Renewables can’t handle ‘climate change’

WITH nearly 24 per cent of power from the wind and more to come, the Texas power grid was humming along nicely, a shining example of renewables at work saving the planet. 

Then along came this month’s week long snow storm. The wind turbines froze up. 

Millions of people were thrown into blackout, at least 22 lost their lives.

The moral of this disaster – renewables cannot adapt to climate change.PC


2 thoughts on “Renewables can’t handle ‘climate change’

  1. If a scientist told me my house was on fire and I should get out quick – I would finish my breakfast have a shave and shower and wander off to work as usual – that is unless you can find one who has been right once !

  2. OUR POLITICIANS MUST GET REAL – ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ is a slow, naturally occurring cycle, NOT in any way the impending danger the sheep would have us believe! This is the growing consensus among down-to-earth voters!

    And what is best for Australia is the latest in coal-generated technology – we must build a new HELE (high energy, low emissions) coal-fired generator in every State!

    But how can we rid ourselves of the idiots who hinder Australia’s progress? We have treasonous ACTIVIST JUDGES being allowed to stop new coal mines from going ahead and POLITICIANS who spout the truly cretinous mantra of ‘zero emissions by !!!!!!!’

    As I feel there is nobody for whom I can now vote, I dream of a band of wise people such as Tony Abbott, Cory Bernardi and Craig Kelly starting a new ‘ADVANCE AUSTRALIA PARTY’ to expertly deliver our Country from this ghastly mess!

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