IT HAS become increasingly obvious the Left are experts at portraying fiction as fact while also utilising police to destroy their ideological enemies.
These practices derive directly from the Stalin/Communist China playbook and have been used time and again to take down opponents with fake criminal allegations.
- Ambitious cops attend uni where they major in PC-type subjects & are indoctrinated with socialist jargon.
- They then form connections with political counterparts on the Left, who can make or break their careers.
- Junior police, who depend on their jobs to feed their families, are coerced into acquiescence with the Left.
Their two favourite tactics are to accuse conservatives of paedophilia and of the sexual abuse of “defenceless” young women.
Even if an alleged perpetrator has no form for sexual aggression towards women (and is not a paedophile), a skilled socialist hatchet job will convict him in the court of pubic opinion.
This practice adopts a range of forms in Britain, the US and Australia.
Practitioners, when outed, habitually claim to have acted in good faith on bad information, to avoid criminal defamation charges and jail.
The late Lords Leon Brittan (PM Margaret Thatcher’s former home secretary) and Max Bramall (who fought on D-Day, was later a field marshall, and who headed Britain’s armed services) were particularly fine types, so were prime targets for this fraud.
Better still for their socialist accusers, Brittan was suffering terrible pain from terminal cancer and Bramall was in his 90s, so lessening their respective capacities to defend their known good names from falsity.
This now notorious scam unfolded as follows:
Convicted fantasist and serial paedophile Carl Beech (now serving 18 years jail for sex offences and perverting the course of justice) made fake paedophile and murder accusations against them and a range of other conservatives, because he thought it would be great fun to do so.
He claimed to have been sexually abused by a range of people whom he had never met, including Bramall.
Former Labour deputy leader Tom Watson (Jeremy Corbyn’s sidekick), met with Beech and pressured police to investigate the fake allegations, which were the murders of and widespread rape of children by a range of influential conservative figures.
That enquiry morphed into the now infamous operations Midland and Fairbank, but even Watson, who is demonstrably simple, must have known that the allegations were a stretch.
At one of many low points, 20 police surrounded Bramall’s home in the early hours.
Perhaps they thought that despite being in his nineties, he was going to scarper over the back fence.
They executed a search warrant and spent a full day on his premises to, of course, find nothing.
The information laid under oath to obtain the warrant was totally fake, as he’d never been or done anything sexual outside the heterosexual norm of getting married and having a family – much less murder any children.
Worse, no-one was criminally or departmentally charged for swearing the false information, and the subsequent compensation paid by police was of little recompense.
Had investigating police even conducted basic checks, they’d have known that Bramall was overseas when he was supposed to have been transgressing.
After Watson went public with Beech’s allegations, a range of anti-conservative “crazies” predictably materialised to add fuel to the fire.
One woman, a Labour activist who suffered from delusional disorders, came forward to claim that Brittan had raped her in a London house in 1967, but apparently they’d never even met, and unbeknown to her Brittan was known to have been shy around girls during his university days, as well as physically gentle.
The initial hurdle that hit this accusation was Detective Chief Inspector Paul Settle, an experienced detective and real policeman.
Despite conducting exhaustive enquiries, he found no corroborative evidence to support the allegation, didn’t believe a word of it and recommended that the matter be closed with no further action taken.
But Watson and supporting socialists were having none of it.
Watson heavily pressured then DPP head Alison Saunders to re-open the case.
She was both incompetent and too weak to resist his demands, as had she properly examined the pertinent papers she should have distanced herself from such nonsense.
Under political pressure, however, Saunders re-opened the case and police also obligingly removed DCI Settle from the investigation.
The upshot was shocking.
Police, placed under duress by Watson, rang a dying Brittan on his mobile phone in hospital, demanding to interview him under caution about the rape allegation, as well as another fantasy that he’d witnessed three child murders by a paedophile ring.
Although he was in no position to fully co-operate, police proceeded nonetheless.
He mentioned to others at the time that although the allegations were absurd, given his level of pain he was unable to properly respond.
Although ultimately dropped, the episode was extremely painful for his family.
Watson was forced to apologise to his widow Lady Brittan, and compensation was paid after a subsequent investigation established the falsity of all the allegations levelled against Bramall, Brittan and the other named conservatives.
Amazingly, by utilising a wonderment of contrivances, the police involved claimed that their actions were justified.
Their pertinent decision-makers escaped punishment, and DCI Settle, who’d tried to save them from their stupidity, was “sent to coventry”.
They were never even lampooned, perhaps because the public were so surprised and shocked by their ineptitude.
British police were once the world’s finest.
Being an AFP detective for more than 30 years, I worked with New Scotland Yard in the 1980s & 90s and they were then superb practitioners of their craft.
So what went so badly wrong?
The answer is a deadly cocktail of political correctness, promotional nepotism, wokeism and socialism.
About 14 years ago I met a pleasant British chief constable who headed a police force, despite having little knowledge of police work.
He’d never seen an angry man and couldn’t have tracked an elephant through snow.
An analogy for a crime victim seeking redress would be brain surgery being carried out by someone who wasn’t a doctor and who had no medical knowledge.
Weaker minded but career ambitious police attend university or outside courses, where they major in political correctness-type subjects, and are indoctrinated with standard socialist jargon.
They then band together in common cause – just as corrupt police smell each other out during “happy hour” to conspire, and paedophiles get together on the internet to monster children.
The next steps taken are to stack police promotion boards with their own kind, and to set mandatory “woke” criteria for positions applied for.
Many other police, who depend on their jobs and promotions for their livelihood and to provide for their families, are consequently coerced into acquiescence.
Politically-minded senior police soon form connections with their political counterparts, who when in government can make or break their careers.
It follows that senior police, when seeking to do the biddings of their political sponsors, can exert enormous pressure on their underlings to achieve a desired outcome, which is why the Brittan investigation deteriorated into the surreal.
Evidence is based on fact, but fact and fantasy are bad bedfellows, as evidenced by the appalling aftermath caused by Watson and some of his socialist parliamentary supporters.
Many on the Left collectively view fair play, justice and professional integrity as a mug’s game.
They appreciate that a socialist-influenced police force and judiciary are formidable weapons to employ against their conservative enemies – together with “cancel culture”.
America struggles on both sides of the divide.
Russian collusion and a host of other allegations levelled against its last administration came to zip, as did the furore about President Clinton’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office.
What is scary is how the “Deep State” has relentlessly pursued Julian Assange for his published journalistic disclosures, made at the expense of Hillary Clinton and others.
Sunlight is a great antiseptic, and we’re not told that anyone was harmed by his actions (which would have been an entirely different matter) aside from Mrs Clinton’s political ambitions.
Senator Pauline Hanson, whose outspokenness erred against political correctness, was an early Australian casualty.
She was incarcerated, but got herself out of jail and back into parliament, as the brief of evidence assembled against her alleging that she’d rorted public electoral monies didn’t amount to much.
The Left had long portrayed a conservative Cardinal Pell as the devil incarnate, never mind themselves.
He’d also been a subject of rumour about his alleged transgressions, but beware the fake myth that where there’s smoke there must be fire.
Rumours can be great fun for police needing stress relief, but not so much for people in public life.
Several older and senior pot-bellied police had assumed that an attractive younger policewoman was a lesbian, consequent to her lack of interest in their respective advances, causing much mirth amongst younger police, one of whom was her long-term lover.
We were once told as Gospel that a detective was a homosexual, notwithstanding his voracious interest in policewomen.
This extraordinary claim was later sourced to a statement made by a senior policeman that the former must be of that persuasion, given that he grew one of his fingernails long to play the guitar.
The list of rumours was endless, but did help pass the time between grappling with the criminal milieu.
Many similar stories started when police didn’t like each other – or others.
Victoria Police have been badly smitten by socialists and their rumours.
They advertised for “victims” to disclose any untoward information known about Cardinal Pell, which was a surprise.
Consequently – as he’d lived most of his life in Victoria where he was well known, and where the Catholic Church had been much reviled after a number of proven paedophile abuses – anyone who’d known anything adverse about him might have been expected to come forward.
Aside from a plethora of vexatious complaints made by the usual suspects, police were left with little to go on.
Had he been a molester, he should have come to credible attention over 50 years, as had known offending priests.
A betting man, when assessing the likelihood of him having been an abuser, would conclude that the odds were poor.
His support of known paedophile priest Ridgeway at court was a bad mistake, though he took a hard line against later known offenders.
The “Doctrine of Wilful Blindness”, practiced by Catholic and Anglican church hierarchy regarding what some of their priests did to children, is a stain on the nation’s history and an insult to Christianity. Capital punishment is arguably the right response.
Who knows whether Pell’s hardline stance taken against corruption in the Vatican figured in his later prosecution, given the resultant loathing he aroused from those caught with their hands in the till, and an as yet unexplained money trail found leading from Rome to Australia, but perhaps time will tell.
VICPOL was finally reduced to running with the now infamous cathedral allegations against him.
Their case depended on the complainant’s word versus Pell’s testimony, and the practical problems presented for Pell to have been able to offend in the manner alleged, if at all.
Surprisingly, he was convicted by a jury for this offence, though the judge’s related directions given to them are unknown.
The verdict was later upheld by the Victorian Supreme Court and Pell was imprisoned.
Luckily for Pell, the High Court later heard his appeal. Its response to the prosecution case was scathing, the verdict was excoriated, the matter was thrown out and he was released
It’s unclear why the allegations were believed, much less prosecuted.
Victoria has become a socialist State displaying scary symptoms, and increasing numbers of locals are fleeing.
Pell is certainly made of sterner stuff, having faced down his accusers during the proceedings entirety then shrugged them off, as did Senator Hanson.
His prosecution was a waste of time and taxpayers’ money, and the Left lost their prize.
Would that current Liberals had but a teaspoon of Pell’s intellect, steeliness and resolve, Senator Hanson’s courage in adversity and the determination of Donald Trump, who is now a chance to regain his presidency, Capitol Hill notwithstanding!
The way the Liberals fold when any spurious accusation is made against any of their number only incentivises that activity. They’re lucky to have a cabinet left.
Labor senior front bencher Tony Burke and former Minister Alan Tudge were both in publicised consensual relationships with former staffers, as happens.
However when Tudge’s relationship became acrimonious and his former partner accused him of kicking her out of bed (his word versus hers), the Liberals stood him down pending an enquiry.
Really, and what will the enquiry be about! They only had to stop wimping out, stand their ground, start to wash Labor’s massive dirty linen load, then wait for them to sue for peace.
Former Labor leader Bill Shorten never folded during the last election when he had serious rape allegations hanging over his head, only losing when he espoused terrible policies, but that was a lesson lost on the Liberals.
Had they not stood Christian Porter down and instead confronted earlier allegations made against him, he’d still be Attorney General, so unless they learn to toughen up, they’ll continue to struggle.
We don’t know whether Porter’s accusers thought that the allegations were true, but do know that they are his bitter ideological enemies.
They claim that in 1988, as a teenager, he raped a fellow teenager friend multiple times at Sydney University Women’s College.
Much later, the alleged victim (now deceased) recounted a graphic, detailed description of these events, which she said had ruined her life.
The question to be answered was “what happened?” And not to mount a legalistic type defence for him as, had he raped the alleged victim, he deserved jail, much less his political demise.
The deceased who’d made the allegations was apparently a charming, attractive, talented and intellectually gifted woman who was a good type, not malicious and seemingly credible.
Sadly, however, she suffered from particular mental disorders which placed her at a great disadvantage, and occasioned her 2020 suicide.
A critical lesson I’ve learnt from 30 years police service is that cognitively sick witnesses can with clarity remember an alleged event that never took place, notwithstanding their high intelligence and integrity, best intentions and unblemished character.
A like recall can also inflict great pain on a given witness, who re-lives falsity as truth.
Bipolar and schizophrenia sufferers are particularly prone to this problem.
One affected person I’m aware of, when briefly stabilised, was euphoric to learn that various imagined tortuous memories had never happened.
Apparently the parents of Porter’s accuser, who assumedly knew her best, didn’t believe the allegation, which she allegedly ultimately doubted. Had she lived, medical science may have in time restored her life.
When and who the deceased told about the alleged attack does not mean that it happened, or anything like it.
We’re told that her later memory of the alleged incident was triggered by “recovered memory” therapy which is not now afforded any credit, after the alleged rape she continued to socialise with Porter, and her “recalled memory” was afterward wanting to marry him.
Why are the Porter allegations unlikely to be true? A strong clue comes from the laws of probability, no matter how the allegations were dressed up, to the point where some who knew and liked both Porter and the deceased began to have doubts about him.
One premise put was a rumour that male students from Porter’s Perth school, Hale, had been using date rape drugs.
An investigative start was to try to corroborate her “recovered memory”, but she recalled a then non-existent bathtub at her accommodation, going to the Hard Rock Cafe before it opened (though a similar named cafe did exist) and other like memories, which may help to explain why that therapy lost credence.
She apparently remembered strolling a few blocks back from Oxford Street (?) to Sydney University, but that’s a very long walk.
Those of us who attended Sydney University at the end of the 60s & 70s and assumedly in the 80s remember the Women’s College as being strictly run.
We were usually short of money and the cost of a motel room was prohibitive, so it would have been convenient to enter the college to spend the night with a resident girlfriend after a University Ball, but the degree of difficulty entailed was daunting.
If Porter got past the porters, who knew all the tricks, then he fared better than others!
We’re not told how/why the deceased’s alleged rape recollection was more accurate than her other therapy induced memories of her Sydney trip.
The trolls are probably very lucky that there is no video replay of the alleged event, or non-event, and assumedly couldn’t believe their luck when they were able to cash in, despite the High Court voiding their Pell endeavours.
The Liberals should have sensed that they were on a winner when former PM and Godwin Gretch star Malcolm Turnbull weighed in to make additional related absurd allegations against his enemy Porter.
Graham Richardson once put it best when nominating Turnbull as “loser of the week” on Sky’s Paul Murray Live, wearily noting “he loses every week”.
The purpose of parliamentary privilege is to further the public interest.
In the Porter case, it was in the public’s interest to know that the allegations were unreliable and that the credibility and motives of the attacking trolls were suspect.
The Liberals, however, never even laid a glove on the latter, and failed to “out” Porter’s enemies, who were posing as political neutrals – but who in fact were intent on trashing their ideological enemies.
Readily at hand was a wealth of far stronger and more serious allegations to air against the Left, versus the spurious allegations made against Porter when a teenager. They should have had an easy win, but yet again lay down for the Left.
Porter was always on a hiding to nothing when he took legal action to clear his name.
That’s a rich man’s sport, and his ABC adversaries had very deep pockets.
His anxiety to suppress more of their claims from publication didn’t mean their allegations were true – only that he wasn’t wealthy enough to fight back, which was probably their saving grace.
The Liberals have now lost a talented MP, and will need to grow a spine if they are to stop more of their number from being randomly destroyed by future fake news!
Finally, they wouldn’t be losing the talented Nicole Flint as an MP if they’d dealt with the Left’s hoodlums who harassed and threatened her, as bullies back off when they become recipients of their own behaviour!PC
John W.
The maxxxvax cult is the issue. Overvaccination can only have negative consequences. It is fascism when another seeks to impose their unique medical solution on free individuals. I feel sorry for you. But enjoy endless vaccines with consequences of genetic changes occurring. Have fun! You have existed yourself into a vaccine cult
Nick, I agree with you, the Liberals must “grow a spine”, which reminded me of a comment from a NSW politician years ago that Australian Liberals believe in Marquis of Queensbury fighting rules, Union Labor fight in the gutters.
By the way; fake conservative Barnaby Joyce can join Alan Joyce because both have defied the will of the Australian people with regard to health freedom. Barnaby pretends to be for the people when NOT in Cabinet only to become a liberal-left boot-licker in government. RIP Doig Anthony and the Great Black-Jack McEwan. Your Country party has gone metroSexual.
Vote1 for: UAP/ON/GAP/LDP
Put majors and Greens last!
Vote [1] for chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent governance: example 2010 Gillard Union controlled Labor minority alliance government with alliance members Greens, so called Independents with a track record for supporting Labor firstly in NSW State Parliament and later with Rudd and then Gillard Labor in Canberra.
Play ballot box lotto with preferences and elect the candidate you didn’t support as preferences trickle down. So many candidates with a majority of primary votes have lost elections in past times, do you want to muck things up to support minority parties or independent teams masquerading as such?
In 2019 PUP now UAP spent $ millions campaigning, PHON campaigns and above them all the Greens.
An exercise in futility, or maybe Russian roulette instead of ballot box lotto?
Go the left. That’s what happens to rightists when they don’t stand up for their own flock. Hit your own with dangerous and unhealthy vaccine mandates and abuse their civil liberties as well as the doctor-patient relationship including informed consent and guess what? Hey presto! No one will support or defend the ‘fake’ right any longer. Rightists must decide are they for Klaus Schwab and the Gates of hell or the Australian people. Sorry ‘fake’ rightists; we your former supporters are no longer available to defend you because you didn’t defend the people from covid1984 Nazism. Vote 1 for ON / LDP / GAP or UAP.
Place everyone else LAST
Guess what Brett, the vast majority of Australians are now protected by double vaccination and will line up for a booster. They are sensible people who understand that protection, not immunity from the virus, is worthwhile to avoid the worst impact of the virus if they catch it, meaning one of the mutations, a bit like influenza and new strains appearing requiring booster vaccinations.
I really wonder about the anti-vaccination mentality, but I guess the television series comedy title was a good description: some mother’s do have them.
We live in crazy times. Women are no longer women and cops care nothing for the rule of law. Who would have thought!
So true. There’s little doubt our police have been politicised. The Victorian cop who told lock-down protestors he agreed with them but had to stand against them to protect his income is but a minor example.