by SEAN BURKE – PRIME Minister Scott Morrison has one late chance to save his career and his government. To do so, he must quickly win back his centre-Right support base.
While his shocking net-zero pledge may have impressed frenzied journalists and the nation’s political bubble, it lost him almost every conservative voter otherwise willing to offer him the benefit of their doubts.

- The Prime Minister has pointlessly apologised to women.
- He would do better by bending a knee to his Liberal Party base.
- Morrison has only a few days to save his career – and Australia.
The Liberal Prime Minister’s initial decision not to attend 2021’s Glasgow climate love-in was viewed as an act of political strength – a sign of personal conviction rarely seen since John Howard and Tony Abbott.
That Carrie-struck Boris Johnson and an activist prince convinced him to attend – and then commit to the Green’s agenda of industrial de-construction – sealed the deal for sensible Australian voters.
His polling numbers tanked almost immediately and, because traditional Liberal voters could no longer distinguish between Scott Morrison and his crazy Left opponents, they stopped caring who took government.
When both Parties share similar nation-destroying policies, passionate people disengage.
Mr Morrison had been provided no end of political warnings – but his headstrong attitude failed to alert him of the lessons of Western Australia and South Australia.
Both these State Liberal divisions went fully Left-wing woke – and, because of this, both lost so badly that only a politician could have misread it.
Mr Morrison has only a few days to save his career – and Australia – from perhaps the most radical Labor Party in living memory.
He should immediately renounce his net-zero policy. He should also withdraw all government involvement in the nation’s energy sector – and he should bend a knee and apologise to his support base.
The Prime Minister has pointlessly apologised to fickle women voters for acting like a political “bulldozer”.
He would do better by begging forgiveness of his Liberal Party base for becoming a blow-in-the-wind operative of global warming lobbyists.PC
“Ray Hadley has called out Simon Holmes à Court after he referred to a former prime minister as the “angel of death”.
The Climate 200 founder labelled John Howard the “angel of death” in a tweet.”
Disgraceful conduct in my opinion.
Prime Minister John Howard was determined that cooperating with UN IPCC climate agenda must not undermine the economy and accordingly the measures that the Howard Government introduced to meet the emissions reduction target covered after signing the Kyoto Japan Agreement did not harm the economy.
In fact Australia became one of the very few signatory nations that achieved the target, and Australia well exceeded the target. And today is well on track to at least achieve the Paris Agreement target by 2030.
Holmes a Court appears to have based his unacceptable labelling of former PM Howard on the Howard Government not ratifying the Kyoto Agreement. But the fact is that they signed and actioned that Agreement, and exceeded the emissions target.
PM Rudd turned Kyoto into a political theatre act and the Union Labor Government he led ratified the Kyoto Agreement that the Howard Government signed in 1992 after Labor formed government in 2007, hardly an achievement worth getting nasty about is it.
Australia signed the Kyoto Agreement in 1998, Howard Coalition Government.
“The Liberal Prime Minister’s initial decision not to attend 2021’s Glasgow climate love-in was viewed as an act of political strength – a sign of personal conviction rarely seen since John Howard and Tony Abbott.
That Carrie-struck Boris Johnson and an activist prince convinced him to attend – and then commit to the Green’s agenda of industrial de-construction – sealed the deal for sensible Australian voters.”
Could it be that our two major allies, Great Britain and United States of America, convinced Prime Minister Morrison to attend?
And maybe the far more important result was the defence support and cooperation now known as AUKUS resulted from their discussions, including Australia being invited to take advantage of the nuclear technology and nuclear submarine designs exclusive to GB and USA for the RAN and defence of our nation.
Could the aspirational goal to achieve net zero emissions have been offered or declared to satisfy our allies requirement that Australia be involved in climate agenda?
There is no “net zero pledge”.
At COP26 Glasgow our PM refused to ban coal mining as demanded by the UN IPCC and other member nations including our major allies UK and US. And refused to increase the Paris Agreement emissions reduction target scheduled for 2030 or lower the target date to 2025.
Under pressure to commit Australia to net zero emissions by 2050 the PM responded that without signing an agreement (like Paris Agreement or earlier Kyoto Agreement) or any formal commitment Australia has “an aspirational goal” to achieve net zero emissions based on development of new technology, and without damaging the economy.
Australia did achieve and exceed Kyoto emissions target without damaging the economy and was one of the few signatory nations that achieved the target, and is now on track to at least achieve the Paris emissions target.
It is a pity that media sources do not explain details and choose to create their own version for publication, like claiming there was a “pledge” at COP26, not an aspirational goal without commitment.
The politics of climate change is of course global, and including most UN member nations, yet the warming and tipping point is not a problem, every time the predicted end date is reached and passed without incident the goal posts are moved to a new position. And crony capitalists run their hands together in anticipation of more wealth creation activities like renewable energy investments. The fact that the transition to renewable is a failure in the countries that pioneered the wind and solar replacement of reliable and cheaper power station generators of essential baseload electricity grid supply, and a energy crisis is underway with frantic efforts being made to re-start coal fired power stations and even nuclear power stations.
Which leads to the election next Saturday in Australia, Climate 200 and their candidates masquerading as Independent, supported by Climate200 and the climate change politics based crony capitalists.
As compared to natural climate changes, Earth Cycles, and weather.
It was revealed last night on Sky News that two former NSW National Party members who became Independents in the NSW Parliament, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott, joining a group of Independents recruited by NSW Labor to support the Labor Government of NSW, Cabinet Minister Obeid and others organised the Independent supporters of Labor, and later the two successfully stood for election to Federal Parliament and were recruited by Rudd Labor in or around 2008. After the 2010 Federal Election that resulted in a hung parliament and Gillard Labor formed an alliance minority government with Windsor MP and Oakeshott MP members of the alliance.
The two are now Directors of Climate200 according to a Sky News guest panelist.
I believe this is important information for voters.