Trust us! We mean you harm

by DAVID FLINT – THE Albanese government claims a mandate to impose certain policies, some of which will seriously damage Australia. 

Take just four of the most prominent and permit me to describe them, not as the spin-doctors do, but in accordance with their inevitable consequences. 

The disproportionately large number of elected indigenous representatives came into parliament through hard work and sheer determination.

The first will make electricity so expensive and so unreliable that by 2030 rank-and-file Australians’ living standards will fall dramatically, most of our remaining manufacturing, some agricultural, and even retail activities will be forced to close.

Australia will risk becoming the Argentina, or even the Venezuela of the South Seas.


The second will increase – significantly – lawbreaking, bullying and intimidation in the building and construction sector, increasing markedly the cost of delivering new hospitals, schools and indeed all construction.

Despite 2520 contraventions recorded in different courts, resulting in $17.7m in penalties, the behemoth that is the CFMEU will operate free from most legal control.

As Labor’s largest multi-million dollar benefactor, this suggests a quid pro quo which should clearly be at the top of any genuine corruption commission’s agenda.

The third will increase drunkenness, violence, sexual assaults and deaths of men, women and children in remote indigenous communities.

Related to this is the fourth which will insert an “Indigenous Voice” into the Constitution in terms so vague that it will constitute not one, but several blank cheques.

These are the inevitable consequences of stated government policies.

It is self-evident that the Albanese government could never claim the support of a majority of Australians for any one of these.

With only 32.6 per cent of the primary vote, Labor has ended up with a narrow majority of seventy-seven in the House, all bound by the strict discipline of the dated Leninist and possibly unconstitutional “caucus rule” so alien to Westminster it is completely unknown to the British Labour Party.

The great Edmund Burke would be outraged. Moreover, this majority was achieved through the most contrived electoral system to be found among comparable countries.

Worse, it is the one most open to fraud, with Labor’s curiously hysterical opposition to the most elementary and near-universal requirement of photo-ID.

The reason given, that this would disadvantage the indigenous, is grossly insulting, as if indigenous people don’t drive, collect parcels, or go to banks.

As to the fourth claimed mandate, the so-called “Indigenous Voice”, it would have been wise for Mr Albanese to have heeded the warnings of Senator Jacinta Price.

Making headlines as few do, her maiden speech attracted approval from one end of the country to the other.

As one very experienced observer said to me, this was the Voice’s death knell.

Using the PM’s own description of the Uluru Statement, she told him that indigenous Australians don’t need another “handout”.


Pointing out that she and the disproportionately large number of elected indigenous representatives came into parliament through hard work and sheer determination, she asked that they be defined not by their racial heritage, but by the content of their character.

And yet, she said, the PM was asking the Australian people to disregard those elected voices and vote Yes to a constitutionally enshrined advisory body “without any detail” on what that might entail.

Senator Price gave two examples of the Albanese government’s complete deafness to real indigenous voices, the inevitable consequences of which are listed as the third mandate above.

First was the news that the “grog bans” will be lifted in dry communities, allowing the “scourge of alcoholism and the violence that accompanies it” free reign, despite serious warnings about this from the elders in many communities.

Coupled with this, she said, was the removal of the cashless debit card that allowed countless families on welfare to feed their children, rather than seeing their money claimed by “alcoholics, substance abusers, and gamblers” in their family group under “kinship demands”.

Senator Price said she could not offer two more appalling examples of legislation pushed by Left-wing elites that are “guaranteed” to worsen the lives of indigenous people.

Yet, she said, we spend days and weeks each year “recognising” aboriginal Australia in “symbolic gestures” which fail to push “the needle one micromillimetre” towards improving the lives of the most marginalised in any genuine way.

But ignoring her wise words, Mr Albanese is pushing ahead with a referendum, claiming hopefully that, “the momentum is with us”.

The question is meaningless: Do you support an alteration to the Constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice?


Saying Yes to this is like signing not one but a series of blank cheques. And not only to the politicians.
Not many have noticed that it will also give a blank cheque to a succession of activist judges, even those unborn.

In this context, note that the High Court recently ruled that criminals convicted of violent assaults, who are not Australian citizens, cannot be deported as aliens if they can claim aboriginality under the current, very loose test.

To say this ruling was a surprise is an understatement. The previous government asked for a reconsideration of the case, but the Albanese government has very quietly dropped it.

You can just imagine the scene in some taxpayer-funded, criminal lawyer’s office when an alien criminal asks about a threatened deportation. “If only you were indigenous…”


Ours is a good constitution, but no constitution is perfect. One mistake was to grant the federal government an unfettered power to appoint High Court judges instead of, say, rotating appointments around the States.

Given the dangers demonstrated in the US where by ruling that slavery was constitutionally protected, the Supreme Court unleashed the civil war, and after that entrenched segregation, it would have been prudent to put some limitations on our High Court.

The British did this through the Privy Council, but this was limited and ultimately irreconcilable with full independence.

When it comes to referendums, Alan Jones offers the best advice. “If you don’t know, vote No”.PC

David Flint

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Anthony Albanese. (courtesy The Guardian)
RE-PUBLISHED: This article was originally published by The Spectator Australia on August 6, 2022. Re-used with permission.

12 thoughts on “Trust us! We mean you harm

  1. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has done “sweet bugger all” in his first 100 days apart from take a holiday, says Sky News host Chris Kenny.

    “We’ve got a country facing an energy crisis, an inflation crisis, a looming mortgage squeeze crisis, labour shortages, ongoing Indigenous disadvantage being exacerbated by the axing of alcohol bans and cashless welfare cards,” Mr Kenny said.

    “And we’ve got a prime minister taking a holiday within his first hundred days.

    “I’m surprised he’d want a holiday this early, let alone be prepared to send out this message about his government.”

    Chris Kenny
    Sky News

  2. Flint, if you support the constitution, why do you lie about it?

    Why do you claim the monarch’s appointed representative is the same status as the monarch? Why do you claim the GG is equal to the monarch, and a peer of the monarch, as a fellow head of state?

    Why lie?

    1. Why continue to bask in your ignorance?

      I have given you the facts a number of times here, you are poorly informed

      1. Your ‘facts’ are lame cut and paste rubbish that do not deal with the gaping hole in monarchist’s desperate argument.

        The monarch’s representative is inferior and subordinate to the monarch, is appointed by the monarch, acts for the monarch, and answers to the monarch.
        They are not equal. They are not peers. They can not both be head of state.

        If you have an explanation for this disgraceful lie (rather than a weak, pathetic, irrelevant cut and paste), I’d love to hear it. Over to you.

        1. Put it this way. Why has the GG never received a state reception in the UK?

    2. This is a point missed by Prof Flint. In fact as we know the G-G is the effectve head of state when in office as an appointee of the Sovereign. A G-G is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the PM and the Queen is the only person able to dismiss him: unlikely parameters for most heads of state. All standard reference sources refer to the Queen as ‘head of state’ of Australia, Canada, NZ and the other realms. It may seem a small point in the scheme of things but it does come down to what Mr Jones (above in comments) is opining: When in office the G-G becomes the effective day to day HOS, is appointed by the Queen (the Sovereign) to act as such although not in fact referred to as HOS but simply as her representative G-G because the term HOS is not used in the Constitution.

      There is no question that it is the presence of the Sovereign that is the great final check and balance against abuse of power by our politicians and even by the very few errant Governors and Governors-General we have had. Understanding and acknowledging this fact is the huge bonus given to our democracy which keeps it on track. To fiddle with definitions and to try to downplay the Sovereign’s role so as to appear more ‘modern’ (or whatever) is pointless wordsmithing. We are lucky to be so safely ensconced by a monarch whose family goes back over a thousand years, who costs us nothing and whose existence denies wrong-doing on the part of those who would change us to suit their ends.

      Thank you Mr Jones for writing what you did.

  3. If Labor and Greens are not brought down there will be full throttle Totalitarian Lunatic Regimes and likewise with LNP; at the Federal Election the people had the chance to vote in the FREEDOM PARTIES and many failed to see how critically important it was.
    Our lives freedoms rights choices and Democracy hangs in the balance and at the next Elections the only hope we have is to vote for the FREEDOM PARTIES. If you fall to do that, it will be the annihilation of our Democracy and you will have condemned us all to full throttle Tyranny / Totalitarian Lunatic Regimes.

    Calling on ALL Police Officers / Law Enforcement to STAND WITH this wonderful RCMP Officer protesting to protect the Rights and Freedoms of the people.
    Trudeau’s Head of Security resigns.

  4. We are all Australians and have a vote …

    “In May 1967, after 10 years of campaigning, a referendum on Indigenous recognition in the Australian constitution was held.
    The lead-up to the poll focused public attention on the fact that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were treated as second-class citizens.
    Nearly 91 per cent of the electorate voted to amend the constitution. This change meant that Aboriginal people would be counted as part of the population and acknowledged as equal citizens, and that the Commonwealth would be able to make laws on their behalf. This was seen to reflect public recognition of Aboriginal people as full Australian citizens.”

    We are all Australians now and we have a democratic vote for representatives to parliaments federal and state.


    1. You want an English aristocrat to reign over us as a birthright. You want all Australians banned from the top job.
      Yet you claim to oppose aboriginal empowerment, because you think it is racist.
      Listen to yourself man.

  5. The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Commission was established without needed to change our Constitution, and was closed down years later because of a lack of governance and corruption, the disadvantaged people ATSIC was funded to help received very little help despite an average of $50,000 each for every man, woman and child Indigenous Australian provided by taxpayers.

    The latest attempt to divide Australians based on ancestry, regardless of mixed ancestry, is disgraceful, there are now eleven MPs who identify as Indigenous Australians in Federal Parliament.

  6. He hasn’t had a holiday this year, Prime Minister Albanese said during an ABC radio interview, and ….

    “PRIME MINISTER: Indeed. But secondly, I think that the lack of transparency that was there around Mr. Morrison’s trip to Hawaii, when people didn’t even know whether Michael McCormick was the acting Prime Minister, and at the time wouldn’t say where he was – I just think that was a very unwise decision that added to the controversy, which was, in my view, pretty unnecessary had it been handled differently.”

    The PM continued that Deputy PM Marles will be the Acting PM while he is on holidays. And he even alluded to needing to be accompanied by security officers, part of being PM. In other words security is important, and maybe that includes not broadcasting where a PM might be found while on leave?

    Opposition Leader Albo would have known that bushfire fighting is primarily State governments responsibility and are dealt with by State Rural Fire Service in NSW and State Emergency Service together with other State authorities when he participated in a photo opportunity stunt at a Blue Mountains RFS Depot during the late 2019 bushfires that extended into 2020 to mock PM Morrison.

    But even now he remains in opposition mentality mode which is a worry.

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