SHADOW Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong’s sustained defence of China is “worse than appeasement”, according to legal academic and political historian Prof David Flint.
The long-serving Australian Labor senator has repeatedly sided with Team China, even as it unleashes havoc on Australian farmers, fishers, miners and businesses.

- Penny Wong is accused of 'carrying water' for the Chinese Communist Party.
- Politicians and other elites have been dazzled by the gold that Beijing offers.
- Yet they ignore the existence of a beaten-down and impoverished labour force.
While doing so, Ms Wong has turned a blind eye to the savagery of China’s communist regime towards its own population.
Her latest China defence came this week during a book launch for Left-leaning Sydney Morning Herald reporter Peter Hartcher.
While addressing attendees at the launch, Ms Wong again criticised Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s approach to China describing it as “frenzied, afraid and lacking context”.
“My concern is that not only does he not fully comprehend Australia’s interests in relation to China, he doesn’t even seek to,” Ms Wong said.
“It’s always about the domestic political advantage – either in the internal fights within the Liberal Party in pandering to the far Right, or in seeking to pursue some partisan advantage over the Labor Party,” she said.
“Our leaders do not make us safe by beating the drums of war with China.”
Carrying water for communist China has become a habit for Ms Wong over the past 18 months.
In mid 2020, after Mr Morrison called for an investigation into the origins of the devastating Wuhan virus, Ms Wong adopted China’s talking points calling for “mutual respect”.
She accused the Prime Minister at the time of “mishandling” the China relationship and playing to a domestic audience.
Ms Wong was subsequently savaged on social media and accused of being a “fake Australian”. Even the pro-Left United Nations adopted Mr Morrison’s proposal.
Ms Wong’s pro-China bias, however, hasn’t softened.
In an opinion piece for The Epoch Times newspaper yesterday Prof Flint described the actions of Australia’s pro-China politicians as “worse than appeasement”.
“What is clear is that this is not the time for politicians to be starry-eyed about Beijing’s real intentions or to engage in appeasement,” Prof Flint said.
“The accusation by Penny Wong that the Morrison government is endangering our relationship with China is a step back to the naïve accommodation that politicians have far too often shown in relation to Communist China,” he said.
“So many politicians and other elites in business, the academy and the media have been dazzled by the gold that Beijing offers.
“Yet they ignore the existence of a beaten-down, fearful, cowering and impoverished labour force, which everyone knows or ought to know includes slave labour.
“Politicians have encouraged Australian businesses to take advantage of this, even as it led to the export of our manufacturing and therefore jobs to the so-called ‘workers’ paradise’.”
Prof Flint said it was disgraceful that Ms Wong’s Labor Party was fighting harder for China than for Australian workers’ rights.PC
Labor can’t help but play for China’s cash.
Wong is a totally fake Australian. Anyone who knows her knows where her allegiance lies.
China’s Xi Jinping is most pleased with her loyalty.