The silence of the wolves

by PAUL COLLITS – OF SEVERAL things that struck me about Rebecca Weisser’s memorable piece on the “leper vote” of unvaccinated deplorables and other sundry COVID dissidents, one line in particular stood out. 

“Even federal Health Minister Greg Hunt quietly dropped the requirement that Australians had to be vaccinated to leave the country last week.” 

We have all, or at least many of us, realised that the whole COVID disaster was largely a con.

“Even federal Health Minister Greg Hunt quietly dropped the requirement that Australians had to be vaccinated to leave the country last week.”

This was less than a month after the government’s previous statement on international travel, which didn’t.


The key word here is “quietly”. Hardly a murmur could be heard, from anywhere, at the setting aside of one of the most heinous and vile attacks on the fundamental freedoms and rights of Australians to, well, leave the joint.

Placing us up there with Cuba and North Korea, the Morrison Government wonderfully combined the unnecessary with the useless and the totalitarian in creating a fortress approach to virus management that King Canute (clearly) would have rejected out of hand.

The ABC inevitably has wondered why so many COVID restrictions have been dropped when COVID – in its current rampant yet, for most, mild form – is at its most virulent.

Indeed, I and others opined back in the darkest days of lockdown, when infections were in the hundreds and deaths could be counted on hands and feet, where is the crisis?

Trust the ABC to ask the wrong question, for ideological reasons. The real question, of course, is “why all the restrictions back then?”.

Talk about governments of all colours tip-toeing away from the most draconian measures inflicted upon Australians in our history, and hoping that no one will notice.

That no one will ask – “what was that all about?”.

The NSW Premier even spelled out the COVID escape strategy of the political class, when speaking of his fine, unexpected bromance with Daniel Andrews.

The headline read, “They text each other all the time: Perrottet and Andrews embrace the benefits of a united front”.

The NSW Premier said, in as many words, that people were criticising Andrews for being too draconian, and his own government for being too liberal.

They were both losing out. So why not work together to neutralise each of the sources of disapproval?


The feline is out of the bag. Our butt-covering leaders came up with the perfect plan, initially hatched by the Prime Minister in his rolling out of the mutual protection racket also known as the National Cabinet.

It has been seen consistently over two years in the endless displays of support from one COVID fascist leader to another.

Police brutality, met with silence. Curfews and military helicopters? Met with silence. Closed borders? The occasional murmur of disapproval and a soupçon of mild political point scoring, at worst.

Banning weddings, funerals and preventing you from saying goodbye to dying loved ones? They all did it.

Handing over control of our surprisingly delicate democracy to unelected public health tsars who got just about everything wrong?

But Perrottet actually ’fessed up to the plan.

The big three States all face elections in the next twelve months. They have quite brazenly placed their own electoral survival ahead of the welfare of Australians.

They have chosen to minimise harm to themselves by hiding behind bureaucrats and the cover-all “we are all in this together”.

Despite occasional suggestions that NSW (under Gladys) was the stand out liberal beacon among the States, this theory ended up going nowhere.

No, they were all differently awful. Victoria had the vicious coppers (inevitably) and the salivating ogre-Premier.


Queensland had the (now completely unnecessary) quarantine centres for the unvaxxed and its dictatorial craziness in the midst of very few cases.

The weird-guy in the Territory rounded up recalcitrant Aborigines.

The out-of-control man in the West decided on the insane zero-COVID.

They all had vaccine passports (for a time) and vaccine mandates that still, alas, persist in various forms.

By remaining silent on the sins of the other jurisdictions – they couldn’t very well bag the others given what they themselves were doing to their own people – they enabled the bullying and the gaslighting to go on for two whole years.

And now, all of a sudden and without the remotest coherent explanation, almost all the rules are vanishing.

The late reversals of the politicians only match the sudden loss of interest by the punters in all manner of things COVID.

It is difficult to remember when exactly the ubiquitous daily death counts and the ritual denigration of the unvaxxed – the truly thinking Australians – came to an end.

And whether it was the politicians deciding that the COVID theatre had to stop or the people simply turning off the 11am television show that ended the whole COVID Truman Show.

But end, it has. The late American economist and public choice theorist, Anthony Downs, came up with a famous theorem (well, famous to a few political science wonks) called “the issue attention cycle”.


He explained how and why certain issues captured the public imagination, then suddenly vanished from the public view despite the initial problem remaining.

As evidenced by 29 COVID deaths in the two most populous States over two days last week.

The public (perhaps) realised the cost of fighting the problem, became bored and moved on, or found other, new issues to worry about. Think floods and wars.

Or perhaps we have all, or at least many of us, realised that the whole COVID disaster was largely a con.

And none of us want to fess up to the fact that we were conned. Whoever does?

Instead, a newfound excitement at things of massive electoral significance, like Albo’s gaffes, Scotty’s defence of women’s sport and the relentless roll out of pork and circuses.

The sin of pride, always the worst of man’s sins, seems evenly distributed among the politicians and those who, like lambs, meekly followed their evil diktats.

Real politicians like One Nation’s Senator Malcolm Roberts, among others, have demanded a royal commission into Australia’s COVID decision-making fiasco.

No major Party has accepted its need. Mark Steyn in the UK has suggested that the Brits need one too. All power to them.

Perhaps not a Nuremberg Two, but at least some reckoning, some accountability, and recognition, however feeble, of the notion that there is still a buck and it has to stop somewhere.


Those affected most by COVID totalitarianism – the unjabbed and jobless, the families whose elders died alone and in fear, the still unmarried, the isolated interstate loved ones who have not seen their families, the stranded citizens with family overseas, the endless, now-impoverished small businesses, the mentally ill, the families living with suicide and so many others must be wondering now, what justice can we expect?

Will anyone pay? What was it all about? Why greater fascism then, with far fewer cases and deaths, than now?

Do not any of them feel the need to explain themselves? How do they sleep at night?

What do our professed Christian leaders say to their God if and when they pray?

The unforgivable silence of the political class is, right now, deafening.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Greg Hunt. (courtesy 9News)
RE-PUBLISHED: This article was originally published by The Spectator Australia on April 30, 2022. Re-used with permission.

4 thoughts on “The silence of the wolves

  1. All those globally, who were/are a party to this heinous crime of global Mandates, lockdowns and other acts of tyranny and treachery, against innocent populations aka crimes against humanity on a massive scale, will face the consequences of their deliberate, dangerous and deadly actions. Diane Drayton Buckland

    Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
    Author Stephanie Seneff GregNigh Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos Peter A.McCullough
    June, 2022


    mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

    The spike protein is neurotoxic, and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms.

    Suppression of type I interferon responses results in impaired innate immunity.

    The mRNA vaccines potentially cause increased risk to infectious diseases and cancer.

    Codon optimization results in G-rich mRNA that has unpredictable complex effects.

    The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent.
    The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein.
    However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.
    Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites.
    We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance.
    These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.
    We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis.
    We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health.
    Full Paper >


    The Australian Arm of The (WEF) World Economic Forum Revealed AUSTRALIA – Naming Young Global Leaders & Other Australians Tied To The WEF – Easy to Destroy Democracy with this > LOOK !

    The entire system is totally corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest.
    If the people representing State and Federal Governments have/want ties, associations, partnerships, memberships, sponsorships, revolving doors with any Corporations, Companies, Groups, Government / NG Departments or anyone or any thing whatsoever THEY CANNOT AND MUST NOT PULL THE MANDATE CAPER ! No Gunpoint Medicine ever! as this is a most serious crime / corruption/conflicts of interest and the most abhorrent violation of Informed Consent / Nuremberg Principles/ Nuremberg Code on a massive scale and they all must be held responsible and accountable for these atrocious crimes against our populations.

  2. Me thinks, Paul, our corporate fascist wolves have gone silent because they’re smug in the knowledge their role in installing the long planned UN/WEF/super-stakehoders’ world dictatorship has all but succeeded.

    They are aware, but don’t share, that with their help the WHO has already pushed its draft International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness to final comment stage. All under the radar!

    The treaty grants this unelected and unaccountable puppet agency the only tool necessary to enforce, with an iron fist, absolute and unprecedented power over global biosecurity.

    Left unchallenged, this is the so called “legal instrument” to cement-in the now permanent state of global emergency scamdemic tyranny foisted onto an unsuspecting and criminally misled world in 2020. Its intent is scalable medical genocide to destroy the old normal so the megalomaniac technocrats now in charge of the Great Reset can build back better in a totally imprisoned world.

    This, not the Biden administration/NATO proxy war of distraction in the Ukraine, is the greater crime against humanity. It is a very real and direct attack from the seat of the new world order’s “health security architecture”, not just on the sovereignty of captive member states but on every human being’s bodily autonomy.

    With this hush-hush news now exposed to an order of reaction sufficient to crash its website, the WHO has announced it will accept two more days of “public” comment on the draft treaty, June 16 and 17, beyond that so far from its pre-screened big players and NGOs. The UN’s World Health Assembly which has only met twice (in 2015 and in April 2022) will also crucially vote, May 22 – 28, on amendments to its little known and understood 2005 Health Regulations. This too may strip away more individual rights and liberties.

    UN/WHO/WEF-style Global BIosecurity in any way, shape or form has NOTHING to do with health — yours, mine nor the planet’s.

    Keep this in mind when you vote on Saturday if our postmodern, post-truth, post-Christian world order just isn’t delivering for you.

  3. If only mainstream media empires were not deeply conflicted and had a fraction of the level of Journalistic Ethics and Integrity that you have. Thank you Paul.
    In my Information Paper you will see that apparently Greg Hunt’s family and Twiggy Forrest has an interest in Graphene
    I which is one of the extremely dangerous destructive and damaging ‘ingredients’ in the clot shot/jab/injections/vaxxines.

    D o N o t V o t e for the LNP ALP or Greens.
    Remember this when you vote – See Information Paper >

  4. ”Thanks Paul, I agree with you totally, what a silence on covid. Is it because they got to the required number of vaccinations or because a Federal Election is due soon and also elections for three states in the next year so they better keep quiet with all the adverse reactions and as you said remembrance of police brutality, destruction of lives etc. Or has word got around that a lot of people are going to put the major parties last on the ballot sheets while putting the minors and some independents before them due to all the covid madness.

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