VICTORIA Labor Premier Daniel Andrews, who this year inflicted more damage on Australia than arguably any politician in history, has capped off 2020 by cancelling Australia Day.
Mr Andrews announced on Saturday that 2021 Australia Day celebrations in Melbourne were to be cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.
This is after he effectively gave the nod to 10,000 protesters to attend Marxist-backed Black Lives Matter rallies earlier this year and allowed 30,000 fans to attend this month’s upcoming Boxing Day Test at the MCG.
Former Liberal State President Michael Kroger described Premier Andrew’s decision as a “disgraceful farce”.
“This is the socialist Left of the Labor Party opposing Australia Day by using the cover of COVID,” Mr Kroger said.
“These people on the Left oppose Australia Day, they of course oppose the Queen’s birthday and they make almost no contribution to ANZAC day,” he said.
“So with these great days of celebration, the woke Left basically opposes them all – they delegitimise them.
“They don’t celebrate Christmas in most cases, for reasons we know.”
Mr Kroger said the Left had constantly campaigned to undermine Australian values.
“They try to dumb down and oppose everything that’s been built off the backs of great men and women who built this magnificent country.
“These people try their best to run everything down and delegitimise and Andrews is near the top of the list these days – it’s a disgrace.”
Meanwhile, Premier Andrews has continued to defend his 2018 signing of a Belt & Road Initiative with China – even as the Federal government moves to tear it up.
“We are comfortable with the arrangements we have in place,” Mr Andrews said during a face-to-face National Cabinet meeting last week.
“We will be better off in the relationship if we focus on the fact that all of us [government leaders] are all about having the best economic partnerships with customers large and small in every part of the world.”
Federal parliament this week passed Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s foreign relations legislation allowing the government to terminate agreements signed with foreign nations by universities, State and local governments.
Former Minister for International Development, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has long-held concerns regarding China’s “insidious” Belt & Road Initiative.
In recent years she has come under fire from Beijing after warning that the regime was setting debt-traps for Pacific nations.
“I’m concerned that the Chinese Communist Party is taking advantage of the pandemic to further its insidious debt-trap diplomacy with economically stressed nations,” she said earlier this year.
Premier Andrews’ abysmal COVID-19 response has resulted in Victoria having the highest pandemic death toll in the nation – 820 Victorian deaths vs 72 for the rest of Australia combined.
Meanwhile, his total economic and social shut-down has seen Victoria’s credit rating plunge from the best in the nation (AAA) down two notches to among the worst (AA).PC
If Melbourne is not having Australia Day then everyone in Melbourne should be going to work and any other National Day we hold the Premier does not wont to hold everyone goes to work NO PUBLIC HOLIDAY.
It has been obvious for some time that Andrews is a rogue elephant. For the good of the herd and the good of the jungle, every experienced African wildlife follower knows what to do with a rogue elephant.
There seems to be no lessons learnt with whatever Dan Andrews does. With all that has been reported in this article, add to this:
1. The sham that was the Coate Parliamentary Inquiry as part of a systemic cover up of personal failures in decisions made of both bureaucrat’s and State members of Parliament and
2. The most recent woke implementation (or social experiment) by controlling freedom of by telling Victorian Public servants what they can and cannot say.
The media need to call both of these out and for Item 1 above, the PM should open a Royal Commission into Hotel Quarantine in Victoria since the efforts of Ms Coate were far from professional or adequate for the reported $10M cost.
As for freedom of speech, is Andrews’ social experiment the thin edged of the wedge? Surely we cannot let this happen to the rest of Australia, can we?
Dan Andrews should be charged with manslaughter for all the deaths in Melbourne .
Yup, Andrews is the most UN-AUSTRALIAN Leader of whom I’ve been aware in my say, 55 years of observing Australian politics!