After Trudeau, it gets worse

by PAUL COLLITS – ANYONE thinking “thank God he’s gone” – and I don’t mean Beijing Biden, I mean the Boy Blunder Justin Castro – should press the pause button on any early celebrations. 

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau may or may not have been fathered by Fidel, but he has certainly inherited Fidel’s ideological genes, and has screwed Canada in the process. 

There is worse to come for the once feted Dominion. Yes, Justin Trudeau is a moron. But the next guy is not. He is even more dangerous because he isn’t stupid.

We all know about the DEI society and the end game of the truckers’ COVID protest in Ottawa. We know about the plandemic tyranny and the mass immigration. We know about the globalism.

It’s not a coincidence that Klaus Schwab was mainly talking about Canada when he said that the World Economic Forum had “penetrated ze cabinets”. Canada is WEF ground zero.


But there is worse to come for the once feted Dominion because Justin, son of Fidel, is a moron.

The next guy is not. He is even more dangerous, because he isn’t stupid.

Which brings us to Matthew Ehret. He is a Canadian investigative journalist, of whom I had not heard until a recent story by The Expose.

Here is an overview of Ehret’s position: “Trudeau has served a role as a marketing tool and nothing really more than that. The idea was to always simply use him ‘til he had nothing left to squeeze out of him. And I think that point has come and gone. And his usefulness is now pretty much it’s over,” Matthew Ehret said on a recent Global Research News Hour podcast.

During the podcast, Ehret discussed the rise of Mark Carney as the inevitable replacement for the highly disposable Justin Trudeau.

He also discussed the Canada 2020 behaviourist think tank, formed in 2003 and co-managed by a nest of Privy Councillors and two co-architects of the North American Union as well as Diane Carney, Mark Carney’s wife.

He also discussed the Club of Rome’s takeover of Western society and the importance of understanding the fallacies behind the Green New Deal which, as a high priest of central bankers, Mark Carney serves.

Ehret founded and runs the The Canadian Patriot. He is a senior fellow at the American University of Moscow. Yes, that is a thing. He is the author of several books. And he knows all about Mark Carney.

The Expose again: “Ehret believes that the self-styled ‘elites’ see Justin Trudeau’s leadership as no longer sufficient, and a more competent technocrat like Mark Carney may be needed to manage the country as the global system enters a new phase of crisis.”

So, who is Mark Carney?

If you think you have heard his name somewhere before, well, he used to be the Governor of the Bank of England (2013 to 2020).

Before that, he was Governor of the Bank of Canada. He was Boris Johnson’s “climate change finance tsar” in the run-up to COP26. He was a UN climate envoy. He blamed inflation on Brexit. He used to work at Goldman Sachs.


So, Malcolm Turnbull with a Canadian accent. A Davos man. He praised central banks for their work during COVID! God help us all.

The great Rupert Darwall wrote in The Spectator: “Carney is a leading light of the climate-finance oligarchy, positioned at the nexus of politics and finance.

“He is a key adviser for the UN climate change conference, COP26, to Boris Johnson and serves as UN secretary-general António Guterres’s special envoy on finance and climate action. He is also vice-chair of Canadian alternative asset manager Brookfield, heading its ESG and impact-investing business. One privilege of being a climate saviour: any concerns over conflicts of interest don’t apply when the interests of the planet are at stake.”

“In normal times, before the Climate Emergency, it would be up to financiers and investors to ask the tough, unsentimental questions, such as: What’s the return on investment? How long is the payback period? But not when it comes to climate change.”

The article was titled “Who’s cashing in on the climate emergency?” Appropriate.

It gets worse.

Carney is pitching his bid for Canada’s Liberal leadership as an “outsider”. Here, he is being unintentionally revealing.


He’s not an outsider in the Trump sense, that is, one who is new to politics, outside the Party mainstream, and resonating with the common people. No, he isn’t that.

Carney is an outsider to Canada, and to the whole notion of a nation State with a democratic constitution.

He has been parachuted in from Global Central, across the seas. But he and his mates in the media can and will get away with the outsider label.

Carney’s pitch is thus: “If you choose me as your leader, we will offer Canadians a clear choice in the general election. Experience versus incompetence. Plan versus slogan. Calm versus chaos. It’s time to build.”

He has learned the lingo really quickly, for an outsider.

Son of Justin? Perhaps, given his age of 59, a better description is “uncle” of Justin. Not a mad uncle. A very focused, driven, coherent uncle. But an evil uncle, nonetheless.

So, the same program, directed from Davos, but with a more presentable face. The cut-out man is gone. The next phase begins.

Carney’s leadership opponent is one Chrystia Freeland, just as globalist as Carney and Trudeau’s former deputy.

She is the one who kicked off the get-rid-of-Trudeau push before Christmas. Doing the bidding of her bosses in Europe.

Ehret again: “I think Carney and Freeland both represent the eco-genocide technocrat agenda that doesn’t want to change what they’ve been doing as far as commitment for depopulation under this Green New Deal thing for the past decades.”

Opponents for the highest office, but really allies.

God help Canada.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Justin Trudeau. (courtesy Reuters)

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