A BRAVE cohort of minor-Party politicians and would-be politicians have dared to oppose the COVID cult and the imposition of vaccine mandates.
These include Mark Latham, Pauline Hanson, David Limbrick, Craig Kelly, George Christensen, Fred Nile, Campbell Newman and Malcolm Roberts.
- This seeming victory for common sense and decency has been but one test for the NSW premier.
- If he keeps his promise, as now it seems he will, it will be over the efforts and wishes of Hazzard, Chant and the rest of Team COVID.
Only a thin smattering of voices from within the major Parties have dared to suggest there is something seriously wrong with dividing society according to whether one has succumbed to a COVID State injectable.
These are Senator Gerard Rennick (Qld), Bernie Finn (Vic), Alex Antic (SA), Sam McMahon (NT), Matt Canavan (Qld), Tanya Davies and, most significantly, Dominic Perrottet.
Davies and Perrottet, both NSW Liberals and the latter a premier, had shown early signs of succumbing to what might be termed “Barnaby’s Law”.
This is the tendency for politicians to shed their principles the closer their proximity to ministerial office.
The NSW premier’s support for the principle of a person’s freedom not to be told by the State which medical procedures to submit to, or to be punished for exercising this right, was unequivocal.
It was stated on September 24, when he said: “Once every single person in this State has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then we should open up for everyone. I want to see more unity and not a two-tiered society. It’s not the government’s role to provide freedom.”
Clear enough. We know what he thinks. What will he do? Will his stated principles override political realities? And override the NSW health mafia?
The political action, most recently centred on Victoria and on its premier’s now totally shameless pitch to become the Anton Chigurh of Anglosphere politics; on the Northern Territory, with its roundup of Aborigines; and on Queensland, with its absurd non-crisis crisis and imminent vaccine mandates, is about to switch to NSW.
The NSW premier has “undertaken” – whatever this can be thought to mean, post-February 2020 – to open up his State for everyone when it achieves 95 per cent fully vaccinated, or on 15 December, whichever comes first.
NSW currently sits somewhere in the 90 per cents (if you count 16-year-olds and upwards).
Despite the “undertaking” of the freedom-loving premier, those with a nose for NSW politics have feared and suspected that this might turn out to be a non-core promise.
This isn’t only because his promise to free up NSW for all has already been broken once.
Initially, he said December 1, or rather, his recently departed predecessor did. It would be an irony, indeed, were a “Big C” conservative to break an undertaking so meaningful to his core supporters in the Party and the community, made by a Liberal Moderate for whom the freedom and rights of her citizens proved to be, well, non-core.
No, it is more the nature of NSW politics, the dominance of the Left faction of the Liberals, the control of the parliamentarians by non-elected power-brokers, and the deals that Dominic must have done to gain such a frictionless elevation to the top job.
A recent rumour was that Perrottet held the line on December 15 for freedom for the unvaccinated, only over the strident opposition of those who wished for a March 2022 (at best) re-opening.
It isn’t difficult to guess just who the most strident supporters of punishing the lepers would have been. And roadmaps out of lockdown, indeed every action taken and every statement delivered by a politician about COVID management, should be taken with a large pinch of salt.
Hence, I suspected that belief in Dominic’s promise being kept would be running no higher than fifty-fifty.
Or at least it would have been, prior to the recent and unexpected intervention of, first, the prime minister, then the defence minister, in favour of freedom for the unvaccinated.
Oh yes, of course, there is now an election in view.
Politicising the issue of vaccine passports, until now (regrettably) a matter of agreement between the major Parties, may alter dramatically the prospects of the unvaxxed.
With Queensland a swing State and its premier now bizarrely attacking the rights of the unvaccinated in the almost totally COVID-free State, here is an electoral opportunity for the Libs.
Add to this the senate blowtorch recently applied to the government by Pauline Hanson, who is fiercely opposed to vaccine mandates and has been throwing her weight around.
It is difficult to imagine Morrison making this “stand” if the NSW government intended to break its promise to the unvaccinated, currently locked down, gaslit and ostracised.
As it happens, Perrottet’s own (seriously Christian and so, perhaps, substantially unvaccinated) base, in particular, have not been entirely confident about December 15 and their capacity to enjoy Christmas this year.
Even now, only a week or so from “freedom” (what about those already sacked, Mr Premier?), there is still a view abroad, along the lines that I will believe it when I see it.
We have been given hope, though, with the newly arrived, and suitably hyped, South African variant’s failure to deter the premiers of both NSW and (believe it or not) Victoria from sticking to the freedom script. They appear not to have panicked.
Back to Dom’s base. A family Christmas is core business for the Christian conservatives – especially those across north-western Sydney – who have had the premier’s back and have cheered on his career for over a decade.
Since the coming of the vaccine mandates on his watch, many of the premier’s followers have formed under-the-radar advocacy clusters and support networks to help get them through the family crises they are now experiencing because of the policies of their man and his Party.
As well as unemployment or the threat of it, many parents of children who attend a PARED (Opus Dei) school like Dominic’s own alma mater, are already fearful of pressure to have their children vaccinated.
These (often large) families are weary and stressed, having carried the burden of home schooling (like so many parents) for five months.
At least some teachers in PARED schools have found it necessary to resign on principle rather than submit to a vaccine that they believe contains the cell lines of aborted foetuses.
Many are bitter, having submitted to a Hobson’s choice vaccine in the face of unemployment. These are Dominic’s own people.
Just ask the NSW Liberal MP Tanya Davies how these people feel. For a time, she waved the flag for the unvaccinated in western Sydney by way of a private member’s bill against jab mandates. Raised people’s hopes.
Then she went very, very quiet. After Gladys left the building. Take a look at the white-hot comments in response to her most recent Facebook posts.
The fury is palpable. They are a great source of intel on the Liberal base’s mood and they are chilling for the government.
It isn’t a good idea to go out on a limb for your supporters’ principles and livelihoods, only later to walk it right back and to (seemingly) surrender to the powers that be.
It just looks like you have engaged in a box-ticking exercise and, when push comes to shove, you value, above all, the goodwill of your colleagues over the crushed lives of your constituents.
No one likes to be conned. If the Liberals believe these people will ever be voting for them again, they need to think again.
While all this has been going on, the proposal of Health Minister Brad Hazzard and his sidekick, Ms Chant (or should that be the other way around?) to extend the emergency public health orders until March 2023, under which they have been treating the people of NSW as serfs, was agreed to by cabinet.
This was all to prevent the need for the extension of dictatorial powers to go before the parliament, at what could be a “difficult” time just before the next State election.
A wave-through for an iron-fisted junta, without parliamentary scrutiny. Tens (now hundreds) of thousands of Victorians have been taking to the streets in an attempt, sadly failed, to prevent legislation that is not dissimilar to Hazzard’s proposal from passing.
During a quite spirited, and perhaps unexpected, debate in the Party room, the premier was “visibly uncomfortable with the progress of the discussion”, according to one media account. So much so, Perrottet has since dumped Hazzard’s Plan A, for reconsideration “over summer”.
This seeming victory for common sense and decency has been but one test for the premier. If Perrottet failed his bigger test, however, in freeing the unvaccinated from discrimination either before or on December 15, he would be history with his base.
If he keeps his promise, as now it seems that he will, it will be over the efforts and wishes of Hazzard, Chant and the rest of Team COVID. His very own Hobson’s choice, you might say.PC
So far I am happy with our new Premier’s performance and I am mindful of the LINO left he has to deal with, the minefield creators working from within.
But a word of advice, NSW Labor and their Union controllers are busy laying traps and spreading deceptive claims to undermine the transport initiatives that have left the Labor Government years of neglect looking shambolic by comparison.
Not enough room here to cover it all but to begin consider 1976 and the Wran Labor Opposition campaign including that they would, if elected to government, replace the then old trains and buses. Forget the decades of Labor before the Askin Government from 1965 and that ordering new equipment takes years to reach tender stage and letting of tenders, in that example Labor allowing transport to deteriorate and that the Askin Coalition Government had new buses and trains ordered and in production. Wran campaigned at railway stations and bus stops promising the new buses and trains that were already on order!!!
The then Willis Government failed to sell their own success and bus and train orders apparently believing that the public were aware and needed no reminders. Wran exploited that knowing how short people’s memories are and that too many make things up anyway. For example, when Wran pointed to the old “red rattler” trains at least some voters agreed with him that they had to be replaced, but ignored the orders already placed.
So what about today, please consider these beat up stories;
* New ferries won’t fit under bridges on the Parramatta River that the Ricer Cats they replaced is not true. The new ferries can pass below comfortably but have an observation deck on top of the main cabin and at high tide passengers must move below for safety reasons. The old ferries had no observation deck.
* Trains won’t fit into tunnels – not true. The slightly wider (20mm) train carriages can pass through those tunnels but on safety grounds taking into account how carriages sway and some narrowest tunnel sections the clearance is too close based on the standard set for older carriages and tracks. The sway has been reduced I understand via track upgrading and carriage suspension, and the very narrow parts of the tunnel have been widened.
* Cost and time delays constructing the light rail tracks in the Sydney CBD were due to poor quality mapping of underground services and other obstructions, the result of decades of many contractors and government works and obviously a poor standard of reporting and upgrading mapping.
* Cracking in light rail carriages must be a manufacturing problem under warranty? Yet the Labor Opposition and Unions they answer to are blowing this up out of all proportion. If I buy a new vehicle and there are faults the manufacturer is required to rectify the problem. I am not to blame.
* Local manufacturing – no doubt government tenders are open to all applicants but unfortunately Australia has become uncompetitive as a manufacturing country and for many reasons including the UN Lima Protocol-Agreement signed by Whitlam Labor in 1975 agreeing over time to hand over manufacturing industry to developing nations.
Add industrial relations problems for businesses, add government regulations and compliance costs, taxes including company and payroll taxes, and much more, and then that production volume brings costs down, economies of scale, and Australia’s market is a very small market with export markets a long way away. Unlike for example Sweden with a bridge to Denmark and Europe generally. Of course Australia once manufactured railway rolling stock, buses, motor vehicles, ships, much more steel and aluminium that produced here now, etc. I managed a metals manufacturing business that was profitable well above industry standard according to Dunn & Bradstreet’s guide but I declined the opportunity to participate in a management buyout because I could see the end to manufacturing here and the high cost of closing down factories in future, and my concerns were proven a decade or so later when the foreign buyer did close the factories.
My point is that Premier Perrottet and Cabinet Ministers must act early in 2022 to counter the Union Labor lies about the NSW Government’s competence relating to purchasing of ferries, buses, trains and others.
No point in trying to sell success if the opposition has successfully sold their own deceptive stories.
I wish I could share your confidence, for although I get the impression “Our Dom” would rather put the state’s people and economy ahead of a manufactured pandemic, you can see he is not the one pulling the strings.
The simple fact that in a freshly selected cabinet, arrogant, bumbling Hazzard remains in health and down-right dangerous loony tunes Kean still commands hold of the purse strings, says our latest premier is just another puppet to to the factional back room.
Our state is in crisis as is our nation, not a health crisis but a crisis of political will & integrity. Both Labor and Liberal are failing us, we need to be turning towards better alternatives, and we need to be doing it fast.
Okay as I am a Catholic and that has no bearing on my comment . But surely if you believe in your faith you believe that God will protect you from a virus ??? Why close down churches and so on ? Is that not where you would be protected ? Fact is he knows that the scam was just that a Scam and he butted heads with the Armenian Assassin quite often and he knows that Hazzard is a liability and Chant is not to be trusted . He has had to gradually wind back the bullshit as it dropping all the restrictions would expose the fraudulent NAZI Rules that have been imposed on a people already beyond breaking point . COVID is a hoax as is Omricon The flu rebranded and politicised as blackmail tool over far too many honest healthy people . Connect the dots and follow the money and you find the cause of the Virus .
The Crusaders wore armour.
Time Gentlemen please; Give him time.
I think it is amazing that he got in as Premier at all, how much wheeling and dealing was needed there?
And immediately we declares as amazing intention that would snookered any chance of Premiership.
This guy is either a fool or knows some higher wisdom.
I’ll go with the second.
I wrote a flaming letter to him about Dec 1st, and today the 15th looks good.
From my preferences the Health Minister needed to be sacked as soon as Dom got it, but I,m told that there are procedures to be followed. Watch this space.
I have also been told that Tanya’s silence is not at all a back down, but strategic.
Time Gentlemen please.
We pray that the Premier will be able to bring the team and indeed the State with him.
Me thinks you are right .
Superb work Paul.
Sorry, but I cannot trust Perrottet in anyway. I can NOT give him any credit whatsoever. His fault or the fault of factions, time will tell My view is, at present, even if he wants to do the ‘right’ thing he is hogtied by the factions pushing their own pathetic agendas, most of which are against the interests of Australia and the people. Maybe he is treading a fine line but he is achieving nothing. Gladys was of the left and it showed, though what the hell she was doing as a Liberal premier is beyond me, I don’t think anything has or will change under Perrottet. At best he is going along with the lies and tyranny while squawking about rights, at worst he is a lame duck until the next election. Even that will not make any difference unless the real rank and file Liberal / Conservatives take a stand and clean out ALL left / green leaning candidates. Clean out ALL the candidates who delighted in stripping us of our freedoms. Then, if re-elected, clean out all the unelected bureaucracy who whipped this frenzy up based on lies and faked ‘science’.
Then and only then would I consider trusting Perrottet
BS, utter BS my friend. Dom is the best thing to ever happen to this State. His values will save us from the destruction of Kean & Gladys.
When is that happening then? When everything Gladys put in place has played out? That isn’t saving that is going along with it. When is he pulling all the restrictions, the QR codes log in tyranny? Never that is when. When is he going to sack the unelected dross that Gladys gave unprecedented power to?
So stop waving his fake values around as if he is some messiah when he is nothing of the sort. Talk is cheap, his actions well short of what you may desire.
Just have a look at Perrottet – there’s a very good reason that he looks like a limp-wristed weak-kneed know-nothing; an insipid cardboard cut-out.
There are only three sorts of people in the parliamentary wings of the “Liberal” party these days:
1. Left-wingers, who are controlling everything.
2. Useful idiots, who don’t understand that.
3. Spineless so-called conservatives who don’t have the courage of their convictions, and who float with the toxic tide of socialism because they care more about their position and their pay than they do about their duty of care to the Australian people.
The cleaning out you referred to is done by the electorate! And then with their support Dominic may be able to perform the miracle you ask for 🙂 But if people are swayed by ON and others and taken from liberal voters?
the Liberals are done. They have proven themselves, and their National Poodles to be anti-Australian and anti the people.
You have a short memory.
Have you looked at the Albo and inner circle photograph, a repeat of new faces but another “Gang of Four” reminiscent of the first Rudd-Swan-Gillard-Tanner gang.
And then consider who’s who in Union controlled Labor 2021/22, many old faces from Rudd, Gillard and Rudd terms November 2007 to September 2013, desperadoes.
Would you really want them with their Greens comrades governing, the last time it was often described as chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent.
Why is it when people say they are against the LNP the small minded automatically assume they are pro ALP? I am anti all of them and I would thank you to consider that for your next comment.
And leftist followers of greenism like climate and warming hoax masquerading as Independent candidates but funded and backed by vested interests in renewable energy, so called, unreliable sources of wind and solar installations, electric vehicle transition and whatever else the backers can create more wealth for themselves from, especially extracting taxpayer funded subsidies for profits.
Remember 2019, the GetUp activist organisation campaign managers opposing Tony Abbott MP? Their “Independent” candidate pretending to be from the “sensible right” but had never voted Coalition according to reports.
These groups of independents, or are they parties of independents, are narrow vision greens trying not to look like Greens.
Sydney Trains are willing to negotiate amid ongoing strikes disrupting the network.
Rail workers refuse to staff two thirds of overseas-made trains amid safety concerns and a call for a wage increase.
Sydney Trains CEO Matt Longland told Chris Smith the disruption will cause massive delays.
“Today we are only operating about one third of our fleet.”
Mr Longland told Chris they have been negotiating with the unions for the last couple of months.
“We’ve got about 37 pages of complaints the unions have put forward.
“There’s no need for this disruption for customers.”
Note: Don’t allow unions to grab headlines grandstanding, confront them head on.