Premier idly watches on as Kean trashes NSW

by PAUL COLLITS – WHENEVER Matt Kean makes a proclamation these days, the NSW Premier simply looks deadpan as if nothing of much import or potential harm is being announced. 

Mr Kean’s latest announcement is the cutting of carbon emissions by 70 per cent by 2035 (not just 50 per cent by 2030). 

“NSW is encumbered by huge layers of parasites whose living is made out of exaggerating fears and stealing from people under the guise of saving them.”

Three of The Brownstone Institute’s star authors, Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster and Michael Baker, have asked, “are we at the end of progress?”

They have written, only this week: “All those dreaming of control like to believe that they should rule the world in order to save it from some great danger. At the end of the day, this is simply a selfish fascist fantasy. The West is now encumbered by huge layers of parasites whose living is made out of exaggerating fears and stealing from people under the guise of saving them.”


It was almost as if they knew what was coming with the NSW Government’s latest announcement on energy policy. Or putting it more accurately, the no-energy policy.

I’m reliably informed that Dominic Perrottet scores an invite to John Howard’s annual Christmas drinks party. This is not an invitation gifted to any old one.

One can only wonder what JWH sees in the NSW Premier these days that warrants this preferment. But I digress.

Matt Kean is clearly a fan of Nineteen Eighty-Four and George Orwell’s bag of tricks. Here is what Kean is saying on December 23, 2022, in the very thick of the holiday season when politics are all but invisible to the Christmas shopping public.

Kean said the NSW government was “determined to play a leading role in the effort to protect the planet and underwrite the prosperity of our residents for generations to come”.

Prosperity? In reality, he is going to bankrupt the State. This is a Keansian fantasy. Just like Big Brother’s newspeak.

“War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength”. Luckily for Kean, the electorate simply doesn’t know what is going on. And the Bill Gates funded corporate media are never going to tell them.

The Sydney Morning Herald headline states: NSW to turbocharge transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Kean is lying through his teeth: “Kean – who recently informed King Charles III and John Kerry, US President Joe Biden’s special envoy on climate, about the move – said the new target was expected to attract more than $39b in private investment, ‘support’ 13,000 jobs and put downward pressure on energy prices.”

The poor old punters don’t seem to experiencing much “downward pressure” on their power bills right now. Or any time soon.


As with all things related to climate change, both the good things (green jobs, cheap energy) and the bad things (catastrophes) are always safely off in the future.

Or so it was until the climate class figured out that they could simply assert that disasters and unexpected weather events could be put down to global warming, without anyone ever questioning it.

Hence Kean’s ludicrous assertion: “Many communities across the country have spent the last few years choking on the dust of drought or on the smoke of bushfires. Now, many of those same communities have seen their homes and businesses inundated with once-in-a-thousand-year floods, three times in the space of nine months.

“As any of those families who have lost their homes to fire or flood, or their livelihoods to drought will tell you this fight against climate change is one that we cannot afford to lose.”

The man is borderline insane if he actually believes this. He is an embarrassment. Let him come to Lismore and repeat this to the poor people who lost their homes and businesses. We were there in the flood. We beg to differ.

Then, of course, there are his cliches: “NSW can attract international capital, industry and talent if we seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of the low carbon global economy.”

Ah, the low carbon economy. This is simply another “selfish fascist fantasy”, as Frijters, Foster and Baker would call it.

With apologies to Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, it is energy poverty for the rest of us, while the Davos class keep their international travel, abundant heating and cooling in their mansions.

All while our politicians do the bidding of the real rulers, receive the perquisites of office and the psychic income derived from being on what they might regard as the right side of history.

Then there are the good old Nats.

In contrast to their federal counterparts, the NSW Nationals backed the new emissions target largely on the basis of the economic benefit to the regions from renewable energy zones.

Australia’s first renewable energy zones will be established in the Central West and New England regions by 2030, with three others to follow in the south-west, Hunter-Central Coast and Illawarra regions.

Whatever a “renewal energy zone” is. Every country town must have one!  We got that for you!

As someone smart once said, the Nats have gone from Black Jack to Brokeback in two generations.

To a situation where they will support energy poverty for the State so long as a few regions get some largesse out of it.


To regular and thundering support for every pro-abortion, suicide-supporting and homosexualist gig going. (The astonishing transformation in the Nats’ core philosophy, I gather, is largely down to the foundational work of one Ben Franklin, safely closeted – no pun intended – in the NSW Upper House).

The new danger is that no one ever now denies the simplistic assertions promulgated along with these announcements.

That there is a problem to be solved, and that, if there is, that this is the way to solve it, is simply assumed, never argued.

One big ideological lie has gifted total victory to the watermelon greens who now infest all layers and levels of government. Especially in Sydney, now a rotten-to-the-core city-State ruled by a totalitarian clerisy whose tentacles have reached every single decision-point location. Media. Politics. Bureaucracy. Banking. Private equity. Universities. Schools. Education Department.

NSW was one of the first jurisdictions in the world to commit to a target of net-zero by 2050 and was recently ranked Australia’s most progressive State on renewable energy in a report by the World Wildlife Foundation.

Outstanding, Matt the Mad and Dom the Puppet. Thank God we have the imprimatur of the WWF, a Marxist front group out to destroy the West and its people.

Little wonder that the Liberal Party is in tatters. And the goon show review of the May 2022 Federal Election disaster thinks it can be raised from the dead by appealing more to “modern Australia” (whatever that is) and getting more women politicians.

Appealing to modern Australia means selling out even more of our principles than they have already. How about just being liberal or, dare one say it, conservative?

Showing you believe in something? Saying clearly what that is? Pursuing it? Keeping your promises? Listening to your base? Not destroying freedom through your COVID dictatorship?


Yes, ScoMo stank. COVID was merely a political distraction? Nope. This review is beyond clueless and self-serving. It is what you get when you pick safe insiders to do the reviewing.

We will need an economic miracle to undo the all-but-terminal disaster that Perrottet and his predecessors have achieved in their short and diabolical decade in office.

All the while, the Premier simply looks on, benignly. Thinking, who knows what? As if in a daze that he doesn’t remotely comprehend.

I wonder if Dom will be invited to attend the Howard Christmas dinks next year, post the electoral Armageddon coming in March.

The final word might well be left to Craig Kelly, a former Liberal with common sense who was sidelined, indeed ostracised, by the party of Menzies: “Kean is a crazed zealot that obviously is clueless about Australia’s climate history.

“Recent droughts, floods and bushfires are all things previous generations of Australians have experienced in the past,” Mr Kelly said.


“For Kean to suggest he can stop bad weather in the future and that NSW can be the ‘engine room of the low carbon global economy’ demonstrates he is either a complete dill, insane, a liar or a megalomaniac – or some combination of all the above.

“Kean’s zealotry is going to do untold damage to the economy – and attack NSW most valuable asset and greatest contributor to our wealth – that rich black coal seam that runs down our eastern seaboard.

“The communist Chinese are laughing at Kean as a useful idiot – as he tries to build an economy powered by Chinese made solar panels – as China continues to build hundreds of new coal fired power stations.”

Amen to that. As would be apparent, Kelly calls a spade a freakin’ shovel.

No room now in the Liberal Party for sensible centrists and truth tellers.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Matt Kean. (courtesy Wikipedia)

7 thoughts on “Premier idly watches on as Kean trashes NSW

  1. Climate science as promoted by the UN IPCC is politicallly controlled despite claims that it’s findings are science based.
    How do they do this? Essentially by ignoring, hiding and distorting the outputs of the many scientists working in the background, using a few zealots to produce a “Summary for Policymakers” This is practically the only output that is read by politicians and journalists that adopt harmful ineffective policies that show they are taken in by such distortions of reality.
    There are in fact, many highly qualified scientists both from within and outside the IPCC that protest but their voices are ignored by the media.
    As a practicing geologist with a PhD from a traditional major English University and a former Principal Research Scientist with the CSIRO, I find this disturbing.
    There are multiple examples from the geological past as exemplified by Professor Plimer and many others, that clearly show the failure of the hypothesis that the miniscule trace gas carbon dioxide drives Global warming.
    The false acceptance of this hypothesis is leading to massive expenditures of money that has little to nil chance of achieving any measurable difference in Global temperatures.
    Such actions are already taking effect in collateral damage, creating poverty in the mass of the population, enrichment of the elites, the destruction of the western democracies and the inevitable ascendancy of the Chinese State.

  2. If Matt Kean and Dominic Perrottet want more women in Parliament why don’t they both resign from their seats and give them to two women.
    I believe the BEST candidate for the job, not what sex you are.
    Kean and Perrottet have already lost the election all by themselves before we even start the race.
    I am a Liberal person at heart and very disappointed what these two have done to the party. Sooner they go the better.

  3. If Matt Kean and Dominic Perrottet want more women in Parliament why don’t they both resign from their seats and give them to two women.
    I believe the BEST candidate for the job, not what sex you are.
    Kean and Perrottet have already lost the election all by themselves before we even start the race.
    I am a Liberal person at heart and very disappointed what these two have done to the party. Sooner they go the better.

  4. The best way to counter Matt Kean and his comrades on their climate alarmists’ lies is to gather together the facts on CO2 and then disseminate those facts to as many people as you can. Relevant facts on climate change/global warming are all easily obtainable from an organisation in the USA named ‘The CO2 Coalition’ ( You’ll be amazed at how much factual information has been compiled by this large grouping of eminent scientists and then professionally presented in an easy-to-understand format.

  5. With respect to all the various adjectives that regular articles attribute to M. Kean, for some time I have advocated and use only one. Kean is a dangerous traitor. Not just to the Liberal Party and NSW, but to Australia. He should be labelled and pursued as such, and suffer the appropriate retribution.

  6. That good?

    Little wonder that the Liberal Party is in tatters. And the goon show review of the May 2022 Federal Election disaster thinks it can be raised from the dead by appealing more to “modern Australia” (whatever that is) and getting more women politicians.

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