by PAUL COLLITS – FOLLOWING the inquiry by Judge Virginia Bell, Albo has done the obvious political thing and moved to censure former Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
The reason? For assuming additional portfolios during a “pandemic”, more or less without telling anyone.
- There has been a critical, possibly permanent, breach of trust between the State and its citizenry.
- This cabal of politicians has silenced their people. They have neutered us.
- Yet they have the gall to bang on about “Voices”.
As The Guardian reports: “We now have three new adjectives for the saga of Scott Morrison’s secret, multiple ministries: ‘unnecessary, exorbitant and bizarre’.
“Those are the words of former High Court Justice, Virginia Bell, whose meticulous report lays waste to Morrison’s justifications for his break-glass-in-case-of-emergency powers.
“Bell was able to pull it all together despite only perfunctory communication with Morrison through his lawyers – who mostly pointed to his public comments on the matter and added the improbable claim that he thought the ministries would be announced on the government gazette.
“Bell found that ‘difficult to reconcile’ with Morrison’s choice not to inform his ministers of the appointments because he didn’t want them to think he was second-guessing them.
Doesn’t Albanese look suitably somber?
Mr Albanese said the report was a “scathing” indictment of Mr Morrison and his actions were “extraordinary, unprecedented and wrong”.
“We’re shining sunlight on a shadow government that preferred to operate in darkness, a government that operated in a cult of secrecy and a culture of cover up, which arrogantly dismissed scrutiny from the parliament and the public as a mere inconvenience,” Mr Albanese said.
This entire exercise is absurd. Or is it?
Hang the former government for a minor crime made to sound like a major crime, and so avoid having them and we-the-then-opposition face a real inquiry into the actual COVID crimes of the government, of the National Cabinet and of the State and Territory tinpot dictatorships.
Including Albo’s Labor mates in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin. Totalitarians all – and with far greater crimes on their record than ScoMo.
Considered it this way. It’s a classic “look over there” feint.
Morrison, who is yesterday’s man, will totally escape the wrath of the COVID State’s victims, and sail off into the sunset with a slap on the wrist for a relatively minor offence.
Meanwhile Albanese will look, for a moment, “prime ministerial”. He hopes that no one will notice his own culpability.
Equally absurd, of course, is the Opposition’s “defence” of its COVID policy responses, including Morrison’s frankly weird portfolio gambit. We were stressed. Once in a century pandemic. Fog of ignorance. Novel virus. All of this is self-serving, baseless tosh.
There is no defence of Morrison’s many sins. None whatsoever. To attempt this defence, as a few Liberals like Dan Tehan have done, is to insult our intelligence.
Morrison’s crime isn’t a storm in a teacup. There is something called due process in our cabinet government, and that is important.
It was ignored by Morrison. This is not the problem with the censure motion.
Nor is it the case that Morrison and his appalling government don’t have anything over which to be censured. God help us – where to start?
We could start with the ban on Australian citizens from leaving their country. Or returning!
We could mention the disastrous creation of the National Cabinet, a far greater breach of governance norms than ScoMo’s piddling portfolio play.
We might mention ScoMo’s slithering over vaccine mandates. Or his endorsement of Daniel Andrews, who ordered his military police to shoot innocent people in the back with rubber bullets, to arrest mothers who had put dissident views on Facebook, to close playgrounds in order to prevent adults from congregating, and to smash the heads of innocents on concrete floors.
Or his government’s acceptance of bureaucrats’ banning of effective COVID treatments that would have saved lives.
Or his sleazy deals with Big Pharma. Or his government’s use of the vile Biosecurity Act that caused at least some ministers brief pause.
Or his funding support for COVID camps. Or his silence when half a million citizens turned up in Canberra in February 2022 to plead for release from lockdown and vaccine bondage.
None of these sins are mentioned in the ritualistic execution of Morrison for the much lesser crime of secretly taking on extra ministries.
Albanese’s own COVIDS sins are monumental. Like most oppositions across the globe during COVID, Labor stood against the people in order to score easy political points, doing nothing to defend individual freedom and rights. They were just as much part of the COVID establishment as the governments of the day. Convenient, self-serving and cowardly.
As a result, there has been a critical, possibly permanent, breach of trust between the State and the citizenry.
The social contract has been broken. Nothing in our lifetimes comes close. The governing class has proven that it cares not for the rights, freedoms and welfare of its people.
That many of the governed in Australia were sufficiently frightened to submit to totalitarian control in order to benefit from the State’s false promise of protection is quite beside the point.
A most eloquent and erudite analysis of how this breach occurred was delivered in the recent Menzies Oration by Lord Jonathan Sumption, the retired British Supreme Court Judge and history scholar.
Sumption’s speech was titled “State of Fear”. It was a tour de force.
What the democratic State inflicted on its people should never be forgiven, or forgotten.
Sumption’s account of previously “unthinkable” impositions on the citizenry, where citizens became mere instruments of State control, says everything about the sheer emptiness of Albanese’s convenient and cynical gesture in the Australian Parliament this week.
Our sense of the rule of law has been trashed.
I fear that few, if any, of the parliamentarians excoriating ScoMo will have the remotest sense of the damage that has been done to the polity during this hysteria.
Our parliamentary democracy lies in ruins. Will anyone in Canberra even have noticed?
If you thought the COVID theatre was over, just watch this farce unfold. Serving the needs of the political class. Certainly not those of the people.
Other nations at least might be disposed to hunt down the villains and punish them. As the legendary American economist and policy analyst David Stockman at the Brownstone Institute says (in relation to his own country): “Let the real investigations begin.”
Yes, please.
Stockman states: “Now that the GOP has taken control of the US House investigative committees, we must pray that they will have the courage of their convictions and the intellectual clarity and steadfastness to pursue the nation’s god-forsaken descent into public health totalitarianism to the very bottom of this great folly. So doing, they need to name names.
“Those responsible should be exposed, hounded and shamed, and prosecuted where warranted, so that future power-grabbers will forever be reminded that tyranny cannot be imposed with impunity.
Indeed, we can all hope that the once mighty United States does what we seem palpably unable to do.
Instead, down under, we have a tepid, feeble attempt to skirt the big issue, to ignore the elephant in the room, while castigating mice.
Yes, we have named a name – Scott Morrison. Whoop-de-do. But we still seem unable or unwilling to nail the perpetrators of the greatest crimes against liberty in modern history.
Just the opposite, in fact. One of our populous States, that unspeakable place south of the Murray, has just rewarded the worst dictator of them all by re-electing him to a third term of office. Go figure.
And the only censure motion during COVID in the Australian Parliament was against one of the very, very few freedom fighters in the parliament, George Christensen.
One of the lone public figures in this country who actually recognised how sinister the responses were, and had the clear headedness and courage to call it out.
That was a national disgrace. That the Liberal Party, the Party of the same Menzies honoured by Lord Sumption – and the National Party joyously joined in the attack on Christensen suggests either that they had no comprehension of what they were doing to the people of Australia and its institutions, or they simply did not care.
So, we should not expect any remorse from them. Instead, just more theatre. This speaks volumes for just how little our politicians think of us.
They act like this was just another issue, just another policy. Nothing to see here.
That a whole generation of parliamentarians, with virtually no honourable exceptions, cannot see the damage that has been done to the polity through their own malfeasance – the kindest word I can find for their behaviour – should cause voters and the media to shake their heads in disbelief.
Lord Sumption calls it “corrosive” of democracy and sees the damage as permanent. It is that serious.
Instead, the gnomes of The Guardian start laying into Morrison (via Twitter) for his defence of his portfolios putsch.
Possibly they also cannot see that the current censure exercise is a farce and a distraction and that we need a real inquiry into the madness.
Or possibly they choose not to, since they too are implicated in the self-same hysteria. Indeed, they themselves generated much of it.
This cabal of politicians has silenced their people. They have neutered us.
They no longer deserve our collaboration, let alone our respect.
In trashing the social contract on which our system of liberal democracy is based, they have, unwittingly, released us from our bond of political obligation. Such an environment is highly charged and potentially dangerous.
And they have the gall to bang on about “Voices”.PC
One of the worst things Scomo did was increase the national deficit to $1 trillion. People say that he handled “the pandemic” well and the increase in the deficit was fair enough. But other countries handled “the pandemic” without going into so much debt. Its inexcusable that the Liberal Party presided over such an increase in national debt. It has been estimated that it will take over 100 years to pay it off. This mentality that “if something saves one life it is worth it” has got to go. IOW it is ok to destroy the wealth of a country if it saves one life? The virus was blown up out of all proportion and now we find no worse than a bad flu. We have had and still have, idiots running the country.
Scomo was gutless when crunch time came. He won in 2019 by supporting coal and then turned against it. That’s gutless and stupid.
But we see this everywhere in the LNP: WA, SA, victoristan and soon NSW. They’re like rabbits in the headlights. They keep trying to be pale shadows of the ALP/green filth. They never learn. Either this is gutlessness and stupidity or deliberate.
When Liddell closes down in 2023 the lights will start to go out. The LNP must know this but are still going the renewable/alarmist path. God help us all.
Dr Bhakdi warns of The Greatest Conceivable Manmade Catastrophe of all time. Dr Bhakdi warns Doctors –
If you allow yourselves to be Instrumentalized you will be complicit in Mass Murder. Routine Introduction of Gene Based Vaccines spells The Downfall of Mankind.
Summary from Dr Mike Yeadon
This two minute video from my friend Sucharit Bhakdi is arguably one of the most important statements made during the covid19 era. He is correct.
Repeated injections with mRNA which are sequences encoding foreign proteins. Even if they were not inherently toxic, as “spike protein” is. Merely causing cells in our body to make proteins that are non-self is GUARANTEED to lead to autoimmune disorders.
This means your own immune system attacks your otherwise healthy body. You can set aside the theoretical benefits, even if there were any. You’re certain to place an increasing fraction of the population in a situation where they will relentlessly attack themselves.
If you accept an open-ended series of mRNA injections encoding foreign proteins, you will get ill & eventually, an increasing fraction of the population will die. By the way, there are NO BENEFITS from these injections. They don’t prevent you from getting ill, going to hospital or dying. They simply do not work. Now, the people who lied to us about a virus?
Then lied about how people must behave, what they were required to do & not to do?
Then cooked up so-called vaccines & lied about their clinical findings?
Then menaced & coerced is to roll up our sleeves? It is unequivocally the case that this entire event has been managed from an organisation operating above the level of each country. It’s not going to “get better”. You’re living with the consequences of just part of their plan. We cannot know for sure where they intend this to take us.
It looks though like the direction of travel is a cross between The Great Reset (digital dystopia) & the Club of Rome (Malthusian, anti-human depopulation obsessed).
Consider what Bill Gates & his father (head of the Eugenic orientated Planned Parenthood) have aimed at for decades.
I’m drawn to the conclusion that this is about removing human freedoms and to markedly reduce the population.
Best wishes,
Dr Mike Yeadon
ScoMo was not perfect and made errors of judgement from time to time, but he was not bad but was like Tony Abbott earlier subjected to the relentless negativity from Labor, Greens, Pale Greens and even the enemies within LINO left.
Character assassination smearing, even the problem with women tactical attacks as highlighted by the compensation just announced for a “victim” with no judgement against the alleged to have been perpetrator. I hope the payout is investigated by the Federal Corruption Commission as soon as possible.
Now there is the robodebt Royal Commission into a done and dusted Centrelink debt collection system that was stopped by the Coalition Government, that was introduced to Centrelink by Cabinet Ministers in a Labor Government Shorten and Plibersek, announced in their Media Release dated 29 June 2011. Another character assassination attempt and so obviously with the 2025 election in mind to blacken the Coalition Opposition in voter’s minds.
ScoMo was nothing like Tony Abbott. He aided and abetted Turnbull’s treacherous knifing of Abbott and then, when Turnbull was yet again thrown out by the Libs, ScoMo became Labour-Lite like his mentor.
He is despicable.