UNELECTED activist bureaucrats are intimidating Australians into silence for attempting to state the obvious according to Federal Senator Claire Chandler.
The under fire Tasmanian MP said it was appalling that everyday citizens, including herself, were being put through the “legal wringer” for stating normal mainstream views.
Ms Chandler appeared on Sky News’ Credlin program yesterday defending the “reality of biological” gender.
She claimed unelected public bureaucrats were engaged in an effort to shut down free speech to push their own extremist public policy.
“I’m certainly not going to be backing down on my views around women’s sport and women’s rights,” she said.
“It’s deeply concerning in terms of the effects that this intimidation is going to have on free speech in this country.”
Ms Chandler has been referred to Tasmania’s Equal Opportunity Commission after stating that women’s sport, women’s toilets and women’s changing rooms were designed for people of the female gender and should remain that way.
She also recently addressed the Australian Senate in favour of World Rugby’s effort to exclude transgender players from women’s rugby for safety reasons.
“I won’t be apologising for a view nor advocating for a view that a majority of Australians agree with,” she told Sky News anchor Peta Credlin.
“Going back even a couple of years, my views would not have been remarkable nor controversial at all.
“But this is the ridiculous situation we find ourselves in where unelected bureaucrats and anti-discrimination tribunals are able to put people through the legal wringer such as myself; such as Arch Bishop Julian Porteous for just practicing his faith; such as students from Queensland University for posting comments on Facebook in an effort to shut down debate…
“Even with Bill Leak and his cartoons in the newspapers, we have seen steadily for the past few years now the anti-everything brigade, the vocal minority getting up in arms whenever they take offence at something – particularly on matters that the majority of Australians agree on.”
Ms Chandler said the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act was one of the most restrictive pieces of free speech legislation in the nation.
“The State Liberal government made attempts to change it back in 2017 but weren’t able to get through the upper house in the Tasmanian parliament,” she said.
“I’d like more efforts to have this legislation strike the right balance – clearly at the moment it does not.”
She said official changes made to the definition of a woman – ie. anyone who relate as being a women – was being rammed through by Left activists.
“It really is a vocal minority trying to capture the public debate, you only need to look at what’s happening on Twitter to see that.”PC
Yes Australia needs bold, moral and truthful politicians now more than ever. Respect to Senator Chandler and Senator McLaren-Jones for speaking up against the communists, we don’t want Australia to follow the same path as the US.
Yes, there are some nasty and plainly obtuse people in Australia at present.
I applaud Senator Chandler and Government Whip Ms. McLaren-Jones for their strength in supporting the morality and normality preferred by mainstream Australians and opposing the H. R. Commission who would punish those who speak out with decent, majority views.
Real women must be protected, ensured privacy in toilets, change rooms and of course it should go without saying that women’s sport is the exclusive province of biological women only.
No person should be intimidated or punished for speaking their truth and every person with decent, principled values and Christian views, those on which our whole Australian Society has progressed and thrived for two Centuries, should never feel intimidated. They must speak out loudly and clearly to protect every facet of this majority integrity. The unbalanced, skewed minority clearly cannot prevail!