THE academic term for Cultural Marxism is “critical theory”, which is increasingly permeating Australian universities and has now set its unrelenting sites on an unsuspecting community.
Critical Theory rejects all essential truth and is critical of anything relating to men or western culture.
- Opponents are silenced and kept from the process that legally re-defines what something is.
- Have you ever noticed that humans can no longer identify when life begins?
Notice today that anything European (except Marxism) is up for destruction.
Find any humanities degree online and review the subject descriptions of its foundational or core subjects: “critical theory”, “modern literary theory” are common finds.
Cultural Marxism is an insidious series of comprehension tools and viewpoints permeating universities and now the common vernacular.
The purpose of cultural Marxism is to bring about Marxist political goals, particularly in the West, by deconstructing its established norms and reconstructing them with incompatible ones.
Regardless of topic, Critical Theory has five core themes or operations that permeate its theories.
- Politics is pervasive, where all actions and ideas are viewed through a political lens, and all actions, knowingly or unknowingly, have political ends.
- Truth is provisional, where truth is never absolute and constantly subject to change.
- Language is constitutive in that language constructs reality, not the other way around.
- Meaning is contingent upon one’s social status and material wealth, be it personal or, more commonly, historical to one’s race (known as Marxist dialectics). The oppressed or minority classes draw out more “accurate” meanings and definitions than others.
- Human nature is a myth. The mind is the basis of truth, not the body it inhabits. Gender is fluid, love is love.
These five themes are, above all, responsible for much of the ideological mess the West finds itself today.
Key to Critical Theory is the rejection of essentialism. Rather than an object or person having a fixed reality – of gender, race or sexual orientation etc – they are instead allocated a temporary reality or essence, which is “written” onto them.
This temporary reality becomes the “truth”. The “oppressed” minorities and “expert” academics determine what truth is and are able to identify objects, people or topics as “symbols of oppression”.
In this usage, “truth” becomes transitional to a political end.
The language of the narrative determines the reality, and this truth is defended vigorously until its opponents are silenced and kept from the process that eventually legally re-defines what something is.
Ever noticed that we no longer can identify when life begins?
With such fluid, politically-charged, and eventually legally-binding definitions, one starts to discover where else this permeates society.
These themes fit any topic you can think of: climate change, gender and gender norms, sexual orientation, clothing, history, education, medicine – if you can think of it, there’s a way to apply a cultural Marxist lens to it.
It interrogates anything of the West, of the masculine and the feminine, of the family, of religion and usurps it, claiming the Western order oppressive.
When language constructs reality, then it also completes its dimensions: anything beyond the dimensions of language does not exist. It reduces an object solely to its utility for a political goal.
Critical theory applies the oppressed/oppressor frame of Marx and applies them to the culture, where essentialist cultural narratives are considered “oppressive” like the bourgeoise.
Notice how, like the bourgeoise, Western civilisation and all its methods are now being torn down.
Roland Barthes writes in his 1977 essay The Death of the Author: “In precisely this way literature … by refusing to assign a ‘secret’, an ultimate meaning, to the text (and to the world as text), liberates what may be called an anti-theological activity, an activity that is truly revolutionary since to refuse to fix meaning is, in the end, to refuse God and his hypostases – reason, science, law.”
It is “truly revolutionary” to refuse to fix meaning. To refuse reason. To refuse science. Refuse law. Our students are being taught this.
Naturally, of course, once reason & science and law are deconstructed, they are reconstructed by those who further restrict those who care about God, reason, science and law.
Aristotelian essentialism and Mosaic Law, deconstructed bit-by-bit. Just like in the Soviet Union.
At its heart, Critical Theory is Marxism permeating the culture, to bring about a communist revolution.
Hopefully, from this article, you will be better equipped at identifying it in its many forms and turn the tide before it’s too late.
There is more to lose sitting on the sidelines than organising and standing against it. How much have you lost already?PC
I am not a psychiatrist, but I can understand the subliminal appeal of Marxism in some ways. Life is tough. Decisions have to be made, many of them turn out badly. The freedom to succeed is also the freedom to (sadly) fail.
You can’t always get what u want. Nanny-State, Lady Bountiful, government largesse is such an enticing answer, esp. for those who may indeed not have all that they see others enjoying. Free enterprise capitalism hasn’t given everything to everybody as and when they ask for it. It never claimed to be able to do that. Nor can any OTHER system of government. But it can make a lot of comfort for a lot more people than any of the proven failures of societies that routinely reject the principles of individualism and self-reliance. So much easier to surrender such decisions to all-giving Government. Really?
Remember the words of 200 years ago from Thomas Jefferson: “A government that has the power to give you all that you want also has the power to take all that you have got”.
This frightens me no end and I would expect other sensible people to at least understand what’s happening with a view of at least defending the future of what we Australians have created.
But – nothing. No one appears to care past their next Uber Eats delivery of fried rat and bread rations.
The Lucky Country is lethargically insane.
Irrespective of what may lie ahead, Marxists rely on fear to take more power. We are rendered limp and only play into their hands if we are governed by it. Do you imagine the appropriate Christian response to be as Denethor’s in The Lord of the Rings, despairing at the oncoming orc army at Minis Tirith? No, Gandalf’s response knocked some sense into staging appropriate defenses and ultimately winning the battle.
If you’re Christian, you recognise that ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength’ (Neh 8:10) and ‘we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Cor 5:7). Faith and reason have their foundation in truth, which is in God. Whether it’s natural to be fearful, it is logical to gain the joy and the courage to fight against it. It’s senseless to discard these gifts from the Lord, even if it’s popular to do so.
Oh yes, critical race theory.
The latest unhinged and incoherent opprobrium from the far-right misanthropes.
Really Andrew, your writing here is just so completely wacky, inane, infantile and dangerous, I really do think this website is one giant piss-take.