MALCOLM Turnbull is cheering for a green-leaning independent to push the Berejiklian government into minority as he again betrays his own Party.
Weeks out from this month’s crucial Upper Hunter by-election, the former Liberal Party prime minister is full-tilt behind fellow climate extremist and former journalist Kirsty O’Connell. The by-election is scheduled for May 22.
- Turnbull urges Upper Hunter locals to abandon Liberal coalition partner, the Nationals.
- He suggests Premier Berejiklian would 'privately appreciate' minority government.
- He accuses National Party of selling-out locals by cuddling up to mining companies.
Ms O’Connell, who has hidden her social media posts, has described fossil energy as NSW’s “biggest challenge”.
“This by-election is a good opportunity to act on the biggest challenge, the inevitable transition away from fossil fuels,” Ms O’Connell told an audience in Merriwa last week.
She said government funding “must be provided” to replace the Upper Hunter’s reliance on its coal industry.
This was music to the ears of dumped prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, who travelled to the Upper Hunter to campaign with Ms O’Connell.
He urged Upper Hunter locals to abandon the government’s coalition partner, the National Party, which has held the seat since 1932.
“Kirsty won’t sell-out the health of the community in the way the National Party has done, in the way they’ve cuddled up to the big mining companies with no regard to what the people need here,” Mr Turnbull said.
According to an ABC News report, Mr Turnbull said a minority NSW government “could be a positive for the region”.
“It’s not a bad thing for governments to actually have to consult with other people and to respect others,” he said.
“I think Kirsty O’Connell will be a phenomenal contribution to the State parliament and one that – while she would never be able to say it publicly of course – Gladys Berejiklian would privately appreciate.”
Mr Turnbull’s ongoing disloyalty to the Liberal Party has been questioned even before he arose in 2015 to lead the Liberal/National Coalition in government.
According to senior Labor Party figures, Mr Turnbull had begged for entry into the ALP as late as 2000 – shortly before he joined the Liberal Party.
Sources have confirmed he aspired to be an ALP MP and had pleaded to be parachuted into federal parliament, offering himself as Labor’s next Finance Minister.
He is reported to have approached former Labor PM Bob Hawke, ALP staffer David Briton, NSW Labor State Secretary John Della Bosca, ACTU Secretary Bill Kelty, factional power-broker Graham Richardson and many, many others.
It turned out that neither then ALP leader Kim Beazley nor Labor’s factional heavies wanted anything to do with Mr Turnbull. Mr Richardson later describing him as having “hopeless political instincts”.
Since being removed from his prime ministership in 2018 by an internal Liberal Party vote, Mr Turnbull has sought revenge.
His disloyalty has resulted in repeated calls for his expulsion from the Liberal Party. A move many Liberal members believe is justified.
After all, it is widely considered Mr Turnbull has done more damage to the Liberal Party than Labor could ever dream to do.
He entered the Party by knifing his colleague and sitting Wentworth MP Peter King with a branch stack of truly mind-numbing proportions.
In 2008 he snatched the Party leadership for the first time with a campaign of verbal intimidation (some insiders say screaming abuse) and unforgivable disloyalty against then Liberal leader Brendan Nelson.
He then backed-up in 2015 and stole the prime ministership by relentlessly leaking and undermining then PM Tony Abbott.
This leaking and undermining managed to turn opinion polls against Mr Abbott – which spooked the Party into a spill.
The problem with these opinion polls, however, was that almost every respondent who indicated they preferred Mr Turnbull as PM didn’t bother to vote for him after he was installed. Instead, they voted Green, Labor or both as they’d always done.
A bloodbath 2016 election followed with Mr Turnbull losing Tony Abbott’s thumping 30 seat majority and clinging to government by a single seat.
On leaving parliament in 2018, after being sacked by federal colleagues over his climate fanaticism, he had taken the Liberal Party from Mr Abbott’s huge parliamentary majority (won in 2013) to a rabble minority.
He appears intent to repeat his efforts on the fragile NSW Liberal government.PC
Turnbull should change his name by deed poll to ‘Turncoat”!
This climate change clap trap is all hot air, the real issues are a dirty ocean and over population. For the rest there is NO proof especially carbon which the trees and plants love
Turnbull should be cut loose from the NLP – but I suspect he won’t, as he still has too many supporters in the Party. He has spent far too much time campaigning against his old party
Most people could see right through Malcolm Turnbull from the start but the dunderheads in the Liberal Party thought they knew better than the rest of us.
What a disgrace and a total lack of judgement they showed by replacing Tony Abbott with this narcissistic fool.
I don’t think they have learned a lesson even to this day.
O’Connell is far from being independent. Green as the come and the turncoat Turnbull is supporting her.
All you have to do is read her profile on Linkin
Firstly, liberal Federal MP’s observed Turnbull’s hapless performance as Water Minister, yet still regarded him as foreman material. He espoused the virtue of taking short showers, instead of increasing supply by building dams or implementing a like common sense act. Next, they had ringside seats to Turnbull’s treatment of Brendan Nelson when the latter was leader, but still voted for him to replace Nelson.
Consequently, Turnbull’s hopeless performance as leader, his green veering to the left and the Godwin Gretch episode almost obliterated the libs, who were facing a massacre at the ballot box. Even then he was only just voted out of office by a bare majority of those whose self preservation instincts sensed armageddon.
What were the remainder thinking when again voting for him. Surely even the ‘drover’s dog’ would have been a preferred option, and they should have encouraged Turnbull to leave parliament when he was of that mind, then replaced him with someone who had something to contribute to the public interest.
They then witnessed Tony Abbott’s remarkable restoration of their fortunes in quick time, and but for the NSW left libs pre-selection stranglehold whereby dud candidates contested some marginal seats, they’d have won in 2010, but Abbott nonetheless delivered them a thumping majority in 2013. Why did they then allow Turnbull to destabilise Abbott, instead of calling Turnbull out!
They all heard Turnbull’s advocacy when calling for the Commonwealth to build the NBN, which otherwise could have been built much more cheaply by private enterprise, the government’s only role being to ensure that the bush received otherwise unviable cover.
The electorate bears responsibility for electing those who then re-elected Turnbull as their leader. Everything inevitably went downhill soon enough. How many times did they all have to keep learning the same lesson! Even Labor owned up to Kevin Rudd and his like unsuitability for public office much earlier.
Back to the present. Turnbull’s hopeless judgement and propensity for self ridicule curtails his future nuisance value, though like a bad smell he lingers when unwanted. He never cast a long shadow, and his impotence was on display when he allegedly tried to nobble Matthias Cormann’s ascension. McMahon now rests more easily post Turnbull and Rudd, knowing that he was no longer Australia’s worst PM, we should not lose our sense of humour, and watching the latter 2 compete for supreme pariah status is not unamusing.
Mark Latham’s earlier review of Turnbull’s biography, as appearing in the Spectator, is recommended reading, in that it puts the public’s former dalliance with these 2 ridiculous misfits into perspective.
The miserable ghost, MT, has arguably always been a stereotypical narcissist. The kabal of grifters (Kean, Photios and Turnbull) need to have their renewables interests exposed for all to see. Gladys is clearly hostage to these alleged crooks or she is part of the kabal…which is it Gladys….time to step up and call out Kean, Turnbull and Photios for their crony capitalism.
What an arrogant piece of work this guy is! He has his money in renewables as does his backers! He thinks he can destroy the Liberal Party & is making a pretty good job of it!! It worries me that Gladys is so cosy with him. Why???
Retire with dignity Malcolm Turnbull as did Tony Abbott
He has no dignity. Tony Abbott is a gentleman
The Liberal Party deserves every discomfort it’s copping having dithered in dealing with their obvious Turnbull problem. Former Federal President Nick Greiner let the problem fester. John Olsen doesn’t seem interested. Then again, with the Party’s policy settings now calibrated by the likes of Matt Kean they’re indistinguishable from those of the Hanson-Young brigade anyway (adding to the why-bother-risk notionally conservative voters outside metropolitan areas do as they did in the WA state election).
Turnbull has only one motivation – to be a hero of history. He’s been unliked his whole life and deep down, he knows it. He’ll never stop seeking attention and positive recognition because it has never come to him naturally or willingly.
Turnbull, a man who was wanted by neither the Labor party nor the Liberal party. A man reviled and despised, who traverses trackless wastes like a starving stray seeking the slightest hint of affirmation or approval as he desperately seeks to prove that he has intrinsic value as a human being, and that he is worthy of being loved. All of this because he bears to this day the emotional scars of having been abandoned as a boy by his own mother.
I hope that one day he can get the help that he so clearly needs.
Frankly, I think this ‘lack of a mother’ business is clearly overstated. Sad as it may be, it happens often, for whatever reason the world over and people just get on. No the truth is far less complex – Turnbull is simply an extremely unpleasant man.
Turnbull should be EXPELLED from the Liberal Party, he is a traitor and a horrible person he should be so ashamed of himself, he should get professional help.
“Frankly, I think this ‘lack of a mother’ business is clearly overstated.”
Hello John, I don’t think it’s the *lack* of a mother that’s his problem; it’s the fact that he was *abandoned* by his mother. Whilst the latter action led to the former condition, it’s nonetheless the case that the context within which he was left motherless is critical. The love of a mother for a child should be as unconditional as it is natural, and the deliberate withdrawal of said love from a child at a tender age is something that does considerable damage. Turnbull has lived most of his life with an emotional void; a vacuum in the core of his being that he has been desperate to fill, and which informs his pathological conduct. His narcissism can be attributed at least in part to an attempt by him to replace the absence (through rejection) of his mother’s love with self love, and it thus serves as a psychological and emotional defence. He desperately needs to be accepted, but, sadly, he cannot recover all those years that he lost, no matter how hard he tries.
Of course, he also presents, by virtue of his conduct, as one who is on a particular psychological spectrum, but that is a discussion for another forum.