KIDS band The Wiggles is buying into the Left’s child indoctrination agenda while being accused by federal Senator Matt Canavan of “going woke”.
The band, beloved by generations of kids and parents, is famous for singing about potatoes, fruit salad and sea creatures.
- The band has doubled its size to eight “to be more racially and gender inclusive”.
- It now includes non-binary stage characters – including a gender changing unicorn.
- These changes are believed to be inline with BLM's demands made to the band.
But as it chases the latest Left-wing fad, we could be hearing less “Wake Up Jeff” and more from “Woke Karen”.
The band has doubled its size to eight “to be more racially and gender inclusive” and now includes multiple non-binary stage characters – including a gender changing unicorn.
The changes are allegedly in line with direct demands from Marxist-backed Black Lives Matter in the US – a radical anti-Western group advocating critical race theory and the tearing down of statues.
The Wiggles is the latest infant entertainment platform to promote same-sex relationships and gender fluidity to children.
Disney’s Muppet Babies recently began indoctrinating children with historical male characters – such as Gonzo – being portrayed as females.
Teletubbies and Australia’s Playschool have been pushing non-binary undertones for years.
Senator Canavan said The Wiggles were doing irreparable harm to its brand.
“They are free to do what they like,” Mr Canavan said.
“It was nice while it lasted. But if you go woke you go broke.”
Meanwhile, Australian sociologist Geoff Holloway has called for a federal inquiry into transgender practices targeting children.
Mr Holloway is one of many experts demanding a clearer legal distinction between the biological reality of sex and the ideological position of gender.
Recommendations include making health related staff accountable for long-term consequences regarding their advice and treatment of young people, creating a more in-depth consultative process, recognising gender dysphoria as a health issue as opposed to an ideological issue related to “equality”, a more rigorous assessment of needs of minors and greater parental involvement and need for consent.
They also want a comprehensive “scientific inquiry into the long-term consequences of gender transitioning through medical interventions”.
Binary Australia spokeswoman Kirralie Smith has also spoken out in support of an inquiry.
“In light of the UK High Court’s decision that children under the age of 16 are not competent to make transitioning decisions, and due to the lack of rigorous evidenced-based studies, a federal inquiry is a necessity,” she said.
“It is never acceptable to experiment on children.
“There’s simply not enough data or research into the long-term effects of transitioning treatments on young people.
“Protecting children must be paramount for the government, rather than appeasing radical gender extremists.”PC
During 2013 Opposition Leader Tony Abbott promised that if elected to government the Coalition government he led would uphold the Gillard Labor Government’s very expensive “Gonski” education grants to state governments for financial year 2013/14 and following forward estimate years only. After that period the Coalition intended to have negotiated for a “back to basics” in education revival to overcome the falling standard of education.
I understand that when discussions commenced it became clear that not enough school teachers were capable of teaching those subjects and would need to be given tuition. I have heard the NSW Premier mention back to basics but what action is being taken to implement this?
Meanwhile reports have drawn attention to leftist education programmes that, apparently, the Education Department has not authorised which are accessed on line by teachers who are prepared to indoctrinate students with socialist brain washing, to dumb down as many students as they can influence.
NSW One Nation’s Mark Latham has been investigating this serious problem for some time and making public his findings. To hear that the Minister for Education is most often unaware of the situation is to sa the least appalling.
So it comes as no surprise that The Wiggles are now participating in the social engineering campaign directed at children.
It has been often said “go woke, go broke”, maybe The Wiggles need to be given a wake up call?
Australian students have slipped down the grading scale internationally, students in Great Britain are on a similar downward trend, so much for Labour PM Blair claiming to be the great educator leader, as copied by our Labor PM Gillard, both socialists, Blair like Rudd a Christian Socialist as Opposition Leader Rudd mentioned on ABC Compass in 2006, Deputy Leader Gillard merged her Socialist Forum with The Australian Fabian Society that is connected to the Fabian Society in England formed late 1800s – check their background and socialism (communistic) objectives on line.
It is sad that The Wiggles are prepared to participate in this leftist indoctrination programme.
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Hot perversion, hot perversion (hot perversion, hot perversion)
Hot perversion, hot perversion (perversion), perversion (perversion)
Perversion, perversion, perversion
The sad thing is with the Wiggles, being a children’s programme, this wokeness/political correctness is yet another example of indoctrination of the audience. It is a form of child abuse. Wiggles need to change their marketing person and understand their social responsibility