Time to ditch ‘captured’ political class

by DAVID FLINT – POLITICAL predictions can sometimes come to pass. 

That the Australian Republican Movement would release a preferred republican model, featuring an elected president stripped of all powers, was predicted in detail at the 2020 Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (ACM) National Conference, recorded on Monarchy Australia TV, and summarised here in March 2021. 

The ultimate corruption has been the Parties’ capture by power-brokers wielding control & leveraging rivers of gold. Who would have thought “Menzies’ Child” would be infiltrated by LINOs?

Despite a widely assumed inevitability and overwhelming odds, ACM winning the republic referendum was not unexpected.

Nor will the end of this reign ensure the replacement of our crowned republic with some politicians’ republic.


There were sound, published reasons for believing Britain would vote for Brexit, America for Donald Trump in 2016 and Australia for the Coalition in 2019.

Notwithstanding Minister Alex Hawke’s hope that signing a lettre de cachet would turn the political tide, it has had no effect, with history likely to be kinder to Novak Djokovic than to him.

Many, if not most pundits, predict a Labor victory in the 2022 Australian election.

But as voters increasingly realise that the difference between the captured principal Parties is little different from that between Tweedledum and Tweedledee, they may increasingly look elsewhere.

This capture could have been avoided if at Federation our second prime minister, Alfred Deakin, had not rejected Charles Kingston’s plan to make politicians accountable 24/7, as in Switzerland.

Deakin argued that the Westminster system ensured accountability.

Little did he know that the Australian version would be increasingly corrupted, from faking Question Time to the caucus rule and its Coalition equivalent which forced Craig Kelly out.

This blatantly strips MPs of the quality for which the great constitutionalist Burke said they are chosen, their judgement.

The ultimate corruption has been the Parties’ capture by backroom power-brokers wielding control and leveraging rivers of gold.

And while Labor always suffered from communist infiltration, who would have thought that what Gerard Henderson aptly named “Menzies’ Child” would be infiltrated by LINOs?

All this has enabled the political class to extend bipartisan support to alien dogmas which serve malevolent foreign interests and which so damage our nation.


Prominent among these is the discredited theory of man-made global warming, with net-zero emissions certain to do even greater harm than the foolish surrender by the political class of our great comparative advantage over other nations – cheap and reliable electricity.

While having no impact at all on the weather, net-zero will only benefit Beijing’s genocidal thugs, associated Western billionaires and a political class who has sold out to them.

Bipartisan support for policies against the national interest is nothing new.

The Coalition has long followed the Hawke government’s ban on any serious harvesting of water. So instead of the widespread development of Australia, all the political class offers is the ugly and unbearable overcrowding of Sydney, Melbourne and south-east Queensland.

Both sides have long indulged in the misappropriation of the defence acquisitions budget for political purposes, and both are responsible for the disastrous decline in educational standards.

When the Wuhan virus, engineered by Beijing, with financial assistance from Dr Anthony Fauci, caused a world-wide pandemic, both sides foolishly abandoned all the advantages which flow from being a remote island nation.

Instead, they followed the corrupt and disastrous Fauci strategy of total reliance on inaccurate modelling, quarantining the healthy in seriously damaging lockdowns, and the total suppression of proven and highly successful forms of early treatment using inexpensive, safe medicines endorsed by the world’s leading scientists, including Nobel laureates.


Indeed, several conclude that most US deaths were due to Fauci’s suppression, on one estimate some 500,000 souls.

Early treatment was replaced in Australia by an obsessive total reliance on the pharmaceutical oligopoly’s inadequately tested novel vaccines which only received emergency authorisation in the US on the fiction that no early treatment was available.

And when, notwithstanding earlier indications to the contrary by the prime minister, politicians moved to mandate vaccination, strong rank-and-file opposition began to emerge, with demonstrations especially in Melbourne, some larger than even those during the Vietnam war.

Among those Parties opposed to the de facto united front between the principal parties on a range of anti-Australian issues, the United Australia Party seems to enjoy some, but not all, of the advantages which allowed Donald Trump to take the presidency.

Like Trump, the UAP enjoys – thanks to Clive Palmer – the resources necessary to conduct a major campaign.

If successful, the UAP could be well-placed to build a coalition between like-minded Parties and individuals.

And in Craig Kelly, the UAP has a principled leader with an agenda significantly different from those of the major Parties.

In a long three-part interview for The Epoch Times, he answered all questions (of which he had no notice) fluently and without reference to notes.


His basic honesty, the fact that he had thought a lot about the issues and is well-informed, as well as the fact that he was never a career politician, stand out. He comes across as a man of the people.

However, Trump had three advantages Kelly does not.

First, Trump had the great advantage of gaining preselection from an existing Party, the Republicans, but only because it is democratic and allows non-member supporters a vote.

Second, America does not have compulsory voting which gives greater weight to the passionate voter.

Third, the US media, who expected him to lose, treated Trump as newsworthy. (When he won they tried everything to destroy him.)


So far, the Australian media have ignored or downplayed Kelly.

Yet in a September Redbridge poll of three western Sydney electorates, the UAP recorded an extraordinary 19 per cent primary vote.

If this is an indication of the momentum Kelly has given the campaign, the UAP is a serious contender and one which in a hung parliament could secure understandings with One Nation and real Liberal and National MPs.

With politics now as much an oligopoly as the pharmaceutical industry or social media, Australia deserves more than a Tweedledum/Tweedledee choice.PC

David Flint

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Craig Kelly (L) and Clive Palmer. (courtesy The Advertiser)
RE-PUBLISHED: This article was originally published by The Spectator Australia on January 29, 2022. Re-used with permission.
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14 thoughts on “Time to ditch ‘captured’ political class

  1. If everyone saying “third Parties can’t form a Government” would actually vote for a principled centre-right third party….we would actually GET a principled centre/Liberal governing party.

  2. Regrettably all of the above comment on faults, and parties, and needing to go this way and that way, etc., etc., etc., fails to mention the over-riding problem. Australia has no leader.

    By the latter I mean the sort of personality with the calibre and capable rhetoric and oratory that men and women instantly recognize as necessary to lead a nation regardless of all problems and adversity.

    Scott Morrison is, perhaps, a good manager. He is not a leader. That is not a criticism, it is a fact. And I acknowledge that a Churchill, a Menzies, a Mandela, a Kennedy, any of the recognized through the centuries only comes along every blue moon. (Yes, and I would name Bob Hawke as one).

    This no such person easily visible in Australia, at present. And we desperately need one.

    All we can do is continue kicking the arses of all the parliamentarians to somehow keep Australia going, in whatever dishevelled condition possible, until such time as a real leader appears.

    This might sound negative, defeatist even, buts it is reality.

    1. ” Australia has no leader.”

      Clearly you don’t understand what politicians are – they are nothing more than public servants whose job is to order the affairs of the country on behalf of the taxpayers by whom they are employed. That is to say, it is the taxpayers who are the principals, and it is politicians who are the agents – so taxpayers tell politicians what to do, not the other way around, and politicians are not “leaders” by any stretch of the imagination.

      “[…] oratory that men and women instantly recognize as necessary to lead a nation […]”

      LOL; if you honestly believe that talking can “lead a nation”, you should consider becoming a politician yourself, because you’d fit right in.

      “Scott Morrison is, perhaps, a good manager.”

      It seems that you know as much about management as you do about politics and governance, and even less than you do about judging the character and ability of others (or lack thereof, in the case of Morrison).

  3. Maybe you missed reading The Bulletin Magazine during 2006 around the time that Union Labor appointed Kevin Rudd from Queensland as Opposition Leader, and after merging her Socialist Forum faction with the Marxist Australian Fabian Society Julia Gillard was appointed Deputy?

    The very professional journalist author was Max Walsh and he wrote about the “corporate-style takeover” by the Union Movement of the Australian Labor Party. That the objective was to eventually control all levels of government in Australia. To that end the Union Movement parachuted trained union executives into safe Labor seats and tipped sitting Labor MPs out. Bill Shorten is a good example and noting his involvement when he was an AWU senior executive in establishing left side activist organisation GetUp, and later Shorten was appointed to the GetUp Board of Directors.

    GetUp is campaigning right now against the Coalition, yesterday a misleading story at Yahoo News about State Government hospitals blaming the Federal Government, but public hospitals are owned and operated by State Governments and Territory Governments. They fund their hospitals and Federal Government provides some funding contributions.

    Don’t be focused on the fading from influence LINO left, Labor have many more factions and many far left factions, as former Labor Opposition Leader Mark Latham wrote in The Australian Financial Review several years ago. He pointed out that their are factional wars and factional mates and for public purposes they are ruled with an iron rod to avoid embarrassing disclosures about in fighting and plotting.

    In a perfect political world I would like a third alternative of a centre to centre right party that has the numbers and resources to challenge the unofficial two party preferred system we have now. But there is not one within a bulls roar of forming government. So why waste your vote, any point you might try to make is of no consequence as the election is won or lost.

  4. If those wanting to return to a real Australia don’t back UAP and Craig Kelly, then we will lose it to the Communist run Labor/Greens and become like Venezualea All equally poor and owning nothing! Working for peanuts or grain like good little sheep ready for shearing or worse 🙁

    1. PUP aka UAP gained zero seats at the 2019 Federal Election despite the owner pouring millions of dollars into advertising, maybe voters then and now can see the deceptive material trying to make State Government areas of responsibility and power Federal Government matters?

      Whatever, and I am not a believer in published polls accuracy, January 2022 minor party UAP had 1% support and ON had 3% compared to Union-Labor’s Greens supporters (Union Movement donations recipients) with 7%.

      So why squander your vote on a minor party, the two-party preferred unofficial system and preferential voting will deliver a government led or dominated by Union Greens or Liberal Nationals, so if you want to keep the Greens and Labor far left away from the levers of power your choice must be a Coalition MP.

      And remember, unless we live in his electorate we cannot vote for Scott Morrison so petty protest based voting is an exercise in futility.

  5. Excellent David Flint insights!
    Question: would Menzies be able to secure pre-selection in today’s Liberal party?

    1. It is indeed an excellent article; as to your question “would Menzies be able to secure pre-selection in today’s Liberal party?”, I would opine that he probably wouldn’t even be accepted as a member.

      1. Menzies would be cancelled in 2022. The fools and disingenuous now hold the national microphone.

        1. I have been a close observer now for over sixty years, longer in fact and before I could vote, and what your correctly describe as “fools and disingenuous” have always involved in politics and elected to parliaments.

          As Donald Horne described in his book The Lucky Country, lucky despite the politicians we end up with. But don’t condemn all of our elected representatives as all form the same mould.

          When I consider the Rudd, Gillard & Rudd six years in government, often described as chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent, and see the MPs from those years including Albo trying to look like new I am amused that they seem to think we are all stupid.

    2. Yes, I believe that he would, based on the regaining control real Liberal Party of Australia MPs and former MPs, Tony Abbott side, centre and centre right.

  6. The Liberal/Green coalition has significantly harmed this nation. Their personal pet projects fail to align with what’s important to anyone outside the political class.
    Personally, I think we need a new centre-right political formation – aka The Menzies Party.

    1. Maybe, but what we have is what we have right now and we have no choice but to work with it, unless we prefer a Union controlled Labor Government in alliance with the Greens, after all Albo is not the only Labor MP from the same far left as Greens.

    2. Absolute nonsense, incorrect, exactly what Labor Greens are trying to convince is the situation and ignoring the many achievements. Not least being learning how to govern through the pandemic not experienced since the early 1900s, Spanish Influenza, COVID-19 start of 2020 continuing.

      Consider the China situation threats and trade sanctions, PM Morrison reviving the QUAD during meetings with POTUS Trump in the US and last year forming AUKUS with the UK PM and POTUS.

      Ignore the deliberately deceptive smears, like bushfire repeated over and over, ignoring that the Acting PM Deputy PM was on call in accordance with the protocol, and other Cabinet Ministers. But bushfires/fires are State Government responsibilities, in NSW Emergency Services including Rural Fire Service, Ambulance, Police and others, not a Federal Government area of responsibility however following requests for assistance ADF personnel and assets were deployed. This is only one of many often repeated propaganda that is deception.

      What about the UN IPCC Glasgow Conference COP26, the PM attended and refused demands to stop coal mining and exports. And refused demands that the Paris Agreement emissions target be raised and the date brought forward. And in response to demands for Australia to agree to net zero emissions by 2050 the PM stated that Australia has “an aspirational goal” based on development of new technology and not damaging the Australian economy.

      Then in January 2022 the PM addressed the non-government porganisation (Marxist) WEF via a video link and made it very clear that Australia is not interested in WEF alternative economics, Australia will continue to support the free enterprise system (the left call capitalism) and support businesses aiming for more economic prosperity.

      People say the Federal Government has failed to deliver new power stations. They cannot be built without State Government planning approval and other requirements, but last week at long last NSW approved a new gas fired power station the Federal Government proposed. The QLD Labor Government is procrastinating about approval for a new coal fired power station for NQLD proposed by the Federal Government.

      Dams, another State matter, state waterway and public lands (State National Parks – UN Agenda 21) banning new dams) , even the Murray-Darling Basin Authority is dominated by the States as owners of the waterways. The Snowy Mountains Hydro Electricity Scheme took over ten years to get underway because State Governments were arguing and resisting the proposal, an example.

      The achievements list is long but too often ignored.


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