UNIVERSITY graduates fail to reflect mainstream Australian values with disproportionately high numbers leaning heavily towards socialism, according to a recent Newspoll survey.
Although the poll reveals a Coalition government would cruise to victory in a general election – this result, however, would easily reverse to Labor if voting was limited to university graduates only.
Published by The Australian newspaper on Saturday, the opinion poll also reveals that University-educated Australians are significantly more likely to vote for The Greens than are the rest of the nation.
It also indicates that graduates are far more impressed with struggling Labor leader Anthony Albanese than are other Australians – while fewer prefer popular Liberal Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
University-educated Australians are 50 per cent more likely to vote for The Greens than are non-tertiary educated voters, 14 per cent vs 9 per cent respectively. Nationally, The Greens attracted 11 per cent of responses.
These revelations come as 31 Australian universities have refused to sign-up to the government’s “freedom of speech” codes.
Of the 42 universities required to adopt the Academic Freedom Charter, only nine had done so according to a report released earlier this month.
Prior to his pre-Christmas shuffle to the trade portfolio, then Education Minister Dan Tehan said he was prepared to force universities to comply by aligning funding to academic freedom.
“Our hope is that universities will own this … that they will put the policies in place,” Mr Tehan said.
“We have other steps which we might take and might consider if that doesn’t happen,” he said.
“But that’s not where we need to go. And we shouldn’t have to go there.”
Mr Tehan said straggling universities had been given until December 31, 2020, to comply.
Newly appointed Education Minister Alan Tudge is yet to comment.
Non-compliant tertiary institutions included Monash University, Australian National University and University of NSW.
The government’s new code follows revelations of universities pandering to foreign financial interests by shutting down freedom of speech as well as academic inquiry reflecting Western educational standards.
Under pressure to appease the Chinese Communist Party and other high-value corporate sponsors, a number of Australian universities have systematically suspended students, removed staff and deleted social media posts over comments that they’ve incorrectly judged to be offensive.
This week’s Newspoll survey segregated its 8000+ respondents by location, gender, age, education, ethnicity and religion.
Other demographics shown to be significantly out of touch with national values included atheists, residents of Victoria and voters aged 18-35 years old.PC
The Australian's Newspoll results…

In an otherwise great article, I take exception to the inclusion of atheists in the last paragraph being included in those “who are significantly out of touch with Australian values” without any real evidence.
As an atheist I am politically well to the centre right as are most of my friends and acquaintanances.
Not having being inculcated with religious or educational strictures/bias an atheist is much more like to hold pragmatic and honest opinions on subjects of true national importance and concern e.g. the dying with dignity movement.
Thanks John. The table has now been expanded to include atheists’ responses. – Ed.
Well unrealistic idealism has always flourished among the young at universities. It takes life experience, responsibilities and learned wisdom for most to see the light that points towards beneficial conservatism.
That’s called growing up!
“What we need are major lawsuits to tear the guts out of the leftists who make a mockery of freedom of speech and impose twisted concepts of racism and diversity on us.”
Actually, that would be the job of a conservative government, which we don’t have at the moment.
What we need are major lawsuits to tear the guts out of the leftists who make a mockery of freedom of speech and impose twisted concepts of racism and diversity on us. Those of us who do not accept the insane theories of the left should say so loud and clear despite the opprobrium. There are many sheep who follow the loudest bleater.