![Extremist MPs unmasked: ‘It’s insane’](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Daniel-Watson-kean-300x500-1.jpg)
EXTREMIST MPs representing centre-right political Parties are being called out by a growing number of concerned voices from Labor and the minor Parties.
With so many “conservative” politicians obsessing over climate “emergencies” while also championing late-term abortions, LGBTQ schooling and softer bestiality laws, even those on the Left have had enough, telling Coalition MPs to get serious.
The so-called “moderates” are currently a dominant faction within the NSW Liberal Party promoting radically hard-Left social and environmental causes.
Before Christmas, Greens MP David Shoebridge gave NSW Liberal MPs a lesson on morality after the Berejiklian government had attempted to weaken bestiality laws.
“We did not support the watering down of this one well established law which not only serves a moral purpose but also a protective purpose – to protect animals from abuse and misuse,” Mr Shoebridge told Parliament on November 19.
More recently, the ALP-aligned national secretary of the Australian Workers’ Union, Daniel Walton, questioned the “insanity” of expensive energy.
“We have to seize Australia’s sovereign advantage: affordable energy,” he wrote in an opinion piece in Saturday’s Daily Telegraph.
“We are blessed to live in a nation with abundant energy reserves: coal, gas, uranium, hydrogen, renewables – we have it all,” Mr Walton said.
“Yet somehow we manage to charge our businesses the world’s highest prices for power.
“It’s insane and it needs to end.”
Mr Walton said ensuring local manufacturers had access to Australian gas at a globally advantageous rate would be an obvious place to start.
“Instead of selling LNG to China at a discount, how about we keep some of that gas here to power Australian jobs,” he said.
Mr Walton is at odds with some from his own side of politics as well as many “confused” conservatives, or con-cons.
The NSW Parliament, under the influence of aggressive Left-wing political activists, has embraced the science-is-settled climate emergency espoused by Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg.
NSW Energy and Environment Minister Matt Kean has indicated his aim to accelerate the roll-out of heavily subsidised and expensive renewable energy, despite scientists now insisting renewables are more environmentally harmful than fossil fuels alone.PC
Thank goodness one person of left-alignment, Daniel Walton of the Aust. Workers’ Union has expressed enlightenment, just as NSW Minister Matt Kean has weirdly entered a dark space, promoting expensive, Chinese-made, (China and billionaire-enriching), unreliable renewables.
And, delusional Joel Fitzgibbon obviously thinks the wonderful people of the Hunter Region are all idiots! He stands ridiculously and precariously, with a foot in both camps, so ensuring he must soon perform the splits -ouch- and disappear into the abyss!
After all, the lefty lunatics of the ‘climate catastrophe-zero emissions’ camp are rapidly widening the gap to the sane camp of patriotic Politicians and intelligent Aussies who expect cheaper energy to be rapidly and safely delivered by (1) HELE (high efficiency-low emission) coal-fired stations, by (2) gas and by (3) small, under-ground-level, nuclear reactors.
True sane Conservatives have a fight on our hands against the agenda and MONEY of the biggest threat against democracy George Soros. As he owns and therefore controls most of the now phony mainstream media our only hope to get the message across is through social media outlets. And even here we have a problem as Soros has tried to take over this area as well. Soros is an enemy of the state in his own Country of birth so it does show just how evil he is. The fight has to be won.
Our Liberal Party needs to convene a meeting to be reminded about what originally made Australia great!
The considered wisdom of true Conservative values, bolstered by a strong justice system and whose foundations spring from a thorough, dynamic education system; one rigorously grounded in the three R’s at infant/primary level and then with all subjects, including vital science and technology, literature, comparative religion, openly taught, completely untainted, unimpeded by any politicised, partisan or questionable assertions.
Should make a list of these fake conservatives…Tony Abbott’s replacement is a good example. Andrew Bragg. Climate alarmist, Lgbtqyz, etc etc
Agree Mick as the LNP has been infiltrated by the left wing loonies we must never vote in a block and select our political candidates individually and a list would certainly make it easier for selection purposes.