THE Australian Federal Police has admitted deploying weaponry to inflict permanent physical injury against peaceful protesters in Canberra last week.
The use of these weapons, believed to be a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) – or sonic cannon – has raised “deep concerns” among Australia’s returned services community.

- AFP deploys ‘inhumane’ weapon against peaceful protesters.
- Doctors warn sonic cannon should be banned.
- RSL member moves motion to ‘back individual liberty and reject authoritarianism’.
A notice of motion calling for a permanent ban on the weapons use against Australian citizens has been tabled by RSL Sub-Branch member Michael Darby.
In the motion, Mr Darby is critical of its use against “peaceful demonstrators at Parliament House on February 13”.
He says the RSL should “deplore the reckless disregard of human health and welfare in directing dangerous weaponry against perceived opponents of government policy”.
Mr Darby is a member of the RSL’s Highgate Sub-Branch in Western Australia and is a past Liberal Party member.
“I call on the RSL National Office and State and territory branches to intercede with governments in their respective jurisdictions to permanently ban the use of sonic weaponry against Australians,” he said.
“The proper role of the RSL includes advocacy for individual liberty and rejection of authoritarianism.”
The use of LRAD has been condemned in the United States with its Academy of Doctors of Audiology warning the cannons are “inhumane” and cause “irreversible hearing damage”.
It has demanded police cease their use as a method of crowd control.
“Weaponised LRAD use should be banned and prosecutable by law,” the academy stated.
“Because of the highly focussed and intense sound delivered by LRADs, use as non-lethal crowd control is unacceptable and inhumane.
“They have the potential to cause immediate and irreversible hearing damage.
“The direct physical harm caused by weaponised deployment of LRADs on citizens cannot be denied.”
The academy described the cannons as “excessive use of force”.
“The potential to cause permanent damage endangers not only protesters but also journalists, observers and other peaceful bystanders.”
The use of LRAD weaponry against Australian protesters was raised during a Senate Committee hearing in Canberra on February 15, where Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw took questions on notice.
The AFP later confirmed that the sonic cannon had been utilised.PC
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Australian Federal Government/Australian Federal Police attack unarmed civilians with microwave weapons
Australian Federal Police likely deployed the ADS Heat Ray and the LRAD acoustic device against Canberra Protesters
LRAD was used look at Commissioner’s response in senate hearings and at least 10000 photos of it
Did Australian Police use Sonic Weapons against innocent civilians protesting against Government tyranny
Political Police may never be reigned in
All our War Veterans will be writhing in their graves to see these tyrannical governments crimes against innocent populations aka crimes against humanity. Trudeau’s cowardly police continue brutalizing innocent populations
Thank you Sean for reporting this very important newsworthy story. It seems major party duopoly has something serious to answer for?
These need to be banned and all those involved, those who deployed it, authorised it and operated it should be arrested and charged with GBH and crimes against humanity. I’m sure victims can be found to give evidence and prove the charges.
If one of these LRAD sonic cannons hits you, you are permanently deaf. And these federal bastards couldn’t care less.
I’m involved and I know first hand the government views us voters as their enemy.
The only sensible conclusion that any Australian citizen can make is that, since COVID, cops have become our sworn enemy.
Politicians are bumbling fools riding a temporary wave of power, but cops are supposed to be both professional ~ and to serve & protect.
It appears the cops and the totalitarian class are now one and the same.