Migrants make us ‘poorer & dirtier’

by SEAN BURKE – US POLITICAL commentator and broadcaster Tucker Carlson can be counted among the most loathed – and loved – people in the English-speaking world. 

His former mainstream media colleagues despise him, Washington & Canberra establishment types cheer for his demise – while minority groups, pushing absurd causes, want him silenced. 

While refusing to explain why they’d sacked Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ executives couldn’t hide the massive audience crash that followed.

Yet – despite losing his television platform in April last year – Carlson has become one of the world’s most listened-to – and loved – conservative voices.

As much as he speaks for his own nation’s suffering patriots – he is as intently observed by the hard-working “deplorable” class of other English-speaking countries.


After his unceremonious departure from Murdoch-controlled Fox News, he relaunched his career on what was then Twitter (now X).

The first video he “tweeted” received more than 120m views – more than 35 times the average ratings (3.25m) of his Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight program. At the time, this show was the highest-rating across all US cable news.

Since leaving Fox, Carlson has interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and form US President Donald Trump, to name a few.

Although refusing to explain why Carlson had been sacked, Fox couldn’t hide the massive audience crash that followed.

The network lost almost two million viewers overnight, down to 1.49m in Carlson’s former primetime slot.

As well, Fox News temporarily lost its top ranking on cable news to its Left-leaning rival MSNBC.

Tucker Carlson, 54, has a disarming personality. He has a laugh that’s hard not to laugh at. His interview style is overtly pleasant, but can become aggressive with follow-up questions.

He doesn’t have a poker face. If something disagreeable is said, Carlson’s facial expression is a give-away.

Unlike many in today’s media, he arrived as a conservative and remains one – despite working for mostly Left-leaning networks including CNN (2000-2005), MSNBC (2005-2008) and the publicly-funded PBS America (2003-2004).


He joined the Right-leaning Fox News in 2009, with Tucker Carlson Tonight launching in 2016.

So why is he so despised by so many on the progressive Left?

It’s for the very same reason so many on the conservative Right adore him.

Carlson has an ability to identify nonsense – and to then clearly and simply explain the lunacy to his large audience. That’s it. He is a threat.

Many of the issues he pushes back on go to the very heart of the political class.

On alleged cheating in the 2020 Presidential election, Carlson said voters were “right” to believe the election was “unfairly conducted”. In doing so, he questioned Joe Biden’s legitimacy. A threat.

On the January 6 Capitol Building protests in Washington DC he said “the footage does not show an insurrection or riot in progress [within the building]”. In doing so, he questioned the Democratic Party’s targeting of Donald Trump as an insurrectionist. Another threat.

Carlson has become known for pushing populist conservative views on a wide number of issues from race, gender, “woke” ideology, COVID policy and immigration.

He once described economic migrants as making the US “poorer and dirtier” and blamed immigration for making homelessness worse. He became almost a lone voice exposing Joe Biden’s out-of-control, open border policy.

He also questioned the US Administration’s support of Ukraine against Russia.

“It might be worth asking yourself since it is getting pretty serious: What is this really about?” Carlson said.


“Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia?”

Carlson even ventured into climate religion.

“Wind power is a scam,” he said matter-of-factly. “It’s an elaborate rip-off perpetuated on impoverished rural America by subsidised corporations who are getting rich from making the landscape uglier,” he said.

And he continued digging: “Solar is a promising technology, actually. But we are still far from being able to efficiently store the energy it produces.”

He has made his career exposing madness to mass audiences – and the mad don’t like it.

There’s possibly only one person they dislike more; former US President and 2024 presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

The thought of Trump and Carlson teaming up in November’s election (though unlikely) would be a dream – or a nightmare.PC

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: 2013 anti-Muslim Cronulla riots. (courtesy The Guardian)

1 thought on “Migrants make us ‘poorer & dirtier’

  1. Tucker Carlson is a magnet for fellow Americans and untold millions around the English-speaking world watching their own governments purposely collapsing their societies and economies — and also a wake up call for all today’s Millennials and upcoming Gen.Zees being conned by Big Everything into the Climate/Pandemic death cult.

    Thankfully Tucker’s reach is doing its job, explaining nonsense and identifying the lunacy peddled by history’s most psychopathic and psychotic enemies ever! As did the radio and TV genius of the late John Clarke and Brian Dawes not too long ago, splitting our sides playing homegrown emergent “Elites” before things got seriously out of hand.

    Moral is, we laughed and laughed, never for one moment spotting the unimaginable scale and deadly intent of the New World Order. Sobering times indeed!


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