“I CALL the meeting to order. Jim, please move your chair away from Kath. Social distancing please. We’re here to get some figures for Gladys. Let’s get underway…
“Buses, currently we have 12 passengers, not counting school kids. Ideas?”
“No Jim, a bus only holds 60.”
“Okay. 40 it is. Footie crowds?
“I think it already is, Craig. We need a bigger number.”
“How big is the stadium?”
“Irrelevant, Craig. Pick a number.”
“Leave it at 1000, but only Dads. If they want to take the kids, they can take those cardboard cut-outs of their children. That way everyone gets to go.”
“Done. Gladys loves that sort of thinking. Weddings?”
“Hadley keeps putting his off. Can’t we leave weddings?”
“You’re right Craig, the message is really important. Borders?”
“I don’t think our borders are closed…”
“Why not? Queensland is.”
“Yeah but they have an election coming up.”
“Okay forget borders. Give me a new number for people in a designated-eating area.”
“That’s double. Let’s make it 75.”
“What if the room is very small?”
“Irrelevant. Stay focussed everyone.
“That’ll do, I think. Ask Gladys to be careful talking about people’s rights. Before you know it, they’ll want to see how we make these decisions.”PC
Thanks Neil! A serving of humour in our lives is always welcome.
I will say that at least the NSW Govt. Shows a little more sanity over the borders than the rest. However, it’s time for ALL restrictions to be abolished.