WHEN he was minister for health, Tony Abbott drew up a plan to deal with future pandemics which attracted international praise.
Sadly, the Abbott plan is gathering dust somewhere in Canberra.
Where to next? The answer is to develop with widespread public participation and agreement a plan on how to deal with the next pandemic.
- The plan should call for some personal liability by ministers for misfeasance in public office.
- It should encourage measures to mitigate media hysteria by requiring full disclosure.
- We should never again borrow a model from a communist dictatorship – the lockdown.
We cannot repeat the disastrous handling of the virus by career politicians who have little life experience, advised by medical bureaucrats, with that advice treated as if it were a State secret.
We have seen political leaders behaving like dictators without any limitations on their power, with experts gagged and modelling presented as infallible, neglecting expert Professor Box’s famous warning: “All models are wrong, but some are useful”.
The result has been that the wisdom in Lord Acton’s timeless warning, that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, has been completely ignored, even by the largely compliant media, Alan Jones and few others excepted.
The plan must insist on a return to what was once normal practice in relation to the making of regulations.
First, any such regulation must be submitted to the Executive Council where the governor-general or governor must be satisfied that he has the power to do what is recommended and that any conditions have been fulfilled.
If adopted, the regulations would be tabled in both Houses of Parliament and subject always to their ultimate power of disallowance.
This is a necessary Sword of Damocles over wayward ministers who have exercised power not in the public interest, but on poor advice, for political advantage and as we sometimes suspect, even on a whim.
The plan should call for some personal liability by ministers for misfeasance in public office, as found recently by the Federal Court in relation to the live cattle ban. Why should only the taxpayers pay?
The plan should also ensure that politicians can never again attribute some good result, such as a comparative low death rate, to their excesses.
The fact is that such benefits will normally flow from the geographical fact that we are a remote island nation.
In relation to any virus, governments should be required to publish independent advice as to the protection gained by our geographic advantage.
The plan should also set out very clearly the full extent of federal and State powers and their agreed roles, so that there can be no obfuscation or evasions on these points.
The plan should contain what I believe is a core principle. This is that the first task of government is to bar entry of the disease into Australia, at least until an assessment can be made, indicating who is most vulnerable and how they should be protected, while allowing the rest of society, as far as possible, to continue in its normal operations.
We should never again borrow a model from a communist dictatorship – the lockdown – all at enormous cost, massive debt and unjustified damage and suffering, particularly to small business, schoolchildren and quite wickedly, even to relatives of those near death.
The plan should disincentivise recourse to lockdowns by a consequent drastic reduction in the relevant politicians’ and bureaucrats’ income.
Vaccination is a crucial issue. In Operation Warp Speed, President Trump demonstrated how vaccines can be produced in record time.
Bearing in mind the known side-effects and that long-term consequences will always be unknown, the plan should incorporate another core principle, that recourse to such vaccines should be voluntary and primarily for the most vulnerable.
The plan should warn against interventions by powerful groups, such as social media, who may have other agendas.
It should encourage measures to mitigate media hysteria by requiring full disclosure by government.
For example, on the relative seriousness of cases, and in relation to deaths, as to the precise cause.
It is of crucial importance that plan extend to action to take concerning perceived misbehaviour by a foreign government.
Beijing behaved appallingly by hiding the existence of the virus and allowing vast numbers of people to fly out of China and unknowingly spread the disease around the world.
The damage to Australia is enormous. Why should Beijing escape responsibility for this?
In a piece in The Spectator Australia (April 28, 2020), I argued that we should not go along with the compromised WHO, as the Morrison government subsequently did.
Instead, I argued that we should set up an international tribunal by a treaty with the then Trump-led US and other interested powers to apportion responsibility and award damages.
Legislation could allow any damages awarded to be recouped against mainland investments under the control of Beijing in Australia.
The point surely is that we cannot afford to repeat the mismanagement and incompetence we have seen with respect to the Wuhan virus.
We must have a plan with certain core principles and with the involvement and consent of the people.PC
We want Tony back
Like Lambs to their slaughter, we are being engineered to cut back the worlds Population! And to be Happy while doing so! Why are we being coerced, forced and cajoled into taking arguably the worlds most experimental drugs! With side effect consequences we are not being allowed to question! It is actually criminal! But when the crooked politicians are making the rules? We have Dan in Victoria, Mark in WA, the bogus Queen in Queensland all belonging to the socialist plans of labor to decimate this country financially and deliver us on a platter to the evils of the crooked UN! UAP, ON, DLP, A1, RUA, and so many more informed and honest groups that would honestly represent Australians!
Here we go The Powers that be trying find a way to save face ( knowing they were wrong and knew it all along and were complicate via their UN,WHO, WEF associations ) and now need to shift blame /focus ( the blood upon their hands) to be washed away and act like it never happened . The Great Reset and it was not by accident . THis was planned to cripple the western worlds economy (USA in particular) and to oust Trump.
Year three of World War III on the human race kicks off, Great Reset-style.
How silly and brave are we who stick our heads above the trenches to call out the fake global “Emergency “ enforced by our governments and the MSM.
By now it should be clear. Controlled opposition is a sinister part of the furniture.
You can pile wise words words upon wise words. You can add yet another moral plan to the mountain of discarded moral plans.
But controlled opposition ensures nothing changes.
As the formidable Dr Mike Yeadon says, “Collectively we need to do something unexpected”.
There remain spiritually unexpected ways to halt Mr Globalist’s nihilistic advance. The bible describes today’s battle and ultimate outcome.
Oh, and in the era before the west threw out God, General Douglas MacArhur recognised (in his speech when the defeated Japanese signed for peace in Tokyo Bay at the close of World War II) it was a spiritual battle between good and evil. “There needs to be a spiritual recrudescence”, he said.
This still remains the the overriding message for our time.
“A pandemic of the unvaccinated”
“Come forward”
“90% of people were un-boostered”
“Build Back Better” “safe and effective” “will stop you being hospitalised”
Any more that I’ve forgotten that are from the globalist script writers?
“Safe and effective”
“Will stop you being hospitalised”
Boris Johnson just said up to 90% of people in intensive care had yet to receive a booster vaccine.
Well how far have we come from this being a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”?
Let’s see how long it takes for the local politician hacks to mimic the same slogan.
Because we are all by now aware that all globalist politicians read from the same hymn book.
One wonders how many people missed the point here that they had already had the first Two damaging and dangerous jabs injections. The corrupted and deeply deeply conflicted mainstream media empires in Australia do that sickening spin doctor tactic too.
WORLD DOCTORS ASSOCIATION President announces Covid is a seasonal infection and all of the Lockdowns and Masks and Vaccines are OVER !!!! Politicians of the world you are all in BIG TROUBLE
The primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction by mainstream media
Dangerous Dan’s Red Shirts Scam coming to bite him
The Queen of Australia is unlawful
Dr David Martin Canada Trudeau’s illegal monopoly acuitas crispr NWO and Australia
Secret Network of covid 19 co-conspirators revealed Here’s how they rolled out the covid tyranny so quickly – World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab
Australian Federal Government/Australian Federal Police attack unarmed civilians with microwave weapons
Australian Federal Police likely deployed the ADS Heat Ray and the LRAD acoustic device against Canberra Protesters
LRAD was used look at Commissioner’s response in senate hearings and at least 10000 photos of it
Did Australian Police use Sonic Weapons against innocent civilians protesting against Government tyranny
Political Police may never be reigned in
All our War Veterans will be writhing in their graves to see these tyrannical governments crimes against innocent populations aka crimes against humanity. Trudeau’s cowardly police continue brutalizing innocent populations
Dom Perrotet is talking about Hazzardous ‘targeted restrictions’ next year. What he really means is that if you fail to be dangerously boostered then, you’ll be targeted by the state and employers and cheered on by the media. It’s time for Liberal party members to “Primary Hazzard” so as to save the slender man.
Ministers from around Australia are demanding that their slaves “come forward” for booster and vaccine shots. Clot Morrison said vaccines were not compulsory whilst failing to support Craig Kelly and George Christiansen’s private members bills. Instead Clot Morrison chose to vote together with ALP.
The ALP isn’t the opposition. Clot Morrison is opposed to the Australian people.
“Come Forward” has a very dark connotation. It’s one of supposed guilt. One is asked by police to come forward if allegedly involved in a hit and run car collision.
Pol Pot asked all academics to “come forward” to help rebuild Democratic Kampuchea. They came forward and were murdered. If one comes forward for a booster might they also be signing their own death certificates? Real non-big pharma independent scientists might know more than the fake-stream media is telling us? Come forward also indicates your complicity and acquiescence to potentially dangerous clinical trial medical procedure. Satan wants his subjects to come forward and willingly take his serum (mark of the beast).
Quote: “The plan should also set out very clearly the full extent of federal and State powers and their agreed roles, so that there can be no obfuscation or evasions on these points.”
I agree, wasn’t that the objective of the National Leader’s Cabinet?
Of course it is a cabinet in name only and does not have the discipline required of cabinet ministers in a government, it is apparently modelled on the Keating Labor COAG (Council Of Australian Governments) that was created to provide a forum for State, Territory and Federal government leaders, and to try and gain cooperation and coordination for the sake of our nation?
From my perspective the NLC forum has reached agreement on many subjects and issues but certain Premiers have not adhered to what was decided. They appear to be placing party politics well ahead of the people they are supposed to represent and look after our interests, govern for us. The Labor Premiers have blatantly played politics targeting the Prime Minister and Coalition Government that he leads.
However, they can get away with it because they can, State Emergency Powers for example legislated in State Parliaments and carried out by State public service employees such as Department of Health and Police.
Interstate border closures were challenged in court and the courts decided that interstate border closures were permissible under the circumstances prevailing, the pandemic. Yet people still question why the Federal Government has not opened interstate borders?
If one were in a war combat zone? All you had in your kit were grenades. You asked your superior where’s my M16? Response was:
No you can only have grenades!
But we know M16s work in warfare. Answer: if it’s not a grenade you can’t have it. Reply: How are we meant to save lives of our troops? Answer: ONLY by using grenades. Reply: We know M16s and body armour will save the lives of our troops. Answer: Those weapons are NOT approved by the High Command; if you use anything else to fight the enemy EXCEPT for grenades, then you’ll be court-marshalled. I just wanted to save our troops from the enemy!
Answer: You must use only grenades and definitely NO body armour.
This is how big-pharma has hijacked the plandemic. If your medicine against the virus doesn’t come out of an expensive big-pharma syringe = Do NOT use
From early April 2020 to early May 2020 everything they have done has been based on lies and ‘science’ cast in stone. In early April 2020 Ivermectin was stated in peer review reports to be a safe, effective and cheap drug to treat the symptoms of the WuFlu. These reports stated Ivermectin killed coronavirus in the body within 48 hours in over 87% of the population. These findings have been supported in hundreds of other peer reviewed papers and trials since. Safe, effective, cheap and available. This one drug was enough to undermine all the talk of a medical emergency.
Remember, hospitals and morgues would not be able to cope. That was shown to be another lie when the fantastical modelling of the pretend epidemiologist Neil Ferguson were shown to be gross exaggerations. This was not the first time Ferguson’s modelling had been shown up as horrendously wrong. Every time he modelled he was wrong, once by a factor of 400,000 (not a typo). And yet the Politicians and their hapless ‘experts’ stuck to the original egregiously wrong figures even when actually studies coming from Germany showed a potential fatality rate of .037%, not the 3.4% the WHO were touting based on Ferguson’s rubbish figures.
There was no pandemic, the figures in May 2020 were showing that, and have since been reinforced over and over from around the world. There was no basis for any type of ‘medical emergency’ allowing the introduction of tyrannous laws and, there was absolutely no justification for the introduction of experimental gene therapy pretending to be vaccines under an emergency use order for all the reasons stated above.
We cannot decide what the next response might look like until those who introduced their tyrannous and draconian legislation on us, who kicked the Constitution into the long grass are brought to justice and pay for their crimes against the Australian people. At State and Federal level and, with luck, a lot from the media.
Spot On. Ivermectin and HCQ peer-reviewed and found to be 100% effective to kill virus also prevent virus to take hold. The lies surrounding it all are plans from the UN, WHO, WEF with many world leaders and power brokers all signed-up to the Agenda 21 NWO. They have been complicit in it and they have also been very sloppy. Now how can anyone still think that a virus (flu) spread the world over all at once yet somehow avoided the Taliban?????