARCH is an acronym for “Social Education, Action and Research Concerning Humanity”.
The SEARCH Foundation advocates for a democratic socialist and ecologically socialist Australia, while working towards achieving greater democracy, economic and social equality, environmental sustainability, human rights, and international peace and cooperation.
On Sky Outsiders on Sunday discussion about Labor Senator Dodson (father from UK) attended a meeting of Indigenous ancestry Australians in Broome WA to talk about Voice+Treaty+Truth telling, well he would have stuck to Voice and used the Activist and Labor “Recognition” sales pitch.
An Indigenous person in the audience asked Senator Dodson what was in it for the people. He explained Voice is a “hook” to catch the wanted treaties and truth telling based reparations, in other words $$$$ catch.
Remember that Albanse Labor have already appointed their Ambassador for First Nations Peoples to the UN.
No Minister, recognition is not creating an unelected second voice to parliament based on ethnic group by one.
Please stop trying to fool voters using deceptive recognition based advertising.
Voices to advise the government on what Aboriginal Activists want.
Treaty/s to form the basis for transfer of sovereignty to fellow Australians in a minority under 4 per cent.
Truth telling to make admissions on past events with a view to awarding compensation for ancestors.
Ambassador for First Nations to UNDRIP to oversee reparations process.
““At the heart is a post-truth approach to politics,” she told the Committee for Economic Development of Australia’s State of the Nation conference on June 14.”