ZALI Steggall’s climate scare overreach has so spectacularly failed she’s been left with nothing to show for her stint in federal parliament.
Despite years pushing a one policy agenda, the Warringah MP now sits rejected on the cross benches after every last one of her private “climate emergency” bills failed.

- Radical climate bills rejected before reaching parliamentary vote.
- Zali proposed making ministers subordinate to unelected bureaucrats.
- She attempted to enshrine into Australian law decisions by foreigners.
Her bills, designed to hand control of the nation’s energy policy to unelected government bureaucrats – while locking Australians into Paris climate targets – were rejected even before they could reach a house vote.
Ms Steggall was accused of refusing to take advice while pushing an agenda so extreme it could never be supported – by anyone.
The chairman of parliament’s Environment & Energy Committee, Mr Ted O’Brien, said the novice MP had been “on her own” pushing an agenda that was ultimately “not the way to tackle” environment and energy policy.
Her bills were unanimously rejected by the bi-partisan committee.
“As well-meaning as the bill may have been it shifted responsibility from elected parliamentary representatives to unelected bureaucrats,” Mr O’Brien said.
“This is contrary to our system of government and ultimately played a large role in the committee’s deliberations leading to its decision to suggest the bills not be passed.”
The bills would have enshrined in law the Paris climate targets and established a Climate Change Commission to force elected ministers to meet its goals.
Ms Steggall’s key proposal was designed to legally “strip the Australian people of the right to preference” climate policy at an election.
“It’s the role of a non-partisan committee such as ours to take a dispassionately independent approach to assessing proposed bills such as those put forward and Ms Steggall was on her own in recommending they passed,” Mr O’Brien said.
While not directly supporting Ms Steggall’s policy framework, hard-Left Liberal backbenchers Trent Zimmerman and Bridget Archer backed her “climate emergency” goals.
They said the government should use this October’s Glasgow Climate Change Conference to outline a “national commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050”.
With large sections of Labor’s caucus retreating from climate politics – considered electoral poison – activist Liberal MPs are increasingly siding with Ms Steggall.
The independent Warringah MP, who has repeatedly demanded support from Leftist Liberals, has called on NSW backbenchers Jason Falinksi and Dave Sharma as well as Victorian MP Tim Wilson to cross the floor over climate policy.
She said self-described “modern” Liberals who ignored climate change did so “at their peril”.
“So-called ‘modern’ Liberals should put the interests of their electorates first and consider crossing the floor,” she told The Guardian last year.
Such a move would throw the Coalition into minority on the floor.PC
It will probably take a long time before the climate change botherers wake up to the fact that they have all been conned by the ‘pisstake’ of the century!
Zali has been a waste of space, but what is worse is all those people who voted for her, thinking she was some Green Angel come to save them. She might as well have been from Mars for all the sense she makes along with the entire Green Apocalyptic Movement that sees ‘evidence’ everywhere for their beliefs, but who have no intention of examining anything that shows how wrong they are. By all means separate your garbage and use compost bins, but keep the garbage out of politics and governance. Can’t believe she draws a salary and will probably have a pension for life.
Dave Sharma is my local MP and I will NOT be voting for him next year. I only voted for him last time to get rid of Kerryn Phelps. If the Liberal Party keeps selecting these lefties, their voters will look for alternatives.
The wisdom of thw Abbott governments scrapping of the carbon tax perhaps is about to bear fruit as the USA and EU propose taxing imports from countries that do not have a carbon tax as there is no sense in one country taxing carbon when its neighbour with the same atmosphere doesn’t tax carbon pollution.
I’m hoping John Ruddick, now a Liberal Democrat, decides NOT TO RUN for the seat of WARRINGAH! The Liberal candidate must have EVERY vote.
So how many hundreds of thousands of dollars does Steggall owe Australians for wasting the time and effort of parliamentarians and their staff on her ideological boondoggle ?
Time and effort that would have been better spent on Australia’s serious problems – education, defence, industrial relations, 24/7 reliable energy, foreign aid, and the myriad of others, that beset our nation’s economic and social health.
It is the responsibility of every supporter of Politicom to try and ensure The Independent Hypocrite for Warringah’s latest failure is broadcast nationwide loud and clear.
The GetUp Gal.
Also financed and supported by the unreliable energy industry investment based on climate hoax, ignoring natural Earth Cycles of climate zones and weather patterns.
Thankfully the vested interests in the narrow political view based on creative accounting of computer modelling scare campaigns failed to secure the other Coalition seats that they targeted using Union financed GetUp activist organist organisation, candidates all masquerading as “Independent”.
Left-leaning Liberals Falinski, Zimmerman, Archer et al really MUST do some urgent reading of up-to-date, competent, scientific knowledge!
We have nothing to fear from that ‘bogey-man’ – ‘climate-change’ warming. It is actually becoming a little colder, albeit incredibly slowly!
It would be fun to watch a debate between the climate hoaxers and qualified “earth scientists” and others, like Professor Ian Plimer who is also a geologist.
Garbage In – Garbage Out computer modelling verses past history of Earth’s natural changes including climate zones.
Add Sir Patrick Moore to the sane voices that actually understand the environment.
Steggle’s election was questionable. The presence of left funded political activist groups (nameless to avoid backlash) in the Warringah electorate and bus loads of out of towners was a feature in her shock victory. Locals were commenting at potential for voter fraud as these busses were seen going from one poling station to the next.
She’s been missing in action in the electorate ever since.
Including the hired young want to be actors from a Western Sydney school who swapped shirts as required to stand up for GetUp or Zali for street theatre purposes.
THANKYOU so much Sean Burke (& John W – 4+ thoughts, Morrie – 2 and Justin G), your well-researched information has alerted us to the quite insane machinations and extremely harmful ?visions? of this useless local M.P.
Somehow this novice managed to ‘pull the wool’ over enough gullible eyes in Warringah to gain her ticket for a well-paid, independent – (read cushy) – perch on the outer edges of our Federal Parliament! She used shabby fear tactics based on the nowadays, much disproven ‘climate change’ rantings and – of course – she had the full support of that raucous, very base and thoroughly contemptible organisation calling itself Get Up!
Yes – undeniably, Ms Steggall has proven to be an INCOMPETENT DISASTER and the pertinent facts must be made clear to all Warringah residents, so – come the next Federal Election – their sane and considered votes will go to the Conservative Liberal Party selection who will diligently, RATIONALLY and intelligently represent the interests of this great Electorate.
The sooner she is replaced by with a real politician of Abbott’s ability the better.
Life has become too soft for Zali – her mind has been turned to clay. She cares for get-rich-quick climate investors and little else. Australians who struggle are considered a side issue in her nasty, self-serving emptiness.
In defence of the Independent Zali, she recently completed a Warringah letter box drop, that essentially encouraged people to “do your own research about the JAB”
This simple letter box drop may have encouraged some people to look into this experimental vaccine, and potential side effects that we are only starting to unpack.
You are apparently unaware that COVID-19 is a strain of Coronavirus, as are seasonal influenza strains and SARS is another example, the laboratories based the COVID-19 vaccine on previous vaccines.
It is not experimental but was fast tracked for obvious reasons and purposes and helped by governments contributing and placing forward orders.
There are far too many theories floating around, scare mongering and general ignorance.
If in doubt ask a medical professional, I am not one of them.
Thank you Donald Trump for fast tracking these new vaccines.
[…] Zali […] encouraged people to do [their] own research about the JAB.
Yes, and I’m so thankful that she did – she’s not infantilising me, she’s *helping* me, because she knows, as does every committed left-winger, that the members of the masses like me are gormless, feckless, and clueless; that we are like blind sheep who couldn’t survive a single day without the considerate ministrations of our benevolent political overlords, who we regard with a mixture of rapt adoration and everlasting gratitude for the gifts and blessings that they deign to bestow on us, to say nothing of their freely-proffered gems of wisdom.
Yes, I would never think to undertake any research on my own initiative, and, even if I did, I’d hardly know where to begin…
Wow, Jeremy, you fit very well into the Zali party. Many people tried to help Zali to a rational position on Climate, based on scientific fact, without success. There is absolutely no hope for you.
“Many people tried to help Zali to a rational position on Climate […]”
I myself have spoken personally to Zali. Unfortunately she was uncomprehending, as she possesses neither the ability nor the willingness to engage in critical self-reflection, having been mentally crippled by her pathological pursuit of an agenda that is nothing but a mirage.
Her certitude is that of the religious convert, as is her single-minded zeal. As with many female left-wingers, she presents as a bland and harmless crackpot, but the truth is that she is emblematic of a toxic and virulent anti-intellectualism that is extremely dangerous, and that has left the world on the cusp of descending into a new and very dark age. Sadly, she is also someone who showcases the sad fact that, in many cases, all of us get the politicians that only some of us deserve.
Zali is nothing more than than a hysterical shill who plays the role of obedient puppet for her left-wing masters. She has never had a real job in her life, and she has absolutely nothing of substance or value to contribute to political discourse in this country. She wants to save the world, but as far as I am aware she hasn’t yet purchased an electric car or installed solar panels on her house.
She’s a prime example of what happens when rank stupidity meets breathtaking hypocrisy.
To begin with she obviously does not understand climate and weather, natural Earth Cycles since time began.
Around 130,000 years ago the land we call Australia had a quite different land area shape and the climate zone slowly changed producing drier conditions, the rainforests that covered this land retreated and was replaced over time by eucalypts that tolerate drier conditions, droughts and even bushfires. Today only about 3 per cent of Australia is rainforest.
Since that change there has been a major ice age followed by the “little ice age” that ended in the 1700s. After these cold periods the ice melted and continues to melt due to a warming trend, now cooling again as solar activity declines, a Maunder Minimum or Grand Solar Minimum, and it is impossible to accurately predict how cold Earth will become or the length of time it will remain colder.
Climate hoax including global warming creative accounting for modelling, like BoM not taking into account historic record data earlier than 1910 and heatwaves in the 1800s because their contribution to the hoax would be more difficult to create. See the submission to the Minister during the Abbott Government period in office commencing September 2013 from scientist Dr Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues pointing out the BoM “errors and omissions” as described by the BoM in reply to the minister.
Encouraged and supported by renewable unreliable intermittent energy investors, GetUp activist organisation and other vested interests.
Former Parliamentary Speaker Bronwyn Bishop and others have described the GetUp conducted elect Steggall campaign at the 2019 Federal Election as one of the dirtiest tactics elections they have ever experienced.
Net Zero Emissions
It appears that New Zealand’s farmers are the latest group waking up to the sinister end result of a new zero emissions world, not that many of the politicians pushing this crazy economic vandalism will be in a position to be held accountable in thirty years time, or for that matter when the inevitable light bulb out moment arrives for wind and solar energy installations, unreliable, intermittent supply and not cost effective for business owners without substantial government paid taxpayer funded subsidies and other help via handicapping power stations to reduce efficiencies of operation.
So ask your State and Federal members of parliament to explain net zero emissions and to produce an audited study of economic ramifications and lifestyle resulting for we the people.
Climate changing is natural Earth Cycles and so is weather, for example the serious floods in Europe at this time that climate activists are blaming on global warming. I have seen reports with photographs of buildings in flooded areas that have records of past flood events printed on the side walls, even worse flooding than today for hundreds of years past, and therefore, logically, thousands of years of floods.
How about Australian politicians concentrating on representing our best interests and governing for us, ignoring UN IPCC and others not elected by Australians and their crazy manipulating?
Do you remember Ted Mack MP former Member for North Sydney and earlier Mayor of North Sydney?
He became an Independent candidate for North Sydney and managed to get elected but after two terms decided not to stand for election again, he expressed his disappointment that his time had been wasted as an Independent and wasted for his constituents. He said that not belonging to a major opposition or government side he had no influence apart from voting in parliament.
Zali Steggall is no different as her record as an Independent MP shows, a waste of time for constituents who had been capably represented by real Liberal Party MP Tony Abbott. Real meaning Menzies Australian Liberal Party not the modern day left leaning LINO MPs (Liberals In Name Only).
On the other hand from what I have learnt Steggall was backed by so called renewable energy industry investors and others intent on wealth creation based on the climate change hoax, global warming creative accounting trend modelling politics. Her campaign was supported by the Union Movement created and donated leftist GetUp activist organisation that Bill Shorten of the ALP was involved with via his executive position with the Australian Workers Union, he later became a member of the GetUp Board of Directors.
At least Ted Mack MP was a real independent and had the strength of character to decline from standing for election a third time, and would not accept his parliamentary pension entitlements because, he said, he did earn that payout.
Beware of “Independent” candidates, check their background carefully if you are tempted to consider voting for one, and if the candidate has GetUp hanging around don’t take the risk.