![Virtue signallers let loose on unvaxxed](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Jacinda-Ardern-virtue-300x500-1.jpg)
THERE are two kinds of vaccine virtue signalling. The obvious one is everywhere to be seen in the current vaccine dictatorships across the globe.
The abuse meted out to the vaccine “refuseniks” has been relentless. The insults (stupid, selfish, granny-killer). The threats.
- How do they explain that the most vaccinated nations are cancelling Christmas?
- Doesn’t the casual pro-vaxxer smell a rodent in all this?
- So many questions are merely batted away by pro-vaxx virtue signallers.
The nudge units employing classic PsyOp methods. No jab, no job. The QR code society with everyone’s vaccination status bio-digitally recorded, better to identify, track and harass the unclean. Papers please!
The corporate media campaigns, led by the Murdoch press but no less enthusiastically embraced by the Channel Nine-2GB-Fairfax-ABC industrial complex.
The third parties – that is, doctors and their heavy-handed administrative bodies – who all but refuse ever to provide medical exemptions to those who cannot take the jab.
The sneering at the unvaccinated by the likes of Jacinda Ardern and Daniel Andrews, whose delight in having created a new class of second-class citizen would once have been termed brazen, but now they know it won’t hurt them politically.
They suspect the punters mostly agree with them. They wear disdain for what they define as anti-vaxxers as a badge of honour.
The very phrase “vaccine hesistancy” is an attempt – and an inaccurate one, for most refuseniks are anything but hesitant – to create a “phenomenon” to be studied, critiqued and pitied. It is “a thing”. Let’s attack it. Let’s other it. Let’s create a new category of “enemy of the State”.
Or better still, “enemy of the community”. If they are Aboriginal, well, simply send in the Army to drag them away and lock them up! (For their own good, just like the soon-to-be-taxed Greek over 60s who won’t take the shot, at 100 euros a month; it is “for protection”).
All this is despite the compelling evidence that the vaccines, always a political silver bullet rather than a defensible public health strategy, have proven to have been an epic fail everywhere they have been imposed on gullible, supine populations.
The Facebook vaxx selfies (“vaxxies”) tell this story. According to three worthy marketing professors writing (inevitably) at The Conversation: “Vaccine selfies may seem trivial, but they show people doing their civic duty — and probably encourage others too.”
“Doing their civic duty”. Thereby hangs a subliminal, or perhaps a not so subliminal, message.
The endless pro-vaxx advertisements (propaganda), paid for by you and me, in which happy families are pirouetting around the Christmas dinner table or boarding bulging planes, are meant to remind people of what the Queensland President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) recently told us: “Life will be miserable without being vaccinated. You won’t be able to hide.”
Miserable and lonely. The AMA, clearly in awe of Big Pharma, and possibly in its pay, now represents only around 20 per cent of doctors, according to Matt Wong of Discernable. They still pack a useful propaganda punch, though.
There is a second form of pro-vaxx virtue signalling, just as insidious, even though, (perhaps because), it is administered by those who claim to be friends of the vaccine refuseniks.
This is the line trotted out by those who are (correctly) appalled by vaccine mandates, aka medical apartheid and the two-tier society, who believe that what is being done is an affront to civil democracy.
But I still need to mention either that I myself am double-jabbed. Or, I believe that vaccine dissidents are “foolish” and “misguided”. Or both.
The latest examples come from two stars of the anti-lockdown movement, Douglas Murray (writing in London’s The Telegraph newspaper) and Steve Waterson (writing in The Australian).
It is not a matter of “they should know better”, for I think they genuinely believe the unvaccinated to be, respectively, misguided and foolish. They are wrong, and dangerous. And, by-the-by, what an absurd generalisation.
Often casual pro-vaxxism is accompanied by the false claim that it is only a “tiny” minority that are unvaccinated.
Waterson, indeed, falls into this trap. I have demonstrated that the real, adult level of vaccination in Australia is a little over 70 per cent.
The numbers seen daily here are inflated, deliberately one would think, by including children (mostly 16 and up, sometimes younger). The unvaccinated adult population is by no means “tiny”.
Lies, damned lies & COVID statistics
I am afraid that no one is really that interested in whether journalists have been vaccinated or not. Or if readers are interested in this, they shouldn’t be. Who, really, gives a rat’s?
More importantly, whether or not they believe the unvaccinated to be stupid is of zero interest in the debate over vaccine mandates. No, it is mere virtue signalling.
They are indulging in that favourite pastime of certain types of conservative journalist who wish to suck up to their ideological opponents, or show they can unmoor on occasions from their assumed ideological bent, or demonstrate their muscular journalistic rigour.
No, showing that they can abuse those who are different in their thinking to them is simply to descend to the type of ad hominem argument that they normally would demean.
This amounts to casual discrimination against the unvaxxed.
As with casual racism, the victim always notices, and notes, the occurrence of casual anti-anti-vaxxism.
The trick of the gaslighter, the hostage-taker and the spouse abuser is to keep the pressure on, and up.
Never to let the victim forget who the boss is. To spring a nasty surprise just when the victim feels safe.
Casual racism often gets a bad press, and it is true that it is wheeled out at will to score ideological points by many who aren’t really victims of anything.
But it is real. Likewise, casual pro-vaxxism and its embedded ideology of virus containment at all costs.
If the likes of Murray and Waterson believe that vaccines are the smart thing for an individual with “informed consent” to submit to, well, prove it.
Don’t just casually assert it, to signal virtue to the in-crowd, the smart types who read The Telegraph and The Australian.
The patently obvious comeback is to ask a question of them – is it misguided, or foolish, to refuse to submit to a therapeutic that is:
- Experimental (yes it is; it is the biggest medical experiment in world history);
- Unapproved (save for an emergency that does not exist, what with over 99 per cent of those who get COVID recovering fully);
- Dangerous (do the research; the evidence, though covered up by many with mal-intent, is plentiful, alarming and not hard to find);
- Unnecessary for most people (for the healthy, the COVID vaccine is merely a placebo, since many don’t even get sick and, as noted, all but a tiny minority get better, and are protected then by natural immunity); and
- Useless (at doing the thing that vaccines are meant to do, that is, stop infections from spreading; otherwise, the vaccine is merely another COVID treatment that may, for a short time, and for some people, prevent serious symptoms);
- Inferior as a prophylactic to the natural immunity of the healthy and the recovered; and
- Likely to make transmission of the virus’s now multiplying variants far worse (there is ample medical scientific evidence emerging on this, including in peer reviewed literature).
What is the position of the casual pro-vaxxer in relation to the coming of endless boosters, I wonder?
Will they believe that the almost 99 per cent of Australians (at the time of writing) now technically unvaccinated, that is, not “boostered”, are foolish and misguided?
Why do they think that governments have indemnified Big Pharma and anyone else associated with administering the jab from being sued in the event of an adverse reaction or worse?
How do they explain the fact that the most vaccinated countries in the world, like Gibraltar and Iceland are, respectively, cancelling Christmas and not letting Israelis into the country?
What about the fact that the sadly successful attempts by Big Pharma to pillory effective treatments for COVID were the result of an attempt by these vaccine manufacturers to get emergency use approval? (They can only get this if they can establish there is no alternate medical treatment.)
Does not the casual pro-vaxxer smell a rodent in all this? (Real journalists like Alex Berenson, author of Pandemia, published November 30, 2021, do). And perhaps realise that the unvaxxed-and-not-at-risk might not be so stupid after all, but, rather, be making informed, sober, sensible risk assessments, or, indeed, be acting out of principle?
Like, we do not like the idea of profiting medically from the deaths of the unborn – for something that is, for us, not necessary. That losing our jobs is not something we do “foolishly” or “as the result of being “misguided”.
What an insult it is for these men and women of principle to be gently mocked by the people of vaccine virtue. By those who should know better. Much better.
Calling people misguided or foolish keeps them firmly as the untermenschen, to be mocked or pitied. It adds to the pile-on.
Given that (I suspect) most of those who get vaccinated do so because they are fearful, or because they want to be “free” or because they have been bullied and lied to, perhaps we need to re-define the opposites of foolish and misguided not as “smart” but rather as “selfish” or “strategic” rather than “smart”. Perhaps “selfishly strategic”.
If we are in the business of attributing assumed characteristics to people on the basis of their vaccination status, perhaps the unvaccinated, in contradistinction to the selfishly strategic, might more accurately be termed “without guile”, a character trait ascribed to the disciple Nathanael by Christ Himself. And not stupid.
No, the heroically vaccinated with their vaxxies on Facebook couldn’t abide that.
So many complex questions are merely batted away through casual pro-vaxxism.
While the welcome efforts of those who attack vaccine mandates and vaccine passports should never be dismissed or taken lightly by the unvaxxed, the urge not to be ever, ever associated in a reader’s mind with anti-vaxxers (as defined by the virtuous) is pernicious, since it simply leads to more and greater discrimination.
Nor will they be thanked by the uber-virtuous for their own put-downs of the refuseniks and dissidents.
Instead, these part-time warriors should be saying to the more extreme pro-vaxxers, as loudly and clearly as they can: “Back off the unvaccinated. Mind your own business. Treat people with whom you disagree with respect. You know, they might actually have a point. And they will not harm you in any way.”
After all, if the vaccines work, you cannot be harmed by the unvaccinated. And if they don’t work …
When the casual pro-vaxxers have attempted to answer the counter-arguments outlined above with facts, logic and evidence – and not merely with throw-away hyperbole – then we might be able to move beyond virtue signalling and engage in some real journalism and real debate. On real issues.
In the meantime, they should do us the courtesy of taking the positions, the principles and the arguments of their opponents seriously.
Throw-away lines when people’s lives are being destroyed for nothing are cute, nothing more.
I fear my wait will be prolonged.PC
Politcom. Can crushed Aussie spirit ever bounce back? – Politics, Policy, Political Views
Professor Zimmerman slams the federal government and states’ Covid regime, resigns from Liberal Party | Cairns News
Dr. Augusto Zimmermann resigns from the Liberal Party IN STYLE | Reignite Democracy Australia
Augusto Zimmermann
Gabriël Moens AM
Paperback, 140 pages, $29.95
ISBN: 9781922449948
January 2022 Release
The main argument of this book is that vaccine mandates facilitate the creation of a fundamentally unfair and unequal society where vaccinated people are privileged and the unvaccinated become second-class citizens who are excluded from most activities of normal life and are regarded as lepers in their own country. In this context, this book discusses the concept of legality known as the ‘rule of law’, and the use of emergency powers in Australia. It also focuses on the unconstitutionality of mandatory vaccination, and it examines the possible use of the external affairs power in the Constitution to combat mandatory vaccination. Also discussed in this book is the role that civil disobedience can play when protesting the imposition of vaccine mandates and other draconian measures. Finally, the reader is invited to ponder how the use of emergency powers is historically used as a means of suppressing fundamental rights and dramatically increasing the power of the State.
Augusto Zimmermann is professor and head of Law at the Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and also adjunct professor of law at the University of Notre Dame Australia (Sydney Campus).From 2012 to 2017, he served as a Law Reform Commissioner in Western Australia. While teaching (and coordinating) constitutional law and legal theory at Murdoch University, he was awarded the 2012 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research, as well as two Law School Dean’s Research Awards, in 2010 and 2011. He is also the author/co-author/editor/co-editor of numerous academic articles and books, including Fundamental Rights in the Age of Covid-19 (Connor Court Publishing, 2020).
Gabriël Moens AM is emeritus professor of law at the University of Queensland and served as pro vice-chancellor and dean of the School of Law at Murdoch University. In 2003, Moens was awarded the Australian Centenary Medal by the prime minister for services to education. He has taught extensively across Australia, Asia, Europe, and the United States. Moens has recently published two novels A Twisted Choice (Boolarong Press, 2020) and The Coincidence (Connor Court Publishing, 2021).
Quotes from the book:
“The health orders issued by Australia’s governments have the effect of violating the concept of legality known as ‘the rule of law’. These governments have adopted extra-constitutional measures that undermine the doctrine of separation of powers and the principle of equality before the law, as well as the basic right of citizens to object to any form of medical treatment, including mandatory vaccinations, which are now increasingly imposed by the government”.
“Mandatory vaccination, which is now steadily underway in Australia to combat the spread of COVID-19, sits uncomfortably with the jurisprudence of the High Court and our traditions of constitutional government. One would expect the Court to acknowledge these basic traditions, and that discrimination on the grounds of vaccination amounts to a violation of the spirit of the Australian Constitution”.
“The rise to dominance of the authoritarian leader in Australia is a confirmation of the massive shift of power away from parliament, or the legislative arm of government, to the executive or cabinet. This process not only effectively allows the Premier and his cabinet to arbitrarily decide on legislative measures but also to intervene on every single aspect of our lives”.
“The deep unease and fear that saturate Australia’s society have created a population disposed to government whose insatiable thirst for power and control leads to authoritarian measures. To avoid the growing concern of human rights violations and outright suppression of the constitutional order, the political establishment has learned about the importance of manipulating public perceptions to win support of what normally would be rejected as oppressive and undemocratic measures”.
“The experience of contemporary Australia vividly exemplifies a disguised form of authoritarianism under the façade of temporary measures to combat an alleged health crisis. Rather than openly violating the constitutional order, governmental accountability is dangerously weakened by insulating the political ruler from scrutiny and a functional system of checks and balances”.
“In theory, the use of emergency powers by the ruling elites should be a temporary departure from constitutional rule, in which a political leader might need to rule by decree until the emergency ceases to exist. The Australian political establishment, however, may never intend these measures to be temporary, thus seeking to conveniently maintain its extraordinary powers indefinitely. As such, convincing the population of a perpetual state of emergency gives the ruling elite broad discretionary authority to govern at the margin of the democratic process, unconstrained by legal-institutional accountability”.
“The use of emergency powers in Australia certainly results in the abuse of power by arbitrary measures that profoundly undermine the rule of law; this can become more permanent in time. Presently, Australian authorities are enacting measures that consolidate statism and allow informers to assist authorities in tracing and incarcerating citizens without warrants on the grounds of prospective conduct. Any person in this country can now be arrested when the authority assumes that they have failed to comply with these directions. As such, basic legal principles inherited from the common law and our tradition of constitutional government (including due process and recourse to the writ of habeas corpus) are seriously undermined”.
The world populations have to rise up against World Governments and their tyrannical terrorism against innocent populations or we are all doomed to totalitarianism.
Informed choice Australia Canadian doctor locked in psych ward who exposed stillbirth explosion in vaccinated moms interview
Queensland Premier Palaszczuk’s pathetic police pounce on cafe patron four police arrest her! She was innocently sitting down having a cup of coffee! World leaders gone covid insane !
Covid 19 has a better survival rate than the flu
Western Australia Premier trying to ban bullet reloading equipment
Jacinda ardern is one of the many tyrants that the monster Klaus Schwab and his world economic Forum is so proud of .
see article on stateofthenation.co
Dated 20 Nov 2021 the title of the article is secret network of covid plandemic co-conspirators revealed
Here’s how they rolled out the covid tyranny nation by nation so quickly
See also
Massive corruption and conflicts of interest with governments and Vic government is seriously corrupted with systemic and widespread conflicts of interest and the ties association. Partnership membership with mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical industries. Victoria global health and huge revolving doors and with that it becomes serious crimes when they pull the mandates caper.
All mandates and all other tyrannical actions by governments must be abolished now and forever more.
See also
Bloody criminals. !!!
Black sheep Mesiti exposes the woke Rev. Costello’s “social justice by vaccination” crusade | Cairns News
THE Rev. Tim Costello and his brother the former Treasurer Peter Costello, are up to their eyeballs in big pharma’s insane “global vaccination” drive. While one Costello beats the drum to “share the vaccines with our poor neighbours” the other keenly watches over the vaccine profits rolling on in.
Rev. Tim Costello cunningly co-opted major church denominations into a vaccination crusade.
The former Treasurer these days is making sure the Australian Future Fund ($149 billion in assets) is raking in tens of millions from its big pharma and “medical research” investments, while his woke Baptist brother Tim is making sure those shots are distributed far and wide with generous support from the Aussie taxpayers – all in the name of “regional social justice” and “vaccine equity” of course.
Excellent article. Based on common sense and logic.
I am not vaxxed and do not intend to be.
My status: 99.6% chance of not getting Covid. 100% certain I wll not suffer short, medium or longterm adverse vaccine reactions
See info from the European database (EudraVigilance) for Covid19 vaccine adverse events reports up until 19.10.21;
1 249 109 people seriously injured
2 637 525 injuries &
28 103 deaths
Btw: only representing 27 of 50 European countries and numbers are expected to be much less than actual numbers..
And they say the vaccines are safe?
Btw: we are still waiting on the short, medium and long term impacts to add to the growing massive tally.
Evil Adern!