![‘Self-virtuous’ FitzSimons agitates for republic by stealth](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Peter-Fitsimons-ragged-300x500-1.png)
FAR Left political agitator Peter FitzSimons is seeking to remove symbols of Australia’s constitutional monarchy even before a referendum is held.
The Australian Republic Movement (ARM), of which Mr FitzSimons is chairman, has most recently called for the removal of the Monarch’s image from all Australian currency.
- Removing all currency references to royalty is ARM’s “first point of order”.
- Push to remove Queen Elizabeth’s image from Australia’s five dollar note.
- PM says currency issues to be considered after Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.
A spokesman for the organisation said this week that it was “ridiculous” to use King Charles’ image on coins from next year.
He also said removing all currency references to royalty was ARM’s “first point of order”.
According to The Australian newspaper the organisation also demanded that Queen Elizabeth’s image be removed from Australia’s five dollar note – despite other note denominations retaining historically important figures.
According to Labor Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh, a change to the $5 note would be discussed.
“It’s a conversation that will take place in government. There’s no rush about it,” he said.
“The priority now is changing over the coins, which is a much larger operation.
“As I understand, the decision to include the Queen’s face on the $5 note was about her personally rather than about her status as a monarch. So that transition isn’t automatic.
“We’ll have a sensible conversation within governments and make an appropriate announcement in due course.”
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he would not consider changes to the $5 note until after Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.
“I think this is a time where a bit of respect is required,” he said.
“We will deal with these issues appropriately, in an orderly way, in a way that is respectful.”
Former Liberal MP Jason Falinski, a member of ARM, said the move to remove the Monarch from coins was premature.
“We are either all in or all out,” he said.
“This halfway house of having King Charles as our head of state while pretending he is not our head of state is ridiculous. He is either our head of state or he is not.” PC
Jason Falinski, supposedly a conservative from the Liberal party, recently got voted out…. I wonder why?? Goodbye and good riddance to garbage. In the end he had no support for his re-election campaign….
I’ve often wondered what image Fitzsimons thinks he portrays wearing that ridiculous bandana around his noggin? The Eastern suburbs’ luvvies probably think he looks very suave and sophisticated whereas real people just think he looks like a complete fool……and they’d be right of course because he is a complete fool!
Its obviously too tight….
Peter Fitzsimons is the most egotistical (other than his wife), atrocious, anti Christian, Anti everything person we could ever have on any committee having anything to do with our CONSTITUTION.
His eyes say it all – Not to mention his nasty looking mouth. (One can read people by their faces).
Get rid of him and Turnbull from that Committee for a start.
NEVER should the current mob on the AR movement have anything to do with changing our Constitution.
Fitzsimons and David Pocock is clear evidence of the danger in rugby football
I was born in the UK and I’m very much in favour of retaining the monarchy in that country. However, having now lived in Australia since 1965 I was – until recently – in favour of Australia become a Republic as it seemed to make sense to have an Australian as Head of State. But I’m now firmly against us becoming a Republic as a direct result of the involvement of scumbags like Turnbull and Fitzsimons. Who the hell would want them and their like-minded idiot comrades to have any say in the future of Australia?
What an easy choice! Whom would you prefer, FitzSimons/Turnbull, or the likes of the Queen’s late husband!
He started the Duke of Edinburgh outward bound and award schemes, in which hundreds of thousands of persons participated over time. There are no ready means to quantify how many participants consequently became successes instead of failures, the scheme’s ensuing GDP productivity increase, how many people became useful citizens instead of going to gaol, the resulting crime and social security bill reductions, and how many families were kept together instead of falling apart!
Roughly about another 7 million people from 144 countries participated over time in the scheme, greatly magnifying its above recounted overall effect. Political correctness was not his forte, he said what he thought, and he loathed being lauded.
Cost to taxpayer, zilch! Alternatively would you prefer Snowy 2.0 for $15 billion which will produce little electricity. It’s really a much safer premise to stay right away from hopeless people, including the likes of the woke Falinski who lost a safe seat. People saw what was happening to their electricity bills, then said thanks but no thanks.
I’d much rather the Kings head on our currency than the likes of Albo… or perhaps PF is pushing for his mug to be embossed… ? The Monarch is part of Australia’s history- like it or not and I see that they do no harm to our prosperity.
Fitzsimons is a dessicated old fool, and as time goes by he will continue to age well beyond his years and suffer a concomitantly steep decline in his cognitive faculties.
This is the fate that is eventually suffered by all left wingers (consider Joe Biden, for example), and is thus something to which Noel, politicom’s mindless resident troll, can look forward. In just a few short years these people will be gone from the face of the earth, and they will be neither missed nor lamented, and whatever legacy remains of them will prove to have been written in sand.
So Australia is too stupid to manage ourselves, is that what you mean?
Australia is already a republic. The Australia Act in 1986 severed ALL legal and political connections with Great Britain. The agitators for a republic are egotistical idiots like pirate pete or communists like the greens; throw in a few useful idiots and you have a stupid issue.
So your secret weapon and ‘big gun’ Eric Abetz made his first foray last night on ABC Q&A (in a clear snub to the truce during a mourning period; so much for stealth, hey).
He was absolutely appalling.
So as a supporter of an Australian republic can I ask a favour: more Eric Abetz, please. Lots more.
When crazies like you, Noel, disagree – we know we are over the target. Enjoy your life of misery.
The real question is NOT whether we should have an Australian as our head of state. That is obvious.
The real question is why some so-called Australians are too gutless to back Australia.
Your secret weapon and ‘big gun’ Eric Abetz had his first go on ABC Q&A last night (so much for mourning and no campaigning, hey).
What an atrocious performance.
Honestly, he is a massive asset to the republican cause.
So as someone who backs Australia, I say more Eric please. Lots more.
A monster disguised as a monster. FitzSimons is the ugly face of woke do-gooders hell bent on destroying a once proud nation.
The red scarf is perfect for him. A Como if ever their was one! Why he doesn’t leave the country is beyond me (& take Turnbull with him.) Have you ever seen two more miserable looking people than those two!!